In Flutter, is there a diference if I place my methods inside or outside a widget's build method? - flutter

I'm starting with Flutter and got some questions about where is the right place to put my methods, inside or outside the widget's build method?
I have my Widget and create a method showText. Is there a diference if I place this method inside the widget's build method or outside it(as a method of the class itself)?
It seems to work either way.

If you have some reusable piece of code, consider outsourcing it into its own Widget.
If that's too much boilerplate, considering helper build-methods is a valid option.
To the Dart compiler, it doesn't really matter where you put these methods, but for less indention and better readability, I recommend putting them inside the class.
Also, consider naming the methods _build.... That makes it clear to readers that they are helper build methods. The underscore also ensures that the analyzer warns you if you change the original build method and the helper method becomes unused.
Here's an example:
class A extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
Widget _buildTitle(BuildContext context) { ... }
Widget _buildContent(BuildContext context) { ... }


why use initState() in flutter, when we can just initailize a variable in the very first line of code

is there a difference in these 3 codes:
First: when i call my function inside onInit().
void onInit() {
Second: when i call my function inside of build method, in stateless widget.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GetMaterialApp(
home: ShoppingPage(),
Third: when i call my function outside of build method, in stateless widget.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GetMaterialApp(
home: ShoppingPage(),
Yes, there is a difference. You can read about flutter widget life cycle to have more details:
Life cycle in flutter
In summary
When you call your method outside of build method (your 3rd example).
This is what is usually recommended when you can do it.
See is there any difference between assigning value to the variable inside of initState or not in Flutter StatefulWidget?
This will be run only once, when the class is created.
Inside the initState (your 1st example)
At this moment, your widget is being created. Some getters are already available, like the context. This method is called only once.
Inside the build method (your 2nd example)
This is usually the worst approach. Your method will be called for each and every build (you can consider 1 build = 1 frame) which can lead to poor performances. It is recommended to move those calls out of the build method when possible (and if it makes sense)
See How to deal with unwanted widget build?
Put it on initState then the function fetchProductsFromAPI will only call first time your widget create
I highly recommend you do not use this approach, because build method will be trigger many time when widget need to rebuild, if you put it there, your app will be fetchProductsFromAPI at a lot of unexpected times.
Example when you need to call setState() for some changes, you don't want to call fetch API
This way will cause compile error, I don't think you can put it there like your code above

Why BuildContext only avaliable in and what is the good way to use it?

I already known that build context can be used in StatefulWidget any where but only in build function when using Stateless Widget. There is so many content in widget need to reference the build context like Theme, showDialog,Navigator,Provider...
For Example, I have some code below in StatelessWidget:
Widget build(BuildContext context){
Widget _getFirstWidget(){
return _getSecondWidget();
Widget _getSecondWidget(){
return _getThirdWidget();
Widget _getThirdWidget(){
// use build context here
If I want to use the build context at the end Widget, I think of 3 ways:
Pass the build context layer by layer
Convert to StatefulWidget
Convert the last widget to a Stateless Widget itself (and use the build context in build)
Why flutter make this restriction in StatelessWidget?
I'm not really sure but I think you want the use the BuildContext from the build method in the function '_getThirdWidget()'. You could just pass it as a parameter like below:
Widget _getThirdWidget(BuildContext context) {
// Use the context here
// Call the function like this in the parent widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _getThirdWidget(context);
Let me know if this answers your question!
If you use the method of adding an argument to use context,
Almost every function needs a context argument
this is stupid behavior
StatelessWidget is inconvenient
I try to use StatelessWidget, but end up using Statefulwidget

Flutter: reusable widget and BuildContext

In a flutter app, let say I have this widget class with multiple widgets inside (ie. just a typical single long Widget build() class with multiple widgets inside). Then these are split into multiple children widgets, with their own classes: As an example,
class Parents extend StatelessWidget{
Widget build(BuildContext context){
return Column{
children: <Widget>[
//Child 1
Container('something inside'),
//Child 2
Container('something inside'),
//Child 3
Container('something inside'),
class Parents extend StatelessWidget{
Widget build(BuildContext context){
return Column{
children: <Widget>[
//Child 1
myContainer('first child'),
//Child 2
myContainer('first child'),
//Child 3
myContainer('first child'),
class myContainer extend StatelessWidget{
Widget build(BuildContext context){
//child reusable widget
return Container{
'something inside'
The question that I have is this Widget build(BuildContext context).
In the above example, I called the myContainer class three times in the parent class. In my mind, it means that the build widget is called four times (one with parent, 3 times from each child).
I mean, I saw a bunch of examples online that above approach is recommended, but is it really a proper way of doing it? I may not understand the flutter completely yet, but since it is a widget tree, would it be more efficient (in terms of performance wise) to simply pass the parent context down to the children? like below:
class myContainer extend StatelessWidget{
final BuildContext parentContext;
Widget build(parentContext){
//child reusable widget
return Container{
'something inside'
Both approaches seem to work but wanted to see if I am way off with my way of thinking. I don't fully understand the mechanism of Context and any clarification would be super appreciated!
Thanks guys!
From the docs:
Each widget has its own BuildContext, which becomes the parent of the
widget returned by the or function.
(And similarly, the parent of any children for RenderObjectWidgets.)
In particular, this means that within a build method, the build
context of the widget of the build method is not the same as the build
context of the widgets returned by that build method. This can lead to
some tricky cases. For example, Theme.of(context) looks for the
nearest enclosing Theme of the given build context. If a build method
for a widget Q includes a Theme within its returned widget tree, and
attempts to use Theme.of passing its own context, the build method for
Q will not find that Theme object. It will instead find whatever Theme
was an ancestor to the widget Q. If the build context for a subpart of
the returned tree is needed, a Builder widget can be used: the build
context passed to the Builder.builder callback will be that of the
Builder itself.
So, this basically means that the BuildContext inside the build() method is actually that of it's parent. Hence, their is no need to explicitly pass it.

