Custom Icon for Gnome Shell Extension in Top Panel not visible - gio

I try to use a custom SVG for my GNOME shell extension as status icon in top panel. But the custom icon is never shown, just the widget's label text. And I find no error in log output.
When I try to set a build-in icon like "system-search-symbolic" it works, this icon is shown.
This is my code snippet (the SVG is in an "icons" directory of my extension: /home/myusername/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/my-widget#my-widgets/icons/timeclock-16x16.svg):
// ...
let widgetBoxLayout = new St.BoxLayout();
let iconPath = `${Me.path}/icons/timeclock-16x16.svg`;
// just for debug if path is correct
log(`${}: Icon path=${iconPath}`);
let gicon = Gio.icon_new_for_string(`${iconPath}`);
let icon = new St.Icon({ gicon: gicon, style_class: 'system-status-icon', icon_size: 16 });
// this works for build-in icon:
//let icon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'system-search-symbolic', style_class: 'system-status-icon'});
Maybe it's a problem that there is an "#" char in icon path?
But why no error is logged?
What is the correct code to use a custom icon for status panel?
(I have GNOME Shell 3.30.2)

Oh no! This one of these "fight for weeks alone, finally ask the crowd, suddenly know the solution yourself" cases ...
The icon was actually visible but since I use a dark theme and the icon itself is also dark it was not "visible". I inverted the colors of this icon and now I can see the icon next to my text in top panel.
Now I have to find out which icon to use depending on user's theme, but the original issue is solved.
Maybe this answer helps other developer making same stupid error.

You need to use -symbolic icons to allow automatic theme aware re-colorization of the icons. Just change the file name of the icon to timeclock-symbolic.svg, at least this should be your first step if every other aspect is fine.


How to change the image of my java app icon

I have searched for an answer to this question in many places, but none of the answers satisfies what I really want. There are variations of the solution, but they all go along the lines of the code I have below:
MainFrame() {
ImageIcon logo = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("file_path"));
//the rest of my code
public static void main(String[] args){
MainFrame mf = new MainFrame();
Basically, load an image or an image icon from a file, and then call the setIconImage() method from the JFrame. This sets the icon image in the title bar of the window, and also the icon image in the task bar when the app is active. But it does not set the icon image of the app icon. In order to show you more clearly what I mean, please see the image I attached, where I circled the three icons. The one with the Java coffee cup is the one I haven't been able to change.
the taskbar, my app, and the window of my app
Can somebody help me set the image of the app icon itself (not just the task bar and title bar icons)?
I was not able change the image of the jar file itself as it sits inside a directory, as shown in the image attached to my question. However, I was able was to set the icon image of the .exe file when I packaged it with jpackage.
Basically, once I was ready to package my app I entered in Command Prompt, making sure to include the --icon option:
jpackage --input C:\app_files\MyApp --name MyApp --main-jar myapp.jar --main-class main.MainThread --icon C:\app_files\MyApp\logo.ico --win-shortcut --dest C:\Users\Desktop\Apps --runtime-image C:\app_files\my_jre
Note: Here, at least for Windows 10, the icon image must be an .ico file.

Why does the MacMenuBarExtra label only work for sf symbol images and text?

I'm using a MacMenuBarExtra for my macOS app, however, I can't seem to make any view that's not a sf symbol image or text render properly. Here is the code I am using in my app file and if you run it, you'll see that no icon shows in the menu bar. I want to create a dynamic icon which will show up there, does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
MenuBarExtra {
} label: {

Flutter | how to add custom Icons in Mapbox's markers/symbol

I was wondering how one could use his own icons in a Flutter-Mapbox plugins' marker?
There's no default marker icon (no provided icon - no marker),
and there's not enough documentation on how to use a custom image.
adding a symbol (marker) is as follows:
geometry:LatLng(0.0, 0.0), // location is 0.0 on purpose for this example
iconImage: "pin"
whereas the IconImage, a String, is the field which should contain the data about the icon (obviously), but the given example repository doesn't clarify the needed parameters (url, path etc.).
Providing a path to the assets doesn't work (unlike other widgets). In the example, they provide the IconImage field the value airport-15, and when running the app, it actually works, but I can't seem to find the resources' location (it's not in #drawables or my assets folder, or any other place in the project)
You have to create a custom style on using MapBox Studio.
Create a new dataset if not already exist
Create tileset
Create new style & select customize basic template
Create new layer, give it a name for example my_sym and add newly created datasource
Then click on type & change it to symbol
Now click on my_sym two times. (first one will close the option menu & second one will open a new menu with symbol properties
Click on icon tab & select new icon. You can also upload your own svg icon.
Click on publish
Click on share it will show you the urls.
Copy the type of url & set styleString property.
For more info follow steps here
API reference:
As of release 0.0.5 it will be possible to load custom icon images for your markers. The idea is to add the icon image to your assets folder (for example: assets/symbols/custom-icon.png). If you specify this image as an asset in your pubspec.yaml and set the iconImage in the SymbolOptions to this path it will be loaded automatically.
Regarding the airport-15, this is an icon provided by the Android implementation of the plugin. It is part of the Maki Icons used in Mapbox. Because these icons are part of the Android implementation you will not find as a Flutter asset or an Android resource of the example app.

Template10 overwriting Windows Mobile System Header

Doing some testing with Template10 I noticed that with say Hamburger Template that the windows system header/menu/whatever its called at the very top of my Windows Mobile 10 screen goes white and none of the icons (time, battery level, wifi signal etc) are visible when the light theme is used but they appear if I use the black theme.
If I use the Minimal Template then the system menu isn't visible with either the dark or light themes, its just a white band at the top.
Any idea on how to fix this? I'm running a 950XL if that matters.
That is a function of the theming and you need to account for it with the application being "mobile". The so called "System Menu" is the StatusBar
I added this to the OnInitializeAsync in the App.xaml.cs file
if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.Phone.PhoneContract", 1, 0))
var statusBar = StatusBar.GetForCurrentView();
statusBar.BackgroundOpacity = 1;
and that seems to fix the problem. Not sure how portable this is as I'm just targeting Windows Phone for this app so I haven't tried testing other platforms.

Gtk menu with icons

This is critical part of my run-time created menu:
GtkWidget *menu, *menu_item;
menu = gtk_menu_new();
menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label("Uredi...");
//approach1 - icon don't work
//gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(menu_item), gtk_image_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU));
//approach2 - icon also don't work
gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(menu_item), GTK_WIDGET(gtk_image_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU)));
gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), menu_item);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(menu_RELEASE), (gpointer)"");
gtk_menu_attach_to_widget(GTK_MENU(menu), button, NULL);
Menu works OK but this is only one "imagemenuitem" on which I see label but don't see image.
What can be wrong here?
Gtk2, Ubuntu 11.10
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe icons in menus and buttons are no longer enabled by default. You need to turn them on to make them show up.
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons true
Or using dconf:
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/menus-have-icons true
Hey pretty old question so probably not much use. But I was having a very similar problem with a menu not showing images (in my case it was popup menu triggered by a button).
The way I solved it was calling the
This solved my problem, now my images always show :D woot :) As passing in 1 (true) means it will always show.