How to set MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds in Knative? - kubernetes

I have deployed a service using Cloud run on gke which uses Knative as an abstraction over k8s. The default MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds is set to 600s in the knative default config but according to this PR this is customizable.
I couldn't find anything in the official Knative documentation, can anybody help me out here?
After digging a bit more in knative source code and documentation. It looks like that the MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds is defined in resource=ConfigMap/config-defaults. So have to update it with custom value.
From this it looks like we can use something called as operator to modify the ConfigMap resource but it did not work probably because gcp's does not use operator to install Knative components. Anyways I went on to install the operator and then used resource=knativeserving to overwrite the config-defaults. But this also did not work when I tried re-deploying service.
The next solution is to directly edit the config-defaults using kubectl edit. I even tried doing this but encountered weird behavior. After editing the YAML file when I used kubectl describe to check the changed value, it sometimes shows the modified value, sometimes shows the old value, and sometimes doesn't even show that particular key-value pair in the YAML. Also, it doesn't work when trying to re-deploy the service after doing this edit.
If anyone can help me with this, it would be really great.

MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds is a cluster-global setting which enforces the max value for TimeoutSeconds on each Revision. This value exists so that cluster administrators can set upper bounds on the amount of time a single HTTP request can be in the system. Knowing an upper bound can be useful when configuring graceful shutdown settings on the HTTP routing components to prevent dropped requests during upgrades.
It's possible that Cloud Run on GKE has overridden these configurations so that they can upgrade the underlying Istio and Knative components on a predictable schedule. (If you have a 10% upgrade budget and it takes 10m to drain a component, your minimum upgrade time is probably around 110m, taking into account additional scheduling / image fetch / startup time.)


Show more logs in kubernetes dashboard

I am using the official kubernetes dashboard in Version kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.4.0 to manage my cluster and I've noticed that, when I select a pod and look into the logs, the length of the displayed logs is quite short. It's like 50 lines or something?
If an exception occurs, the logs are pretty much useless because the original cause is hidden by lots of other lines. I would have to download the logs or shell to the kubernetes server and use kubectl logs in order to see whats going on.
Is there any way to configure the dashboard in a way so that more lines of logs get displayed?
AFAIK, it is not possible with kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.4.0. On the list of dashboard arguments that allow for customization, there is no option to change the amount of logs displayed.
As a workaround you can use Prometheus + Grafana combination or ELK kibana as separate dashboards with logs/metrics, however depending on the size and scope of your k8s cluster it might be overkill. There are also alternative k8s opensource dashboards such as skooner (formerly known as k8dash), however I am not sure if it offers more workload logs visibility.
If anyone is interested: As the feature that i was looking for does not exist yet, i have submitted a feature request in GitHub. You can see it here:

Why does deleting a kubernetes namespace take so long?

I'm attempting to write some integration tests that setup a deployment and an ingress and then make web requests, effectively curl commands, against the ingress to test the configuration of the ingress. Backends and services are also created to gaurantee that the ingress is correctly routing and proxying to the backends.
However, tear down of the setup, to run a new set of tests is slow. By 'teardown' here I mean I simply delete the namespace in which all of these deployments live. This can take quite a while. Why is that? And what are the best ways to quickly tear down such a setup?
Kubernetes works largely through controllers, which loop endlessly looking for small pieces of work to do (like schedule a pod somewhere, unschedule a pod, remove an ingress route, etc); this makes it highly reliable but sometimes comes at the cost of relatively high latency for your operations. Namespace deletions require bringing down all the resources in a cluster, which requires a lot of small steps and therefore can take a while to finish.
There is a --force option for kubectl delete, but it comes with some scary-sounding warnings:
--force=false: If true, immediately remove resources from API and
bypass graceful deletion. Note that immediate deletion of some
resources may result in inconsistency or data loss and requires
So, this probably isn't advisable as a regular thing to do (perhaps someone more familiar with its behavior can add on to this).
Another option is to let the delete proceed asynchronously and just not block your CI jobs on it. The --wait=false flag (by default, set to true) will make sure the request is entered successfully but won't block kubectl from exiting while the delete actually happens. Your namespace will enter the Terminating state and eventually get deleted (unless something prevents it from coming down).
kubectl delete namespace my-test-namespace-1 --wait=false
This does mean that your next CI run may find the namespace is still there. To avoid a conflict, you could use a random suffix or incrementing counter for the namespace's name.

What are the benefits of helm?

