Choose which CSV to import when running a PowerShell script - powershell

I get a CSV every week that our finance team puts in a shared drive. I have a script for that CSV that I run once I get it.
The first command of the script is of course Import-Csv.
The problem is, the finance team insists on naming the file differently each time plus they don't always put it in the same location within the drive.
As a result, I have to first hunt for the file, put it into the directory that the script points to and then rename the file.
I've tried talking to the team about putting it in the same location and making sure the filename is the same but they only follow the instructions for a couple of weeks before just doing whatever.
Ideally, I'd like for it so that when I run the script, there would be a popup that would ask me to pick a CSV (Similar to how it looks when you do "Save As" on an Office Document).
Anyway for this to be done within PowerShell?

You can access .Net classes and interface with the forms library to instantiate and take input from the standard FileOpen dialog. Something like below:
Using Namespace System.Windows.Forms
$FileBrowser = [OpenFileDialog]::new()
$FileBrowser.InitialDirectory = 'c:\temp'
$FileBrowser.Filter = 'Comma Separated Values (*.csv) | *.csv'
$CsvFile = $FileBrowser.FileName
Then use $CsvFile int he Import-Csv command.
You can change the .InitialDirectory property to make navigating a little more convenient.
Use the .Filter property to limit the file open display to CSV files, to make things that much more convenient.
Also, use the [Void] class to prevent the status return (usually 'OK' or 'Cancel') from echoing to the screen.
Note: A simple Google search will turn up many examples. I refined some of the work from here. That will also document some of the other properties if you want to explore etc.

If you are willing to settle for a selection box that doesn't look as nice as the Save As dialog, you can use Out-Gridview. Something along these lines might help.
$filenames =
#(Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp -Recurse -Filter *.csv |
Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending |
Out-GridView -Title 'Choose a file' -PassThru)
$csvfile = $filenames[0].FullName
Import-Csv $csvfile | More
The -Path specifies a directory that contains all the locations where your csv file might be delivered. The sort is just to put the recently written files at the top of the grid. This supposedly makes selection easier. The #() wrapper merely makes sure the result stored in $filenames is an array.
You would do something else with the results of Import-Csv.

Steven's response certainly satisfies your original question, but an alternative would be to let PowerShell do the work. If you know the drive, and you know the name of the file this week, you can pass the name to your script and let it search the drive filtering on the specific csv file you need. Make it recursive, and open the only file that matches. Sorry, didn't have time yesterday to include code. Here's a function that returns the full file path when provided with a top level search path and a filename with possible wildcards.
function gfp { $result=gci $args[0] -recurse -include $args[1]; return ($result.DirectoryName + "\" + $result.Name) }
Example: gfp "d:\rootfolder" "thisweeksfilename.csv"


How to search for a specific file name then move all files after that file to another folder using PowerShell

Let's say I have 10 PDF files in a folder named c:\Temp
In my search, I know I am looking for a file that will match a specific number, for example 19676803 (I'm getting the number to search for from a SQL Query I'm running in my script)
I know how to find that specific file, but what I need to be able to do is move all the files after the searched file has been found to another pre-defined folder. So using the 10 PDFs above as the example files, I need to move all the files "after" the file named 1440_028116_19676803_1.pdf to another folder. I know how to move files using PowerShell, just do not know how to do it after/from a specific file name. Hope that makes sense.
$batchNumCompleted = 'c:\Temp\'
$lastLoanPrinted = $nameQuery.LoanNumber
$fileIndex = Get-ChildItem -path $batchNumCompleted | where {$ -match $lastLoanPrinted}
Can anyone provide suggestions/help on accomplishing my goal? I'm not able to provide all code written so far as it contains confidential information. Thank you.
Use the .Where() extension method in SkipUntil mode:
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $batchNumCompleted
$filesToMove = $allFiles.Where({$_.Name -like '*19676803_1.pdf'}, 'SkipUntil') |Select -Skip 1
Remove the Select -Skip 1 command if you want to move the file with 19676803 in the name as well

