WebSocket Networking Plugin Unreal Engine v4.22.3 - plugins

how can I add WebSocket Networking Plugin into Unreal v 4.22.3?
I know is already listed with the other plugins in other Unreal versions, but looks is not included in this version ( 4.22.3 )
Any help?


Unreal Engine 4.27.2 from source oculus-vr, Avatar blueprint error

After fork the unreal engine 4.27.2 sourece from github, build the ue4 and try to run the project "movementsample. but the error happened form the avatar blueprint. I'm new to unreal engine, so not sure what's the problem and how to solve. Has anyone had the same problem as me or solved it?
I tried to re-create blueprint but is's to hard for me to to it...

Microsoft.MixedReality.QR is nonexistent despite NuGet installation

I am working on a project in MixedReality using mainly MRTK and its features. I found out that MRTK can use QR codes to read data, and I wanted to use it and try multiples ideas.
The problem is that, currently, is seems any QR feature is nonexistent in my project.
I Installed the NuGet package Microsoft.MixedReality.QR and its corresponding Microsoft.VCRTForwarders.14 package, as indicated in
But anything I try in code, from my project, will tell me in the console window that the namespace could not be found, and all cascading items (properties, classes, functions) could not be found either, none of them.
It is weird since everything should be installed and up to date ( I verified this directly in Visual Studio and everything is there).
Any kind of help would be much appreciated, thanks !
For Unity projects, you need to import NuGet for Unity to install Mixed Reality QR NuGet package. Meanwhile the tutorial you are referring is not an official document. Some types/classes are defined by the author and are not included in Microsoft.MixedReality.QR namespace.
Please refer to the new QR sample on https://github.com/yl-msft/QRTracking and all the C# API references are listed on QR Code tracking API reference
I've been developing an app that uses QRcode on the hololens as well. I ran into that issue before, and the console seemed to throw that error for me because I was using the wrong version of the MRTK services in the Microsoft Mixed Reality Feature Tool. I would recommend using version 2.6.1 for all your services. Do you by any chance have a problem where "QR tracking is not supported" for the Unity Project you are building?

Watson speech-to-text getting disconnected immediately on Unity

I am using the latest unity SDK 2.12.0 and Unity 2017.4.
My unity project is available here:
Please note that you will need an IBM Apikey to access the API functionality.
I followed the following video tutorial for setting up the SDK:
While running the ExampleStreaming sample as shown in the video, I'm getting the following log:
[SpeechToText.SendStart()][DEBUG] SendStart() with the following params: {"action":"start","content-type":"audio/l16;rate=22050;channels=1;","inactivity_timeout":-1,"interim_results":true,"max_alternatives":0,"profanity_filter":false,"smart_formatting":true,"speaker_labels":false,"timestamps":true,"word_confidence":true
[SpeechToText.OnListenClosed()][DEBUG] OnListenClosed(), State = DISCONNECTED
[SpeechToText.KeepAlive()][DEBUG] KeepAlive exited.
I have thoroughly searched for this issue. Seems like many people have faced a similar issue, but none of the posts have a satisfactory solution. Can anyone help me with this?
This has to do with the move to TLS 1.2. Only Unity 2018.2 and above support TLS 1.2 using .NET 4.x equivalent Scripting Runtime Version. https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/unity-sdk#streaming-outside-of-us-south-region
Since you are using Unity 2017.4 you will need to create your Speech to Text instance in US South (Dallas). This is the only region that still supports TLS 1.0.
Alternatively, you can update to Unity 2018.2 or above and switch to Scripting Runtime Version .NET 4.x equivalent.

Ionic Angular js IDE

Is there an IDE like Xcode to develop cross platform apps using ionic? I played with creator.ionic.io but they charge 40$ per month for the complete app development. Can you suggest some open source IDEs? Basically I wanted something similar to ionic where I can drag and drop objects to build the UI
I had come across the same problem when i started at first and found some suggestions from ionic official website.
I copied contents here for convenience.
Visual Studio Code
VS Code is a new editor that comes with support for ES6 syntax, as well as TypeScript support. It will also prompt users to include TypeScript definition files and download them from Definitely Typed. Visual Studio Code is free and works on OS X, Windows, and Linux.
Atom is cross platform editor built on web technologies. Atom has many plugins to make ES6/TypeScript development very easy. If there isn't something provided by Atom or a plugin, you can even make a plugin yourself, using JavaScript. Atom works on OS X, Windows, and Linux.
WebStorm is a paid IDE that provides many features, such as advanced refactoring support, automatic compilation of code, and gulp/grunt/webpack support. Out of the box, WebStorm comes with support for ES6 and TypeScript, as well as Angular and Ionic syntax support.
ALM is a free open source IDE built for typescript development, it can be run on any computer running chrome and can be hosted on a server and used on any computer with internet access.
Angular IDE by Webclipse
Angular IDE is a freemium IDE built for Angular 2 and TypeScript development providing integrated terminal support helping with node and npm management. Out of the box, Angular IDE includes code completion and validation for ES6, TypeScript, and Angular 2 HTML templates.
Personally i am using "Brackets" its open source as well and really good.
I think community gets totally confused about the OP's question here.He is asking not about an IDE for developing Ionic apps.He is asking the IDE like an Ionic creator.Which is the IDE anyone can create ionic apps without writing a code.
What is an Ionic Creator? See here.
Creator is a simple drag-&-drop tool for going from idea to App
Store, with just the drag of a mouse.
There is no such free and open source tool but the price you have mentioned is not correct with the official Ionic creator. It is $24/mo.You can see details here.
$24/mo for individuals
Unlimited Projects
Private Projects
In-Tool Code Editing
Basic & Native Exporting
Creator Mobile App
By using above tool you can create Ionic 1 apps only.There is no support for Ionic 2 yet. You can see the Roadmap of Ionic 2 creator here.

MonoGame xna to ios examples?

I've been trying to figure out how to do this port and I need a walk-through. A detailed soup to nuts example would be great. [Edit] I should add that I want to port a WP7 game...
Each target platform is handled differently
Maybe some videos would help
This one ports to Android http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF0sm5KGPPM
this one ports to win 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ycmeVYm_gI
It might help installing the installer, (it installs the templates for VS and other sutff)