Get max term and number - scala

I did a map reduce which counts the terms of book titles and counts them using scala. I want to output both the term and the number but only get the number using:
println("max term :" +wordCount.reduce( (a,b)=> ("max", a._2 max b._2))._2)
I was wondering how I also include the term.
Thank you
("The", 5)
("Of", 8)
("is", 10)
my current code gives me the maximum number but I don't know how to get the term in.
Initial code:
val inputPR2Q1
val inputPR2Q1 = sc.textFile("/root/pagecounts-20160101-000000")
val titlecolumn = => line.split(" ")(1))
val wordCount = titlecolumn.flatMap(line => line.split("_")).map(word => (word,1)).reduceByKey(_ + _);
Here I just take a file containing book titles with other data. I take book titles alone and do a MapReduce to count and sum each term in the titles separately.

Use .sortBy with ascending=false and take(1) on RDD
map(line => line.split(" ")(1)).
flatMap(line => line.split("_")).
map(word => (word,1)).
reduceByKey(_ + _).

I would suggest you take a look to the scaladoc.
You can just use sortBy.
val (maxTerm, count) = wordCount.sortBy(_._2, ascending = false).take(1).head


Word count using map reduce on Seq[String]

I have a Seq which contains randomly generated words.
I want to calculate the occurrence count of each word using map reduce.
Now, I have been able to map the words against a value 1 and grouped them together by words.
val mapValues = => (word, 1))
val groupedData = mapValues.groupBy(_._1)
However, I am not sure how to use the reduce function on groupedData to get the count.
I tried this -
groupedData.reduce((x, y) => x._2.reduce((x, y) => x._2) + y._2.reduce((l, r) => l._2))
but it's riddled with errors.

Scala: write a MapReduce progam to find a word that follows a word [Homework]

I have a homework assignment where I must write a MapReduce program in Scala to find, for each word in the file which word that follows the most.
For example, for the word "basketball", the word "is" comes next 5 times, "has" 2 times, and "court" 1 time.
In a text file this might show up as:
basketball is..... (this sequence happens 5 times)
basketball has..... (this sequence happens 2 times)
basketball court.... (this sequence happens 1 time)
I am having a hard time conceptually figuring out how to do this.
The idea I have had but have not been able to successfully implement is
Iterate through each word, if the word is basketball, take the next word and add it to a map. Reduce by key, and sort from highest to lowest.
Unfortunately I do not know how to take the next next word in a list of words.
For example, i would like to do something like this
val lines = spark.textFile("basketball_words_only.txt") // process lines in file
// split into individual words
val words = lines.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
var listBuff = new ListBuffer[String]() // a list Buffer to hold each following word
val it = Iterator(words)
while (it.hasNext) {
listBuff += // <-- this is what I would like to do
val follows = => (word, 1))
val count = follows.reduceByKey((x, y) => x + y) // another issue as I cannot reduceByKey with a listBuffer
val sort = count.sortBy(_._2,false,1)
val result2 = sort.collect()
for (i <- 0 to result2.length - 1) {
printf("%s follows %d times\n", result1(2)._1, result2(i)._2);
Any help would be appreciated. If I am over thinking this I am open to different ideas and suggestions.
Here's one way to do it using MLlib's sliding function:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd.RDDFunctions._
val resRDD = textFile.
map{ case Array(x, y) => ((x, y), 1) }.
reduceByKey(_ + _).
map{ case ((x, y), c) => (x, y, c) }.
sortBy( z => (z._1, z._3, z._2), false )

