How to contunally add to a number in SparkAR ( += equivalent) - reactive

New to reactive programming and pretty lost.
I have a number (which can be positive or negative) coming into a script from a patch in SparkAR and I'd like to add the number to itself once every frame.
ie if the incoming number is 1 and it comes in 9 times the variable would be 9.
let intoScript = Patches.getScalarValue('intoScript').pinLastValue;
let myValue = Reactive.add(myValue, intoScript);
The above doesnt work.

One way-
Increment counter in Patch editor and send variable value to SparkAR.

let originalValue = Reactive.val(0)
function increment(newValue){'originalValue', originalValue)
originalValue = newValue.add(originalValue)
Don't forget to import Reactive module. more info about logical operations here


Libreoffice calc - how to write a same value into a range

I know how to 'select' a range in LO ( Calc BASIC ....
But how to write a value, e.g. "1", into that range using BASIC?
myRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByName("D1:H6")
myRange.Value = 1
Gives an "property or method not found" error. But I can't find any properties or values to go after Range to allow me to do what I want. Flailing around and trying
myRange.setValue = 1
myRange.writeValue = 1
myRange.setString = "1"
and numerous other variants don't work either.
Would really appreciate the solution. Thanks.
You can edit the value of an individual cell, but not the entire range. You will have to iterate over all the cells in the range one at a time, changing the value of each of them.
Sub Set1ToD1H6
myRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByName("D1:H6")
For i = 0 To myRange.getRows().getCount()-1
For j = 0 To myRange.getColumns().getCount()-1
myRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).setValue(1)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
But since the read-write operation to a cell is comparable in time to the read-write operation to a whole range, it is preferable to use another method - to prepare data in an array and write from it to a range in one operation:
Sub Set1ToRange
myRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByName("D1:H6")
dataOfRange = myRange.getData()
For i = LBound(dataOfRange) To UBound(dataOfRange)
For j = LBound(dataOfRange(i)) To UBound(dataOfRange(i))
dataOfRange(i)(j) = 1
Next j
Next i
End Sub
(For your example, this will be approximately 30 times faster, for a larger range the time winnings will be even more significant)
The .getData() and .setData() methods work on numeric range values. To work with text strings (and numbers), use .getDataArray() and .setDataArray(), for working with cell formulas use .getFormulaArray() and .setFormulaArray()

Can this be more Swift3-like?

What I want to do is populate an Array (sequence) by appending in the elements of another Array (availableExercises), one by one. I want to do it one by one because the sequence has to hold a given number of items. The available exercises list is in nature finite, and I want to use its elements as many times as I want, as opposed to a multiple number of the available list total.
The current code included does exactly that and works. It is possible to just paste that in a Playground to see it at work.
My question is: Is there a better Swift3 way to achieve the same result? Although the code works, I'd like to not need the variable i. Swift3 allows for structured code like closures and I'm failing to see how I could use them better. It seems to me there would be a better structure for this which is just out of reach at the moment.
Here's the code:
import UIKit
let repTime = 20 //seconds
let restTime = 10 //seconds
let woDuration = 3 //minutes
let totalWOTime = woDuration * 60
let sessionTime = repTime + restTime
let totalSessions = totalWOTime / sessionTime
let availableExercises = ["push up","deep squat","burpee","HHSA plank"]
var sequence = [String]()
var i = 0
while sequence.count < totalSessions {
if i < availableExercises.count {
i += 1
else { i = 0 }
You can overcome from i using modulo of sequence.count % availableExercises.count like this way.
var sequence = [String]()
while(sequence.count < totalSessions) {
let currentIndex = sequence.count % availableExercises.count
//["push up", "deep squat", "burpee", "HHSA plank", "push up", "deep squat"]
You can condense your logic by using map(_:) and the remainder operator %:
let sequence = (0..<totalSessions).map {
availableExercises[$0 % availableExercises.count]
map(_:) will iterate from 0 up to (but not including) totalSessions, and for each index, the corresponding element in availableExercises will be used in the result, with the remainder operator allowing you to 'wrap around' once you reach the end of availableExercises.
This also has the advantage of preallocating the resultant array (which map(_:) will do for you), preventing it from being needlessly re-allocated upon appending.
Personally, Nirav's solution is probably the best, but I can't help offering this solution, particularly because it demonstrates (pseudo-)infinite lazy sequences in Swift:
repeatElement(availableExercises, count: .max)
If you just want to iterate over this, you of course don't need the Array(), you can leave the whole thing lazy. Wrapping it up in Array() just forces it to evaluate immediately ("strictly") and avoids the crazy BidirectionalSlice<FlattenBidirectionalCollection<Repeated<Array<String>>>> type.