Powershell: Go through all files (PDF's) in a directory and move them based on what's written in the first 6 bytes

I am currently trying to write a powershell script that does the following:
Go through all PDF-Files in the directory in which the script is in
Check the first few bytes of those PDF-Files
If those bytes say something along the lines of "PK", move them to a different location
If the bytes say something else (ex: PDF1.4), dont move them at all and go to the next one.
Context: We have around 70k PDF-Files that cant be opened. After checking them with a certain tool, it looks like around 99% of those are damaged and the remaining 1% are zip files.
The first bytes of a zipped PDF file start with "PK", the first bytes of a broken PDF-File start with PDF1.4 for example.
I need to unzip all zip files and relocate them. Going through 70k PDF-Files by hand is kinda painful, so im looking for a way to automate it.
I know im supposed to provide a code sample, but the truth is that i am absolutely lost. I have written a few powershell scripts before, but i have no idea how to do something like this.
So, if anyone could kindly point me to the right direction or give me a useful function, i would really appreciate it a lot.
You can use Get-Content to get your first 6 bytes as you asked.
We can then tie that into a loop on all the documents and configure a simple if statement to decide what to do next, e.g. move the file to another dir
$pdfDirectory = 'C:\Temp\struktur_id_1225\ext_dok'
$newLocation = 'C:\Path\To\New\Folder'
Get-ChildItem "$pdfDirectory" -Filter "*.pdf" | foreach {
if((Get-Content $_.FullName | select -first 1 ) -like "%PDF-1.5*"){
$HL7 = $_.FullName.replace("ext_dok","MDM")
$HL7 = $HL7.replace(".pdf",".hl7")
move $_.FullName $newLocation;
move $HL7 $newLocation
Try using the above, which is also a bit easier to edit.
$pdfDirectory will need to be set to the folder containing the PDF Files
$newLocation will obviously be the new directory!
And you will still need to change the -like "%PDF-1.5*" to suit your search!
It should do the rest for you, give it a shot
Another Edit
I have mimicked your folder structure on my computer, and placed a few PDF files and matching HL7 files and the script is working perfectly.
Get-Content is not suited for PDF's, you'd want to use iTextSharp to read PDF's.
Download the iTextSharp(found in releases) and put the itextsharp.dll somewhere easy to find (ie. the folder your script is located in).
You can install the .nupkg by using Install-Package, or simply using an archive tool to extract the contents of the .nupkg file (it's basically a .zip file)
The code below adds every word on page 1 for each PDF separated by whitespace to an array. You can then test if the array contains your keyword
Add-Type -Path "C:\path\to\itextsharp.dll"
$pdfs = Get-ChildItem "C:\path\to\pdfs" *.pdf
foreach ($pdf in $pdfs) {
$reader = New-Object itextsharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList $pdf.Fullname
$text = [iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($reader,1).Split("")
foreach($line in $text) {
# do your test here

Rename Files with Index(Excel)