Okay you can easy install application but where is the benefit compared to normal .yaml files from Kubernetes?
Can someone give me a example where it is useful to use helm and why normal Kubernetes is not sufficient?
Also a confrontation for helm and Kubernetes would be nice.
With Helm, a set of resources (read as Kubernetes manifests) logically define a release - and you need to treat this group of resources as a single unit.
A simple example on why this is necessary: Imagine an application bundle that has, let's say, 10 kubernetes objects in total. On the next release, due to the changes in the app, now 1 of the resources is not needed anymore - there are 9 objects in total. How would I roll out this new release? If I simply do kubectl apply -f new_release/, that wouldn't take care of the deletion of that 1 resource that is not needed anymore. This means, I cannot roll upgrades that doesn't need manual intervention. Helm takes care of this.
Helm also keeps a history of releases with their exact set of resources, so you can rollback to a previous release with a single command, in case things go wrong.
Also, one of the things you need often is templating your resources - imagine you want to deploy multiple instances of the same exact application. What would you do?
Kubernetes doesn't offer many options to tackle this problem - one solution is to use different namespaces: Don't specify namespace in the manifests, but give it in the command, such as kubectl apply -n my_namespace -f resources/, but what if you want to deploy two of this instances on the same namespace? Then you need some kind of name/label/selector templating, and Helm takes care of that.
These are some examples for the use cases that Helm addresses.

Kubernetes rolling update vs set image

After some intense google and SO search i couldn't find any document that mentions both rolling update and set image, and can stress the difference between the two.
Can anyone shed light? When would I rather use either of those?
EDIT: It's worth mentioning that i'm already working with deployments (rather than replication controller directly) and that I'm using yaml configuration files. It would also be nice to know if there's a way to perform any of those using configuration files rather than direct commands.
In older k8s versions the ReplicationController was the only resource to manage a group of replicated pods. To update the pods of a ReplicationController you use kubectl rolling-update.
Later, k8s introduced the Deployment which manages ReplicaSet resources. The Deployment could be updated via kubectl set image.
Working with Deployment resources (as you already do) is the preferred way. I guess the ReplicationController and its rolling-update command are mainly still there for backward compatibility.
UPDATE: As mentioned in the comments:
To update a Deployment I used kubectl patch as it could also change things like adding new env vars whereas kubectl set image is rather limited and can only change the image version. Also note, that patch can be applied to all k8s resources and is not restricted to be used with a Deployment.
Later, I shifted my deployment processes to use helm - a really neat and k8s native package management tool. Can highly recommend to have a look at it.

Is there a way to make kubectl apply restart deployments whose image tag has not changed?

I've got a local deployment system that is mirroring our production system. Both are deployed by calling kubectl apply -f deployments-and-services.yaml
I'm tagging all builds with the current git hash, which means that for clean deploys to GKE, all the services have a new docker image tag which means that apply will restart them, but locally to minikube the tag is often not changing which means that new code is not run. Before I was working around this by calling kubectl delete and then kubectl create for deploying to minikube, but as the number of services I'm deploying has increased, that is starting to stretch the dev cycle too far.
Ideally, I'd like a better way to tell kubectl apply to restart a deployment rather than just depending on the tag?
I'm curious how people have been approaching this problem.
Additionally, I'm building everything with bazel which means that I have to be pretty explicit about setting up my build commands. I'm thinking maybe I should switch to just delete/creating the one service I'm working on and leave the others running.
But in that case, maybe I should just look at telepresence and run the service I'm dev'ing on outside of minikube all together? What are best practices here?
I'm not entirely sure I understood your question but that may very well be my reading comprehension :)
In any case here's a few thoughts that popped up while reading this (again not sure what you're trying to accomplish)
Option 1: maybe what you're looking for is to scale down and back up, i.e. scale your deployment to say 0 and then back up, given you're using configmap and maybe you only want to update that, the command would be kubectl scale --replicas=0 -f foo.yaml and then back to whatever
Option 2: if you want to apply the deployment and not kill any pods for example, you would use the cascade=false (google it)
Option 3: lookup the rollout option to manage deployments, not sure if it works on services though
Finally, and that's only me talking, share some more details like which version of k8s are you using? maybe provide an actual use case example to better describe the issue.
Kubernetes, only triggers a deployment when something has changed, if you have image pull policy to always you can delete your pods to get the new image, if you want kube to handle the deployment you can update the kubernetes yaml file to container a constantly changing metadata field (I use seconds since epoch) which will trigger a change. Ideally you should be tagging your images with unique tags from your CI/CD pipeline with the commit reference they have been built from. this gets around this issue and allows you to take full advantage of the kubernetes rollback feature.