GKShuffledDistribution - using upperbound doesn't exhaust all possible values?

I'm trying to use GKShuffledDistribution in one of my apps but the nextInt(upperBound:) method doesn't work the same as the nextInt method in that it doesn't exhaust all possible values. To demonstrate, open a playground and do this:
import GameplayKit
let shuffled = GKShuffledDistribution.init(lowestValue: 0, highestValue: 100)
for _ in 0...25{
shuffled.nextInt(upperBound: 100)
I got 2 duplicates using this method. If I replaced it with:
I don't get any duplicates. Is this how nextInt(upperBound:) supposed to work? If it is, can some one point me to documentation explaining this? Thanks.
upperBound is provided to let you ask for a random value between your lowestValue and a new (temporary) highestValue that's less than the highestValue you've set when creating your GKShuffledDistribution instance.
Oops. That's mealy mouthed.
Let me try this more pictorially.
IF you normally want a random number between 0 and 20, but sometimes you want one that's only between 0 and 10, from this same shuffle, then you can set upperBound to 10 and a number will be "pulled out" that's between 0 and 10, of the numbers left in your current shuffle cycle.
Well... at least I think that's how it's supposed to work.
Theoretically, when you set the upperBound to 100, as in your example, the highestValue should be the determinant of activity, since the docs suggest:
The actual upper bound on numbers generated by this method is the
lesser of the highestValue property and the upperBound parameter.

How to compare random numbers in Swift

I’m a beginner in programming and playing around with the arc4random_uniform() function in Swift. The program I’m making so far generates a random number from 1-10 regenerated by a UIButton. However, I want the variable ’highest' that gets initialised to the random number to update if the next generated number is larger than the one currently held in it. For example the random number is 6 which is stored in highest and if the next number is 8 highest becomes 8. I don't know how to go about this. I have connected the UIButton to an IBAction function and have the following code:
var randomValue = arc4random_uniform(11) + 1
highest = Int(randomValue)
if (Int(randomValue) < highest) {
// Don’t know what to do
Initialise highest to 0
Every time you generate a new random number, replace the value of highest with the higher of the two numbers
highest = max(highest, randomValue)
The max() function is part of the Swift standard library and returns the larger of the two passed in vales.
edited to add
Here's a playground showing this with a bit more detail, including casting of types:
var highest: Int = 0
func random() -> Int {
let r = arc4random_uniform(10) + 1
return Int(r)
var randomValue = random()
highest = max(highest, randomValue)
You can see that multiple calls persist the highest value.

Specman coverage: Is there a way to define ranges using variable?

I have comp_value that gets values between 1 .. 100.
In addition I have an input variable period (of the same range). I need to cover 2 ranges of comp_values: [1..period] and [period+1 .. 100]. Something like this:
cover some_event_e is {
item period using no_collect;
item comp_val using no_collect,
ranges = {
range([1..period], "Smaller_than_period");
range([period+1..100], "Bigger_than_period");
(The code causes compilation error since no variable can be written inside range).
Is there a way to collect the coverage?
Thank you for your help.
Ranges must be constant.
But if I understood your intent correctly, you can define new items like
cover some_event_e is {
item smaller_or_equal_than_period: bool = (comp_val in [1..period]) using
ignore = (not smaller_or_equal_than_period);
item greater_than_period: bool = (comp_val in [(min(100,period+1)..100]) using
ignore = (not greater_than_period);
Assuming period is always in [1..100].