I do not see the result after I click the "Run" button
"C:\Program Files\Edument Central Europe\Comma Community Edition
2020.01\bin\runnerw64.exe" C:\rakudo\bin\perl6.bat -Ilib C:\Users\quest\CommaProjects\monkey\monkey.p6
Process finished with exit code 0
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
sub MAIN() {
say 'Hello, Monkey';
I deleted the old version of the program, then installed the new version, without saving the settings from the previous version. Then File -> Project Structure -> set Project SDK
Guys I'm completely new to flutter and whenever I try and run all I got same error, I tried everything I could find on net, but it still doesn't work. PLZ help
This is the output of Run
this is the output of logcat-Verbose
Open Android Studio
Go to File->Other Settings->Default Project Structure/JDK Location
and copy whatever string is specified there
In the file locator directory window, right-click on This PC
Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables... -> System Variables
Click on the New button under System Variables, then type and paste respectively:
Variable name: JAVA_HOME
Variable value: Which you have copied earlier in step 3
I have a hello world program in F#.
open System
let main argv =
printfn "Hello World from F#!"
0 // return an integer exit code%
On an Mac OS, I can compile it with "fsharpc", which generates two files
FSharp.Core.dll hello.exe
The EXE file certainly looks strange on a Mac. But how can I execute it from the command line, without using a project structure (because it seems an overkill) like what is explained here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn/languages/fsharp-hello-world-tutorial/create
Actually if I run "dotnet hello.exe", I get this error:
A fatal error was encountered. The library 'libhostpolicy.dylib'
required to execute the application was not found in
'/Users/zell/hello/'. Failed to run as a self-contained app. If this
should be a framework-dependent app, add the
/Users/zell/hello/hello.runtimeconfig.json file specifying the
appropriate framework.
You can create and build/run F# apps like so:
dotnet new console -lang F# -o SomeDirectory && cd SomeDirectory
dotnet run
Building it without running is:
dotnet build
You can see a reference for all commands here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet
You appear to have Mono installed, which is where fsharpc comes from. I wouldn't recommend using that unless you are doing mobile development with Xamarin, which currently requires Mono.
By trial and error, I found to run my new .exe file, I needed a .runtimeconfig.json file in the same folder with same without-the-extension-name, i.e. hello.runtimeconfig.json:
"runtimeOptions": {
"tfm": "net5.0",
"framework": {
"name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
"version": "5.0.0"
Then dotnet hello.exe will work.
My developer friend who has the luxury of developing in a non-Windows environment has been raving about Compass. I finally decided I wanted to give it a try. I'm tired of trying to keep up with all of the intricacies of cross-browser CSS.
So, I found it on NuGet, and installed it.
I installs to my solutions root directory in the packages directory:
It comes with a Readme that states the following message:
Ruby Compass v. 0.12.2
Compass is installed in its own NuGet package dir, and available by
'compass' command in "packages\Ruby.Compass." folder.
To compile Compass files during build, add the next line to the
project pre-build events:
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile
So, I placed the line in my pre-build events, saved, and tried to build my project. However, I get an error as follows:
The command
""$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)."" exited with code 1.
Notice: It actually shows the full path to the ProjectDir and SolutionDir as it's supposed too in the error message. I replaced them with the tokens to keep the project name unanimous.
Let me mention that I tried variations of the suggestion pre-build line:
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)"
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)css"
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)css\test.scss"
The first one just removed that trailing .. The second one pointed it to the directory where all my css files are stored. The third one pointed it to the exact file I was trying to compile was located.
I opened up compass.cmd which is the file it is calling, and it looks like the following:
#echo off
"%~dp0ruby\bin\compass" %*
I'm assuming this calls the compass file in the ruby/bin folder, which looks like this:
# This file was generated by RubyGems.
# The application 'compass' is installed as part of a gem, and
# this file is here to facilitate running it.
require 'rubygems'
version = ">= 0"
if ARGV.first
str = ARGV.first
str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding
if str =~ /\A_(.*)_\z/
version = $1
gem 'compass', version
load Gem.bin_path('compass', 'compass', version)
From there, I'm not sure what is going on. I'm not a Ruby person.
Is there an issue that I'm overlooking here?
Has anyone else been able to install Ruby.Compass via NuGet?
How can I get this working in Visual Studio without having to fight with Ruby?
From: http://codewith.us/automating-css-generation-in-visual-studio-using-sasscompass/
"Note that, if there are issues with your SCSS files, you will receive some variation of the error below.
Error 36 The command "del "C:Projectspubliccss*.css" /S
compass compile "C:Projectspublic" --force" exited with code 1.
