How to port following hook to reasonml - reason

I have following custom hook
function useConstant(fn) {
const ref = React.useRef()
if (!ref.current) {
ref.current = fn()
return ref.current
and it seems quite hard to port this to reasonml, I have to use type cast twice, what's the ideal way?
external toAny: 'a => 'b = "%identity";
external toBool: 'a => bool = "%identity";
let useConstant = (fn: unit => 'a) => {
let ref: React.Ref.t('a) = toAny(React.useRef());
if (!toBool(React.Ref.current(ref))) {
React.Ref.setCurrent(ref, fn());

If I understand the purpose of the hook correctly, it's really just a reimplementation of React.useMemo. But for the sake of learning, here's an implementation that should work.
let useLazy = (fn: unit => 'a): 'a => {
let ref = React.useRef(None);
switch (React.Ref.current(ref)) {
| Some(value) => value
| None =>
let value = fn();
React.Ref.setCurrent(ref, Some(value));
It uses the option type, which is specifically designed for cases like this. If there's no value, we represent that using options None value, and if there is a value we use Some. Instead of using if with JavaScript's semantically unclear concept of truthiness, we pattern match on the option using switch to find that it's None and the value needs to be computed, or Some to get at the value.
The use of option and pattern matching is really common in Reason code, so it's one you should really try to understand using the links provided above for more details if needed.
Note that you could also have used Lazy for this. But that's far less commonly used and therefore also much less useful to learn.


How to do a case insensitive match for command line arguments in scala?

I'm working on a command line tool written in Scala which is executed as:
sbt "run --customerAccount 1234567"
Now, I wish to make this flexible to accept "--CUSTOMERACCOUNT" or --cUsToMerAccount or --customerACCOUNT get the drift
Here's what the code looks like:
lazy val OptionsParser: OptionParser[Args] = new scopt.OptionParser[Args]("scopt") {
"XML Generator",
"Creates XML for testing"
help("help").text(s"Prints this usage message. $envUsage")
opt[String]('c', "customerAccount")
.text("Required: Please provide customer account number as -c 12334 or --customerAccount 12334")
.action { (cust, args) =>
assert(cust.nonEmpty, "cust is REQUIRED!!")
args.copy(cust = cust)
I assume the opt[String]('c', "customerAccount") does the pattern matching from the command line and will match with "customerAccount" - how do I get this to match with "--CUSTOMERACCOUNT" or --cUsToMerAccount or --customerACCOUNT? What exactly does the args.copy (cust = cust) do?
I apologize if the questions seem too basic. I'm incredibly new to Scala, have worked in Java and Python earlier so sometimes I find the syntax a little hard to understand as well.
You'd normally be parsing the args with code like:
OptionsParser.parse(args, Args())
So if you want case-insensitivity, probably the easiest way is to canonicalize the case of args with something like
val canonicalized =
OptionsParser.parse(canonicalized, Args())
Or, if you for instance wanted to only canonicalize args starting with -- and before a bare --:
val canonicalized =
args.foldLeft(false -> List.empty[String]) { (state, arg) =>
val (afterDashes, result) = state
if (afterDashes) true -> (arg :: result) // pass through unchanged
else {
if (arg == "==") true -> (arg :: result) // move to afterDash state & pass through
else {
if (arg.startsWith("--")) false -> (arg.toLowerCase :: result)
else false -> (arg :: result) // pass through unchanged
._2 // Extract the result
.reverse // Reverse it back into the original order (if building up a sequence, your first choice should be to build a list in reversed order and reverse at the end)
OptionsParser.parse(canonicalized, Args())
Re the second question, since Args is (almost certainly) a case class, it has a copy method which constructs a new object with (most likely, depending on usage) different values for its fields. So
args.copy(cust = cust)
creates a new Args object, where:
the value of the cust field in that object is the value of the cust variable in that block (this is basically a somewhat clever hack that works with named method arguments)
every other field's value is taken from args