Anyone have any ideas on how to rename files by finding an association with an index file?
I have a file/folder structure like the following:
Folder name = "Doe, John EO11-123"
Several files under this folder
The index file(MS Excel) has several columns. It contains the names in 2 columns(First and Last). It also has a column containing the number EO11-123.
What I would like to do is write maybe a script to look at the folder names in a directory, compare/find an associated value in the index file(like that number EO11-123) and then rename all the files under the folder using a 4th column value in the index.
Folder name = "Doe, John EO11-123", index column1 contains same value "EO11-123", use column2 value "111111_000000" and rename all the files under that directory folder to "111111_000000_0", "111111_000000_1", "111111_000000_2" and so on.
This possible with powershell or vbscript?
Ok, I'll answer your questions in your comment first. Importing the data into PowerShell allows you to make an array in powershell that you can match against, or better yet make a HashTable to reference for your renaming purposes. I'll get into that later, but it's way better than trying to have PowerShell talk to Excel and use Excel's search functions because this way it's all in PowerShell and there's no third party application dependencies. As for importing, that script is a function that you can load into your current session, so you run that function and it will automatically take care of the import for you (it opens Excel, then opens the XLS(x) file, saves it as a temp CSV file, closes Excel, imports that CSV file into PowerShell, and then deletes the temp file).
Now, you did not state what your XLS file looks like, so I'm going to assume it's got a header row, and looks something like this:
FirstName | Last Name | Identifier | FileCode
Joe | Shmoe | XA22-573 | JS573
John | Doe | EO11-123 | JD123
If that's not your format, you'll need to either adapt my code, or your file, or both.
So, how do we do this? First, download, save, and if needed unblock the script to Import-XLS. Then we will dot source that file to load the function into the current PowerShell session. Once we have the function we will run it and assign the results to a variable. Then we can make an empty hashtable, and for each record in the imported array create an entry in the hashtable where the 'Identifier' property (in your example above that would be the one that has the value "EO11-123" in it), make that the Key, then make the entire record the value. So, so far we have this:
#Load function into current session
. C:\Path\To\Import-XLS.ps1
$RefArray = Import-XLS C:\Path\To\file.xls
$RefHash = #{}
$RefArray | ForEach( $RefHash.Add($_.Identifier, $_)}
Now you should be able to reference the identifier to access any of the properties for the associated record such as:
PS C:\> $RefHash['EO11-123'].FileCode
Now, we just need to extract that name from the folder, and rename all the files in it. Pretty straight forward from here.
Get-ChildItem c:\Path\to\Folders -directory | Where{$_.Name -match "(?<= )(\S+)$"}|
$Files = Get-ChildItem $_.FullName
$NewName = $RefHash['$($Matches[1])'].FileCode
For($i = 1;$i -lt $files.count;$i++){
$Files[$i] | Rename-Item -New "$NewName_$i"
Edit: Ok, let's break down the rename process here. It is a lot of piping here, so I'll try and take it step by step. First off we have Get-ChildItem that gets a list of folders for the path you specify. That part's straight forward enough. Then it pipes to a Where statement, that filters the results checking each one's name to see if it matches the Regular Expression "(?<= )(\S+)$". If you are unfamiliar with how regular expressions work you can see a fairly good breakdown of it at What that does is matches any folders that have more than one "word" in the name, and captures the last "word". It saves that in the automatic variable $Matches, and since it captured text, that gets assigned to $Matches[1]. Now the code breaks down here because your CSV isn't laid out like I had assumed, and you want the files named differently. We'll have to make some adjustments on the fly.
So, those folder that pass the filter will get piped into a ForEach loop (which I had a typo in previously and had a ( instead of {, that's fixed now). So for each of those folders it starts off by getting a list of files within that folder and assigning them to the variable $Files. It also sets up the $NewName variable, but since you don't have a column in your CSV named 'FileCode' that line won't work for you. It uses the $Matches automatic variable that I mentioned earlier to reference the hashtable that we setup with all of the Identifier codes, and then looks at a property of that specific record to setup the new name to assign to files. Since what you want and what I assumed are different, and your CSV has different properties we'll re-work both the previous Where statement, and this line a little bit. Here's how that bit of the script will now read:
Get-ChildItem c:\Path\to\Folders -directory | Where{$_.Name -match "^(.+?), .*? (\S+)$"}|
$Files = Get-ChildItem $_.FullName
$NewName = $Matches[2] + "_" + $Matches[1]
That now matches the folder name in the Where statement and captures 2 things. The first thing it grabs is everything at the beginning of the name before the comma. Then it skips everything until it gets tho the last piece of text at the end of the name and captures everything after the last space. New breakdown on RegEx101:
So you want the ID_LName, which can be gotten from the folder name, there's really no need to even use your CSV file at this point I don't think. We build the new name of the files based off the automatic $Matches variable using the second capture group and the first capture group and putting an underscore between them. Then we just iterate through the files with a For loop basing it off how many files were found. So we start with the first file in the array $Files (record 0), add that to the $NewName with an underscore, and use that to rename the file.

