Scala replace multiple strings having common character at once - scala

val str= " This string has " , need to escape with \ .Even string has \ before"
val resultShouldbe=" This string has \" ,need to escape with \\.Even string has \\ before"
str.replace(""""""" , """\"""").replace("\\","\\\\")
The output of first replace is adding up to the second replace.
Kindly help.

str.replaceAll("([\"\\\\])" , "\\\\$1")
Matching regex:
(...) - capture group: Capture everything that matches this pattern.
[...] - character class: Match any of the given characters.
\"\\\\ - 2 characters: A quote mark (escaped) or a backslash (doubly escaped).
Replacement string:
\\\\$1 - 2 elements: A backslash (doubly escaped) followed by whatever was captured in the 1st capture group. (In this case there was only 1 capture group.)
In other words: For every quote " or backslash \ character, replace it with the same character preceded by a backslash \ character.


Extracting range of unpadded string

I'd like to extract the Range<String.Index> of a sentence within its whitespace padding. For example,
let padded = " El águila (🦅). "
let sentenceRangeInPadded = ???
assert(padded[sentenceRangeInPadded] == "El águila (🦅).") // The test!
Here's some regex that I started with, but looks like variable length lookbehinds aren't supported.
let sentenceRangeInPadded = padded.range(of: #"(?<=^\s*).*?(?=\s*$)"#, options: .regularExpression)!
I'm not looking to extract the sentence (could just use trimmingCharacters(in:) for that), just the Range.
Thanks for reading!
You may use
See the regex demo.
(?s) - a DOTALL modifier making . match any char, including line break chars
\S - the first non-whitespace char
(?:.*\S)? - an optional non-capturing group matching
.* - any 0+ chars as many as possible
\S - up to the last non-whitespace char.

Commas in SUMMARY icalendar

Is it ok to have commas in a summary tag in a ics document?
Because I am using calcurse to load an .ics and it doesn't load the event with summary comma separated.
According to the RFC5545 Specification, Comma's need to be backslashed in that situation. See:
SUMMARY is defined here: as of Value Type: TEXT
TEXT is defined here:
Here is part of the above specification that describes what to do with certain characters if you want to include them in a text value:
; Folded according to description above
ESCAPED-CHAR = ("\\" / "\;" / "\," / "\N" / "\n")
; \\ encodes \, \N or \n encodes newline
; \; encodes ;, \, encodes ,
TSAFE-CHAR = WSP / %x21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-39 / %x3C-5B /
; Any character except CONTROLs not needed by the current
; character set, DQUOTE, ";", ":", "\", ","
Description: If the property permits, multiple TEXT values are
specified by a COMMA-separated list of values.
The "TEXT" property values may also contain special characters
that are used to signify delimiters, such as a COMMA character for
lists of values or a SEMICOLON character for structured values.
In order to support the inclusion of these special characters in
"TEXT" property values, they MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH
character. .... A COMMA character in
a "TEXT" property value MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH
character. ....

Swift Regex Search String Except \r\n and \t

I am attempting to match phone numbers that is 6 digits or more with the following regex in swift. Phone numbers can also possess paranthesis and + for country codes.
However, the above implementation matches \r\n and \t as well. How can I write the regex such that it will not match any \r\n or \t.
I attempted the following but didn't work:
"[0-9\\s\\-\\+\\(\\)(?: (\\r|\\n|\\r\\n|\\t)]{6,}"
I suggest using
let regex = "^(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,}[ +()-]*$"
let regex = "^(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,}[ +()-]*\\z"
^ - start of string
(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,} - six or more repetitions of
[ +()-]* - zero or more spaces, +, (, ) or - chars
[0-9] - a digit
[ +()-]* - zero or more spaces, +, (, ) or - chars
$ - end of string (\z is the very end of string).
If the pattern is used inside NSPredicate with MATCHES you may omit the ^ and $/\z anchors.

Running a PowerShell script file with path containing spaces from Jenkins Pipeline without using backtick

I want to run the following PowerShell script file from Jenkins Pipeline:
".\Folder With Spaces\script.ps1"
I have been able to do it with the following step definition:
powershell(script: '.\\Folder` With` Spaces\\script.ps1')
So I have to remember to:
escape the backslash with a double backslash (Groovy syntax)
escape the space with backtick (PowerShell syntax)
I would prefer to avoid at least some of this. Is it possible to avoid using the backtick escaping, for example? (Putting it between "" does not seem to work, for some reason.)
I found that it's possible to use the ampersand, or invoke, operator, like this:
powershell(script: "& '.\\Folder With Spaces\\script.ps1'")
That gets rid of the backtick escaping, and should make life a tiny bit easier.
To avoid escaping the backslashes you could use slashy strings or dollar slashy strings as follows. However you cannot use a backslash as the very last character in slashy strings as it would escape the /. Of course slashes as well would have to be escaped when using slashy strings.
String slashy = /String with \ /
echo slashy
assert slashy == 'String with \\ '
// won't work
// String slashy = /String with \/
String dollarSlashy = $/String with / and \/$
echo dollarSlashy
assert dollarSlashy == 'String with / and \\'
And of course you'll lose the possibility to include newlines \n and other special characters in the string using the \. However as both slashy and dollar slashy strings have multi line support at least newlines can be included like:
String slashyWithNewline = /String with \/ and \
with newline/
echo slashyWithNewline
assert slashyWithNewline == 'String with / and \\ \nwith newline'
String dollarSlashyWithNewline = $/String with / and \
with newline/$
echo dollarSlashyWithNewline
assert dollarSlashyWithNewline == 'String with / and \\ \nwith newline'
If you combine that with your very own answer you won't need both of the escaping.

Sed replacing Special Characters in a string

I am having difficulties replacing a string containing special characters using sed. My old and new string are shown below
oldStr = "# td=(nstates=20) cam-b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity"
newStr = "# opt b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity"
My sed command is the following
sed -i 's/\# td\=\(nstates\=20\) cam\-b3lyp\/6\-31g geom\=connectivity/\# opt b3lyp\/6\-31g geom\=connectivity/g' myfile.txt
I dont get any errors, however there is no match. Any ideas on how to fix my patterns.
try s|# td=(nstates=20) cam-b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity|# opt b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity|g'
you can use next to anything after s instead of /, as your expression contains slashes I used | instead. -, = and # don't have to be escaped (minus only in character sets [...]), escaped parens indicate a group, nonescaped parens are literals.