Creating Seq after waiting for all results from map/foreach in Scala

I am trying to loop over inputs and process them to produce scores.
Just for the first input, I want to do some processing that takes a while.
The function ends up returning just the values from the 'else' part. The 'if' part is done executing after the function returns the value.
I am new to Scala and understand the behavior but not sure how to fix it.
I've tried instead of foreach but the result is the same.
def getscores(
inputs: inputs
): Future[Seq[scoreInfo]] = {
var scores: Seq[scoreInfo] = Seq()
inputs.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (f, i) => {
if (i == 0) {
// long operation that returns Future[Option[scoreInfo]]
getgeoscore(f).foreach(gso => {
gso.foreach(score => {
scores = scores.:+(score)
} else {
scores = scores.:+(
id = "",
score = 5
Future {
For what you need, I would drop the mutable variable and replace foreach with map to obtain an immutable list of Futures and recover to handle exceptions, followed by a sequence like below:
def getScores(inputs: Inputs): Future[List[ScoreInfo]] = Future.sequence({ case (input, idx) =>
if (idx == 0)
getGeoScore(input).map(_.getOrElse(defaultScore)).recover{ case e => errorHandling(e) }
Future.successful(ScoreInfo("", 5))
To capture/print the result, one way is to use onComplete:
The part your missing is understanding a tricky element of concurrency, and that is that the order of execution when using multiple futures is not guaranteed.
If your block here is long running, it will take a while before appending the score to scores
// long operation that returns Future[Option[scoreInfo]]
getgeoscore(f).foreach(gso => {
gso.foreach(score => {
// stick a println("here") in here to see what happens, for demonstration purposes only
scores = scores.:+(score)
Since that executes concurrently, your getscores function will also simultaneously continue its work iterating over the rest of inputs in your zipWithindex. This iteration, especially since it's trivial work, likely finishes well before the long-running getgeoscore(f) completes the execution of the Future it scheduled, and the code will exit the function, moving on to whatever code is next after you called getscores
val futureScores: Future[Seq[scoreInfo]] = getScores(inputs)
case Success(scoreInfoSeq) => println(s"Here's the scores: ${scoreInfoSeq.mkString(",")}"
//a this point the call to getgeoscore(f) could still be running and finish later, but you will never know
Now to clean this up, since you can run a zipWithIndex on your inputs parameter, I assume you mean it's something like a inputs:Seq[Input]. If all you want to do is operate on the first input, then use the head function to only retrieve the first option, so getgeoscores(inputs.head) , you don't need the rest of the code you have there.
Also, as a note, if using Scala, get out of the habit of using mutable vars, especially if you're working with concurrency. Scala is built around supporting immutability, so if you find yourself wanting to use a var , try using a val and look up how to work with the Scala's collection library to make it work.
In general, that is when you have several concurrent futures, I would say Leo's answer describes the right way to do it. However, you want only the first element transformed by a long running operation. So you can use the future return by the respective function and append the other elements when the long running call returns by mapping the future result:
def getscores(inputs: Inputs): Future[Seq[ScoreInfo]] =
.map { optInfo =>
optInfo ++ => scoreInfo(id = "", score = 5))
So you neither need zipWithIndex nor do you need an additional future or join the results of several futures with sequence. Mapping the future just gives you a new future with the result transformed by the function passed to .map().

Where does a variable in a match arm in a loop come from?

I am trying to implement an HTTP client in Rust using this as a starting point. I was sent to this link by the site via one of their rust-by-example suggestions in their TcpStream page. I'm figuring out how to read from a TcpStream. I'm trying to follow this code:
fn handle_client(mut stream: TcpStream) {
// read 20 bytes at a time from stream echoing back to stream
loop {
let mut read = [0; 1028];
match read) {
Ok(n) => {
if n == 0 {
// connection was closed
Err(err) => {
Where does the n variable come from? What exactly is it? The author says it reads 20 bytes at a time; where is this coming from?
I haven't really tried anything yet because I want to understand before I do.
I strongly encourage you to read the documentation for the tools you use. In this case, The match Control Flow Operator from The Rust Programming Language explains what you need to know.
From the Patterns that Bind to Values section:
In the match expression for this code, we add a variable called state to the pattern that matches values of the variant Coin::Quarter. When a Coin::Quarter matches, the state variable will bind to the value of that quarter’s state. Then we can use state in the code for that arm, like so:
fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
match coin {
Coin::Penny => 1,
Coin::Nickel => 5,
Coin::Dime => 10,
Coin::Quarter(state) => {
println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);
If we were to call value_in_cents(Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska)), coin would be Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska). When we compare that value with each of the match arms, none of them match until we reach Coin::Quarter(state). At that point, the binding for state will be the value UsState::Alaska. We can then use that binding in the println! expression, thus getting the inner state value out of the Coin enum variant for Quarter.
There is an entire chapter about the pattern matching syntax available and where it can be used.
Figured it out, this is what's happening:
match read) {
This line is telling the software to pass read) to Ok(n) because returns the number of bytes read. I'm still not sure why they specify 20 bytes at a time as being read.

