Prevent display Mapbox GL JS popup on double click event - popup

I found an unexpected behavior related with the Mapbox GL JS popup feature identifications.
I'm using the following event:
map.on('click', this._showPopup(e));
but when I make a double click and the zoom in is made, the popup is shown and close several times.
Is there any way to prevent this behavior?

A quick fix you can do is to disable doubleClickZoom mapbox options.


How to prevent openning a popup when you choose a layer to show in leaflet?

I'm a working on a project with leaflet where a it shows three layer
you can enable o disable whenever you want to display all the markers from that layer.
Every marker has a popup that it opens when you click on the marker
The problema i have is that when you hit over on any layer and active it, the marker displays its popup.
Is there any way to not open it when you activate a layer? o at least to keep it close and just open when you click on it?
Thanks colleagues!
I revised the solution to instead target layer activation.
This will programmatically unbind popup from each marker in the layer, hence preventing popups from opening when layer is activated.
var layerGroup = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
layerGroup.on("layeradd", function (event) {
event.layer.eachLayer(function (marker) {

Swift Charts how to get chartValue using mouse hover instead of mouse click in MacOS

I use Charts framework to draw charts in MacOS application. I have CombinedChartView with candleData. When I click by mouse a candle, chartValueSelected executed and I can receive information about selected candle. I need to do the same using UIHoverGestureRecognizer instead of mouse click. How to get information about a chartValue that mouse is hover?
The only one way I found is to add UIHoverGestureRecognizer to BarLineChartViewBase.swift

How to have fusioncharts time marker mouse click event keep tooltip open

I'd like to be able to trigger a mouse click event on this: so that the tooltip does not close.
Is there anyway to do this?
As of now FusionCharts do not have support for triggering timeMarkerClick or timeMarkerRollover event to keep the tool-tip of the time marker open without any actual timeMarkerClick or timeMarkerRollover action over it.
Hope this would help.

Leaflet.js popup and zoom

Is there a way to make a leaflet.js popup show up at specific zoom levels please, for example when map.getZoom() > 6 only. Hiding the popup or even setting its opacity to zero could also be viable options.
Use the method/event handler map.on('zoomend') ( to detect whenever the map finishes zooming. Then check the zoom value do see if you want to show the popup or not.
map.on('zoomend', function(){
if(map.getZoom() > 6){
showPopup();//your function here

Leaflet - Anchor tags in pop-up?

I'm trying to bind a function to a anchor tag link inside a leaflet pop-up but it seems like you cant do this with leaflet. I would like to bind a on-click function to an ID or CLASS which opens a jquery dialog / modal with more information.
Is there an alternative solution to this?
Read the documentation for $.on: since Leaflet's popups are only created when a user clicks on a feature, you can't bind events on their contents off the bat, since they don't exist yet. If you use .on with a selector, you can bind to the event whenever it happens.