Powershell script to move files based on a source list (.txt

I have thousands of files in a directory (.pdf, .xls, .doc) and they all have a similar naming convention (the "type" is always a constant string, ie: billing or invoice);
accountname_ accountnumber_type.doc
The task at hand is to receive a random list of accountnames and account numbers (the "type" is always a constant, ie: billing, invoice, shipping or order and they vary in format) and move them from Directory A into Directory B. I can get the list into a .csv file to match the accountname_accountnumber_type.
I have been trying to create a powershell script to reference the accountname_accountnumber and move those items from one directory A to directory B with no luck.
SAMPLE I found something a bit simpler, but I wanted to be able to edit this to create a new destination and not halt if the file is not found from this list. Also, if I could have this pick from a .txt list I think that would be easier than pasting everything.
$src_dir = "C:\DirA\"
$dst_dir = "D:\DirB-mm-dd-yyyy\" #This code requires the destination dir to already be there and I need to have the code output a new Directory, it could output based on date script run that would be amazing
$file_list = "accountname1_accountnumber001_type", #If I can select to import csv here
foreach ($file in $file_list) #This errors out and stops the script if the file is not located in source and I need to have the script continue and move on, with hopefully an error output
move-Item $src_dir$file $dst_dir
They can be any file format, I am trying to get the code to match ONLY the accountname and accountnumber since those two will define the exact customer. Whether it is invoice, billing or shipping doesn't matter since they want all files associated with that customer moved.
For Example there could be 4 of each for every account and the type format may vary from pdf, doc and xls, I need to move all files based on their first two indicators (accountname,accountnumber).
How about this :
$CurrentDate = [DateTime]::Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")
$DestinationDir = "D:\DirB-$CurrentDate"
New-Item $DestinationDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$AccountToMove = Import-CSV $CSVPath
Foreach ( $Account In $AccountToMove ){
$FilePattern = "*$($Account.AccountName)*$($Account.AccountNumber)*"
ls $SourceDir | Where Name -like $FilePattern | Move-Item -Destination $DestinationDir
The code part - you already edited off from the post - about moving files to subdirectories doesn't make much sense with your business rules. As you never show the sample CSV file contents, it's all guessing.
For easier processing, assume you got the following source files. Edit your post to show the CSV file contents and where you would like to move the files.

Powershell: Show what groups are added to a set of folders?

I spent some time searching through similar questions on here to see if I could find some answers, but I'm so clueless about AD that I'm not even sure how to tell if I'd found what I was looking for...
I have a number of folders in one place. All these folders are similarly named:
All of these folders have a pair of identically named subfolders:
I need to see all groups that have any permissions configured in these folders. Basically I have a Reports folder for every month for the past 5 years, each of those with the two subfolders. I need to make sure they all have the right groups added to them.
I started trying to figure out the regex to pick out only the right reports folders, but I'm totally lost on where to start for the "Get groups" part of the script. My experience with PS is limited to batch renaming, moving, etc. Simple one line stuff.
There is a nice PowerShell module (File System Security PowerShell Module 1.3) that could make your life easier. With that module in place, you can use the Get-Ace cmdlet to list permissions for files using a command like the one below:
Get-Item F:\backup | Get-Ace | Where-Object { $_.ID -like "*users*" }
Have a look at it.
You can try something like this this:
dir c:\ | ? { $_.psiscontainer } |`
Get-Acl | fl -property #{n="Path";E={ convert-path $_.pspath}}, #{N="AccessList";`
E={ $_.AccessToString -split '\n' | ? { $_.startswith("MyDomain") }}; }
to have a list with path and access list. Removing the las pipe also local user are listed