How to use reduce or fold to avoid mutable state

I have a mutable variable in my code that I want to avoid by using some of aggregation function. Unfortunatelly I couldn't find solution for the following pseudocode.
def someMethods(someArgs) = {
var someMutableVariable = factory
val resources = getResourcesForVariable(someMutableVariable)
resources foreach (resource => {
val localTempVariable = getSomeOtherVariable(resource)
someMutableVariable = chooseBetteVariable(someMutableVariable, localTempVariable)
I have two places in my code where I need to build some variable, then in loop compare it with other possibilities and if it worse then replace it with this newly possibility.
If you resources variable supports it:
//This is the "currently best" and "next" in list being folded over
resources.foldLeft(factory)((cur, next) =>
val local = getSomeOther(next)
//Since this function returns the "best" between the two, you're solid
chooseBetter(local, cur)
and then you don't have mutable state.

What is wrong with the below statement(C#3.0 / Lambda)

what is wrong in the below
Enumerable.Range(0, objEntityCode.Count - 1).Select(i =>
options.Attributes[i] = new EntityCodeKey
EntityCode = objEntityCode[i].EntityCodes
, OrganizationCode = Constants.ORGANIZATION_CODE };
Throwing error The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Func)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
But this works
Enumerable.Range(0, objEntityCode.Count - 1).ToList().ForEach(i =>
options.Attributes[i] = new EntityCodeKey
EntityCode = objEntityCode[i].EntityCodes
, OrganizationCode = Constants.ORGANIZATION_CODE
Using C#3.0.
Purpose: I am learning LINQ / LAMBDA and trying to do the same program in different way.
As I stated in a comment - your lambda expression doesn't return anything. Therefore it can't be used in a projection. Select is meant to transform a sequence of items of one type into a sequence of items of another type. You're not doing any transforming in your lambda expression - you've just got an assignment.
Now you could do this:
Enumerable.Range(0, objEntityCode.Count - 1).Select(i =>
return options.Attributes[i] = new EntityCodeKey
EntityCode = objEntityCode[i].EntityCodes,
OrganizationCode = Constants.ORGANIZATION_CODE
I wouldn't recommend it though. I appreciate you're currently learning about LINQ and lambda expressions, but it's worth learning when not to use them too - and this looks like a situation where you really, really shouldn't use them.
Look at what you have inside the Select and ForEach method calls:
options.Attributes[i] = new EntityCodeKey
EntityCode = objEntityCode[i].EntityCodes
, OrganizationCode = Constants.ORGANIZATION_CODE
This is essentially an Action<int> -- that is, code that does something but doesn't return something. This is why it makes sense within ForEach but not Select -- Select expects (in this case) a Func<int, T> -- code that returns something (of some type T). Since you are simply assigning Attributes[i] to a new EntityCodeKey, this code does not fall under the umbrella of what you would normally find within a Select call.
Note that technically, the above code actually would return something -- namely, the value stored in options.Attributes[i] -- if you removed the semicolon from the end. Why? Two reasons:
A single-line lambda expression (not terminating in a semi-colon) returns whatever it evaluates to. This is why something like person => person.Name can actually be interpreted as a Func<Person, string>.
An assignment operation evaluates to the assigned value. This is why you can write x = y = z -- because y = z actually evalutes to the newly assigned value of y.
So it's true: your code, sans semi-colon, would actually evaluate to options.Attributes[i]. But writing the code in this way would be, in my opinion anyway, pretty confusing.