Open your Output window (click View -> Output or press Ctrl+W, O), and select “Build” in the “Show output from:” menu. Scroll up until you find your command in the log and you should get a little more insight into what portion of the command failed."
New to using sublime text 2 and I'm wondering how to get it to point to the activeperl.exe (on win7).
I'm testing out the compiler to make sure it works with something simple like:
$x = 1;
$print "$x";
But it gives me guff about how $x isn't a recognized syntax. I did point ST2 to my python executable, but I forgot which file in the labyrinth I was supposed to edit the path to.
This worked for me, taken from: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=935014
Click "Preferences -> Browse Packages"
Navigate to the "Perl" subfolder
Create a file called "Perl.sublime-build" with the following content:
"cmd": ["perl", "-w", "$file"],
"file_regex": ".* at (.*) line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.perl"
Manually set the build system by clicking "Tools -> Build System -> Perl"
You can now run your Perl script by mashing Ctrl+B
I am running this version of ActiveState Perl:
C:\>perl --version
Binary build 1402 [295342] provided by ActiveState http://www.ActiveState.com
Built Oct 7 2011 15:49:44
I use the version 3 of Sublime Text and to run perl programs in this editor, you should:
Click "Preferences -> Browse Packages"
Navigate to the "Sublime Text" subfolder library "Lib"
Create a file called Perl.sublime-build with the following content:
"cmd": ["perl", "-w", "$file"],
"file_regex": ".* at (.) line ([0-9])",
"selector": "source.perl"
Manually set the build system by clicking "Tools -> Build System -> Perl"
You can now run your Perl script by pressing Ctrl+B.
Attention: the file Perl.sublime-build should be created in this root diretory: \Sublime Text 3\Lib.
This feels silly, but its been 2 days...somewhere after upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.11 and from Eclipse Helios to Eclipse Indigo, I got stuck with the following problem:
Problem Description:
I'm trying to use a function in math.h called isinf(), but the problem also occurs with things like isnan(). The program compiles fine on the command line using make and fine in eclipse using build. But if I open the program file in eclipse it reports that it cannot reolve the isinf() function call. If I just insert the program contents into a new project and new source file, the error appears immediately. This problem did not occur under 11.04 with Eclipse Helios CDT
Why are these errors only reported when the program file is opened and not on when the program is compiled; why are the errors not detected make is run from the command line? Is there a solution/workaround available?
Version Info
Linux Ubuntu 10.11 64-bit
Eclipse CDT Indigo, Service Release 1, Build id: 20110916-0149
(Also using Eclipse EE Indigo – if that makes a difference)
GNU Make 3.81
gcc 4.6.1-9Ubuntu3
To Duplicate:
Please find the two files you'll need to replicate below:
Step 0. Verify that everything is fine outside of Eclipse
Copy the attached source file and make file
create a directory e.g. Mkdir FunTest
Save the source file a 'Test.cpp' and the makefile as 'makefile'
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory e.g. FunTest
Enter 'make'
Enter ./TestOut
Program responds “is not infinite”
Step 1. Create the project in Eclipse
Open Eclipse
Select File|New|MakeFile Project with Existing Code
Click Browse – navigate to the directory (FunTest) and click ok
Select 'Linux GCC' from the Toolchain selector
Click Finish
Step 2. Find the Error
Click Build All (Ctrl-B) – project builds without errors
Open the project in the project explorer to display the file in the directory
Double click on the file “Test.cpp”
Note the error icon next to line testing for infinity
Note the 2 error messages:
Semantic error: Function _isinff could not be resolved
Semantic error: Function _isinfl could not be resolved
include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int TestNum = 10;
if (isinf(TestNum) == 0)
printf("Not infinite\n");
return 0;
# Specify the compiler
CC = g++
# Specify the compiler flags
CFLAGS += -c
# Specify the files making up the application
SOURCES = Test.cpp
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
#echo "Build complete!"
I have experienced similar problems of the CDT reporting errors even though the code compiled fine within Eclipse Indigo.
Project > Properties > Settings > Binary Parsers > "GNU Elf Parser"
helped in my case. I had the "Elf Parser" checked.
That looks like a problem that many others have had with eclipse CDT before. Sometimes shutting eclipse down and then starting it back up again is enough to help. If that isn't the case, take a look at what I have below:
Compilation ok, but eclipse content assist having problems
Check your includes: if you're using include<math.h> change it to include<cmath>. The same for stdio.h and stdlib.h, you should replace by cstdio and cstdlib. Another option may be change you project to a C project instead of a C++.
You are missing -lm option in your build preferences.
Project->Properties->Settings->Miscleanous->Other (linker) flags[]
For me, it was solved by adding a specific ‘Source Location’ folder, and removing the default. In Luna, it is under:
Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols > Source