Spark Split RDD into chunks and concatenate

I have a relatively simple problem.
I have an large Spark RDD[String] (containing JSON). In my use case I want to group (concatenate) N strings together into a new RDD[String], so that it will have the size of oldRDD.size/N.
pseudo example:
val oldRDD : RDD[String] = ['{"id": 1}', '{"id": 2}', '{"id": 3}', '{"id": 4}']
val newRDD : RDD[String] = someTransformation(oldRDD, ",", 2)
newRDD = ['{"id": 1},{"id": 2}','{"id": 3},{"id": 4}']
val anotherRDD : RDD[String] = someTransformation(oldRDD, ",", 3)
anotherRDD = ['{"id": 1},{"id": 2},{"id": 3}','{"id": 4}']
I already looked for a similar case, but couldnt find anything.
Here you have to use zipWithIndex function and then calculate group.
For example, index = 3 and n (number of groups) = 2 gives you 2nd group. 3 / 2 = 1 (integer divide), so 0-based 2nd group
val n = 3;
val newRDD1 = oldRDD.zipWithIndex() // creates tuples (element, index)
// map to tuple (group, content)
.map(x => (x._2 / n, x._1))
// merge
.reduceByKey(_ + ", " + _)
// remove key
.map(x => x._2)
One note: order of "zipWithIndex" is internal order. It can make no sense in business logic, you must check if order is ok in your case. If not, sort RDD and then use zipWithIndex

How to replace RDD type of [String] with values of RDD type [String, Int]

Sorry for the confusion in the initial question. Here is a questions with the reproducible example:
I have an rdd of [String] and I have a rdd of [String, Long]. I would like to have an rdd of [Long] based on the match of String of second with String of first. Example:
//Create RDD
val textFile = sc.parallelize(Array("Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks",
"This code estimates pi by throwing darts at a circle"))
// tokenize, result: RDD[(String)]
val words = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
// create index of distinct words, result: RDD[(String,Long)]
val indexWords = words.distinct().zipWithIndex()
As a result, I would like to have an RDD with indexes of words instead of words in "Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks".
Sorry again and thanks
If I understand you correctly, you're interested in the indices of works that also appear in Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks.
If so - here are two versions with identical outputs but different performance characteristics:
val lookupWords: Seq[String] = "Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks".split(" ")
// option 1 - use join:
val lookupWordsRdd: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(lookupWords).keyBy(w => w)
val result1: RDD[Long] = indexWords.join(lookupWordsRdd).map { case (key, (index, _)) => index }
// option 2 - assuming list of lookup words is short, you can use a non-distributed version of it
val result2: RDD[Long] = indexWords.collect { case (key, index) if lookupWords.contains(key) => index }
The first option creates a second RDD with the words whose indices we're interested in, uses keyBy to transform it into a PairRDD (with key == value!), joins it with your indexWords RDD and then maps to get the index only.
The second option should only be used if the list of "interesting words" is known not to be too large - so we can keep it as a list (and not RDD), and let Spark serialize it and send to workers for each task to use. We then use collect(f: PartialFunction[T, U]) which applies this partial function to get a "filter" and a "map" at once - we only return a value if the words exists in the list, and if so - we return the index.
I was getting an error of SPARK-5063 and given this answer, I found the solution to my problem:
//broadcast `indexWords`
val bcIndexWords = sc.broadcast(indexWords.collectAsMap)
// select `value` of `indexWords` given `key`
val result ={arr => arr.split(" ").map(elem => bcIndexWords.value(elem))}
res373: Array[Long] = Array(3, 7, 14, 6, 17, 15, 0, 12)

word count(frequency) spark rdd scala

if I have an rdd accross cluster and I want to do the word count
not only count the appear times,
I want to get the frequency, which is defined as count/total count
What is the best and efficient way to do so in scala?
How can I do reduction job and calculate total number at the same time within one workflow?
BTW I know purely word count can be done in this way.
text_file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...")
counts = text_file.flatMap(lambda line: line.split(" ")) \
.map(lambda word: (word, 1)) \
.reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b)
but what is the difference if I use aggregate? in terms of spark job workflow
val result = pairs
.aggregate(Map[String, Int]())((acc, pair) =>
acc ++ Map[String, Int]((pair._1, acc(pair._1)+1))
acc ++ Map[String, Int]((pair._1, pair._2))
(a, b) =>
(a.toSeq ++ b.toSeq)
.mapValues( + _))
You can use this
val total = => x._2).sum()
val freq = => (x._1, x._2/total))
There exists also the concept of Accumulator which is a write-only variable and you could use it to avoid using the sum() action, but your code would need a lot of change.