Extracting Class Members like Widget Builders to a Different File?

In developing some of the screens for my flutter app, I regularly need to dynamically render widgets based on the state of the screen. For circumstances where it makes sense to create a separate widget and include it, I do that.
However, there are many use cases where what I need to render is not fit for a widget, and leverages existing state from the page. Therefore I use builder methods to render the appropriate widgets to the page. As anyone who uses Flutter knows, that can lead to lengthy code where you need to scroll up/down a lot to get to what you need to work on.
For better maintainability, I would love to move those builder methods into separate files, and then just include them. This would make it much easier to work on specific code widgets rendered and make the screen widget much cleaner.
But I haven't found a proper way to extract that dynamic widget code, which makes use of state, calls to update state, etc. I'm looking for a type of "include" file that would insert code into the main screen and render as if it's part of the core code.
Is this possible? How to achieve?
With the introduction of extension members, I came across this really neat way of achieving exactly what your described!
Say you have a State class defined like this:
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
int cakes;
void initState() {
cakes = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Builder(
builder: (context) => Text('$cakes'),
As you can see, there is a local variable cakes and a builder function. The very neat way to extract this builder now is the following:
extension CakesBuilderExtension on MyWidgetState {
Widget cakesBuilder(BuildContext context) {
return Text('$cakes');
Now, the cakes member can be accessed from the extension even if the extension is placed in another file.
Now, you would update your State class like this (the builder changed):
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
int cakes;
void initState() {
cakes = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Builder(
builder: cakesBuilder,
The cakesBuilder can be referenced from MyWidgetState, even though it is only declared in the CakesBuilderExtension!
The extension feature requires Dart 2.6. This is not yet available in the stable channel, but should be around the end of 2019 I guess. Thus, you need to use the dev or master channels: flutter channel dev or flutter channel master and update the environment constraint in your pubspec.yaml file:
sdk: '>=2.6.0-dev.8.2 <3.0.0'

How to call into a flutter widget's state from the widget

I'm new to dart/flutter and having a little trouble getting my head around communication patterns.
One reoccurring problem is that I keep looking to expose a public method on a widget so it can be called by other widgets.
The problem is with stateful widgets. In these cases, I need to call down to the widgets state to do the actual work.
The problem is that the widget doesn't have a copy of the state.
I have been saving a copy of the state in the widget but of course this throws a warning as it makes the widget mutable.
Let me give a specific example:
I have a specialised menu which can have a set of menu items.
Each are stateful.
When the menu is closing it needs to iterate over the list of menu items that it owns and tell each one to hide (the menu items are not visually contained within the menu so hiding the menu doesn't work).
So the menu has the following code:
class Menu{
closeMenu() {
for (var menuItem in menuItems) {
So that works fine, but of course in the MenuItem class I need to:
class MenuItem {
MenuItemState state;
But of course having the state object stored In the MenuItem is a problem given that MenuItem is meant to be immutable. (It is only a warning so the code works, but its clearly not the intended design pattern).
I could do with seeing more of your code to get a better idea of how to solve your specific issue but it appears that the Flutter documentation will help you in some regard, specifically the section on Lifting state up:
In Flutter, it makes sense to keep the state above the widgets that use it.
Why? In declarative frameworks like Flutter, if you want to change the UI, you have to rebuild it.
…it’s hard to imperatively change a widget from outside, by calling a method on it. And even if you could make this work, you would be fighting the framework instead of letting it help you.
It appears you're trying to fight the framework in your example and that you were correct to be apprehensive about adding public methods to your Widgets. What you need to do is something closer to what's detailed in the documentation (which details all of the new classes etc you'll see below). I've put a quick example together based on this and the use of Provider which makes this approach to state management easy. Here's a Google I/O talk from this year encouraging its use.
void main() {
builder: (context) => MenuModel(),
child: MyApp(),
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// call this when the menu is closed
void onMyMenuClosed(BuildContext context) {
var menuModel = getMyMenuModel(context);
class MenuModel extends ChangeNotifier {
bool _displayItems = false;
void hideMenuItems() {
_displayItems = false;
void showMenuItems() {
_displayItems = true;
Calling hideMenuItems() makes a call to notifyListeners() that'll do just that; notify any listeners of a change which in turn prompts a rebuild of the Widget/s you wrap in a Consumer<MenuModel> Now, when the Widget that displays the menu is rebuilt, it just grabs the appropriate detail from the MenuModel class - the one source of truth for the state. This reduces the number of code paths you'd otherwise have to deal with to one and makes it far easier to see what's happening when you make further changes.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<MenuModel>(
builder: (context, menuModel, child) {
return menuModel._displayItems() ? MenuItemsWidget() : Container();
I recommend you read the entire page on state management.