Commas in SUMMARY icalendar - icalendar

Is it ok to have commas in a summary tag in a ics document?
Because I am using calcurse to load an .ics and it doesn't load the event with summary comma separated.

According to the RFC5545 Specification, Comma's need to be backslashed in that situation. See:
SUMMARY is defined here: as of Value Type: TEXT
TEXT is defined here:
Here is part of the above specification that describes what to do with certain characters if you want to include them in a text value:
; Folded according to description above
ESCAPED-CHAR = ("\\" / "\;" / "\," / "\N" / "\n")
; \\ encodes \, \N or \n encodes newline
; \; encodes ;, \, encodes ,
TSAFE-CHAR = WSP / %x21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-39 / %x3C-5B /
; Any character except CONTROLs not needed by the current
; character set, DQUOTE, ";", ":", "\", ","
Description: If the property permits, multiple TEXT values are
specified by a COMMA-separated list of values.
The "TEXT" property values may also contain special characters
that are used to signify delimiters, such as a COMMA character for
lists of values or a SEMICOLON character for structured values.
In order to support the inclusion of these special characters in
"TEXT" property values, they MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH
character. .... A COMMA character in
a "TEXT" property value MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH
character. ....


How to match exact string in perl

I am trying to parse all the files and verify if any of the file content has strings TESTDIR or TEST_DIR
Files contents might look something like:-
include $(TESTDIR)/
TEST_DIR := goldimage
MAKE_TESTDIR = var_make
NEW_TEST_DIR = tesing_var
Actually I am only interested in TESTDIR ,$(TESTDIR),TEST_DIR but in my case last two lines should be ignored. I am new to perl , Can anyone help me out with re-rex.
\b means a "word boundary", i.e. the place between a word character and a non-word character. "Word" here has the Perl meaning: it contains characters, numbers, and underscores.
_? means "nothing or an underscore"
Look at "characterset".
Only (space) surrounding allowed:
/^(.* )?TEST_?DIR /
^ beginning of the line
(.* )? There may be some content .* but if, its must be followed by a space
at the and says that a whitespace must be there. Otherwise use ( .*)?$ at the end.
One of a given characterset is allowed:
Should the be other characters then a space be possible you can use a character class []:
/^(.*[ \t(])?TEST_?DIR[) :=]/
(.*[ \t(])? in front of TEST_?DIR may be a (space) or a \t (tab) or ( or nothing if the line starts with itself.
afterwards there must be one of (space) or : or = or ). Followd by anything (to "anything" belongs the "=" of ":=" ...).
One of a given group is allowed:
So you need groups within () each possible group in there devided by a |:
/^(.*( |\t))?TEST_?DIR( | := | = )/
In this case, at the beginning is no change to [ \t] because each group holds only one character and \t.
At the end, there must be (single space) or := (':=' surrounded by spaces) or = ('=' surrounded by spaces), following by anything...
You can use any combination...
/^(.*[ \t(])?TEST_?DIR([) =:]| :=| =|)/
Test it on (Use 'PCRE')

Scala replace multiple strings having common character at once

val str= " This string has " , need to escape with \ .Even string has \ before"
val resultShouldbe=" This string has \" ,need to escape with \\.Even string has \\ before"
str.replace(""""""" , """\"""").replace("\\","\\\\")
The output of first replace is adding up to the second replace.
Kindly help.
str.replaceAll("([\"\\\\])" , "\\\\$1")
Matching regex:
(...) - capture group: Capture everything that matches this pattern.
[...] - character class: Match any of the given characters.
\"\\\\ - 2 characters: A quote mark (escaped) or a backslash (doubly escaped).
Replacement string:
\\\\$1 - 2 elements: A backslash (doubly escaped) followed by whatever was captured in the 1st capture group. (In this case there was only 1 capture group.)
In other words: For every quote " or backslash \ character, replace it with the same character preceded by a backslash \ character.

Extracting range of unpadded string

I'd like to extract the Range<String.Index> of a sentence within its whitespace padding. For example,
let padded = " El águila (🦅). "
let sentenceRangeInPadded = ???
assert(padded[sentenceRangeInPadded] == "El águila (🦅).") // The test!
Here's some regex that I started with, but looks like variable length lookbehinds aren't supported.
let sentenceRangeInPadded = padded.range(of: #"(?<=^\s*).*?(?=\s*$)"#, options: .regularExpression)!
I'm not looking to extract the sentence (could just use trimmingCharacters(in:) for that), just the Range.
Thanks for reading!
You may use
See the regex demo.
(?s) - a DOTALL modifier making . match any char, including line break chars
\S - the first non-whitespace char
(?:.*\S)? - an optional non-capturing group matching
.* - any 0+ chars as many as possible
\S - up to the last non-whitespace char.

Swift Regex Search String Except \r\n and \t

I am attempting to match phone numbers that is 6 digits or more with the following regex in swift. Phone numbers can also possess paranthesis and + for country codes.
However, the above implementation matches \r\n and \t as well. How can I write the regex such that it will not match any \r\n or \t.
I attempted the following but didn't work:
"[0-9\\s\\-\\+\\(\\)(?: (\\r|\\n|\\r\\n|\\t)]{6,}"
I suggest using
let regex = "^(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,}[ +()-]*$"
let regex = "^(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,}[ +()-]*\\z"
^ - start of string
(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,} - six or more repetitions of
[ +()-]* - zero or more spaces, +, (, ) or - chars
[0-9] - a digit
[ +()-]* - zero or more spaces, +, (, ) or - chars
$ - end of string (\z is the very end of string).
If the pattern is used inside NSPredicate with MATCHES you may omit the ^ and $/\z anchors.

How do I print a tab character in Pascal?

I'm trying to figure out in all the Internets what's the special character for printing a simple tab in Pascal. I have to format a table in a CLI program and that would be handy.
Single non printable characters can be constructed using their ascii code prefixed with #
Since the ascii value for tab is 9, a tab is then #9. Characters such constructed must be outside literals, but don't need + to concatenate:
sometext = 'firstfield'#9'secondfield'#13#10;
contains two fields separated by a tab, ended by a carriage return (#13) + a linefeed #10
The ' character can be made both via this route, or shorter by just ending the literal and reopening it:
some2 = '''bla'''; // will contain 'bla' with the ticks.
some3 = 'start''bla''end'; // will contain start'bla'end
write( ^i );