Eclipse - Ignore Entire Directories - eclipse

I use Aptana Studio (based on Eclipse). I'm trying to get Eclipse to completely ignore an entire directory inside a project. I mean COMPLETELY. I don't want it to display in the project folder. I don't want Eclipse to even be aware it exists.
Unfortunately, all my efforts to add it as a filter don't work. See . I think the filter only prevents the folder from being displayed in the project display. It doesn't keep Eclipse from actually looking at all the files in that folder for code assist, etc.
My problem is that directory has thousands of text files. So, each time Eclipse opens or refreshes this project, it analyzes all those files.
How can I prevent this?

Not sure about this aptana thing, but there is a convenient way to do it in native eclipse:
Right-click a project folder in Project Explorer tree and go to "Properties".
Resource -> Resource Filters.
Add as much exclusion filters for files/folders as you like.
If your project tree is not refreshed immediately, press F5 to enforce it.

Consider also the 'Derived' checkbox: right-click an entry in the package explorer, choose properties, check Derived. This may solve part of your problem.

If you have a linked resource (pointing off to some other file/folder on disk) with the same name in the same location in the resource tree, then the real folder on disk will be hidden from the resource model.
Unfortunately you can't create the linked resource if the real directory is already there in the project structure. You can try something like this:
On disk, rename/move the directory in question
Refresh the project, the directory is gone
Create a linked resource ( New -> File/Folder >> Advanced -> Link to file in the file system ). Name it the same as the original directory.
On disk, restore the original name of the directory
Refresh project.

Try right-clicking "Properties" and unchecking all permissions.


How to ignore other folders on Team checkin in Eclipse

Team Anywhere always scan other project folder
(Click the above link to see the screenshot)
I have an Android project under c:\AndroidDevelopment, with Team Anywhere installed so I can connect to TFS( and do source code control. However, whenever I try to check in a file, it takes a long time to come up with this check in window and I think the problem is, as you can see in the screenshot, it scans the whole world of C:\Projects. Why it scans C:\Projects folder? which has nothing to do with my android project under c:\AndroidDevelopment?
How to tell the Team Anywhere not to do that? (Or what causes TeamAnywhere to scan c:\projects folder?)
If you are working in a local workspace, Eclipse can detect changes that you make outside the system.
If you make changes outside Eclipse to projects that are in your Eclipse workspace, refresh the Package Explorer or Project Explorer to see your changes. Changes will be detected automatically.
You can manage your workspace under Pending Changes--Actions to see whether you have mapped C:\Projects\ folder:
If items that you don’t need to check in are appearing regularly in the Promote Candidate Changes dialog box, you can select one of them, open its shortcut menu, and choose Ignore this local item to ignore the item.
You can also customize which files are ignored by version control. You can configure which kinds of files are ignored by placing text file called .tfignore in the folder where you want rules to apply. The effects of the .tfignore file are recursive. However, you can create .tfignore files in sub-folders to override the effects of a .tfignore file in a parent folder. More information, please check:

I need Netbeans help. NO project's -src node appears so no source files--only -Libraries node shows

I hope it's OK to ask this here. Netbeans forums isn't responding. If not, I'll delete this or ask for it to be deleted. I'm desperate so I'll face the wrath, if any.
I moved my Netbeans projects folder from one directory node to another to make backing up all my stuff easier. BAD MOVE.
Now when I open a project using Files | Open project (ctrl-shift-O) NO source files appear because there is no "+Source Packages" node to expand.
It looks like this for all projects, e.g. one named GBL:
It doesn't look like this anymore:
+Source Packages (How do I get this back?)
The Netbeans Properties for each project shows me the path it's using. Windows 7 Explorer shows me that the src, build, and nbproject folders contain files and ALL the source files are in the src folder for that path.
What have I done and more importantly what should I do to get back to being able to open a project normally?
(I've tried recreating the original Netbeans folder and using Windows Explorer to copy an entire project folder into it but: same result--all I see is the Libraries node under the project's name node.)
I just tried to Clean (and also Build) to see what would happen. Error:
ant -f C:\\Users\\Dov\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\BasicShirt jar
Must set src.dir
I just Set Configuration by right-clicking the project's name and provided a path to the src folder.
NOW I SEE MY SOURCE FILES BUT NOW THIS line in the .xml file is flagged with similar message:
<fail unless="[u][b]test[/b][/u].src.dir">Must set test.src.dir</fail>
NOW what do I do? (Netbeans 7.4.)
If I could get rid of the 7.4 automatic creation of +Test Packages, I might be OK.
If you can help, I'd be very happy.
(I'm considering re-installing 7.3 if available or removing and reinstalling 7.4 and try to avoid the "testing" requirement, but there goes all my many tweaks of 7.4.)
Well, after considerable frustration with the problem, I solved it, essentially.
It's here, in total. My synopsis plus how it helped me follows. In short, I had to set up a new java project based on existing sources using the New Project Wiz and simply direct Netbeans to the sources.
File > New Project
Choose Java Project with Existing Sources.
Type a (new) project name and ...
... make the Project Folder contains the path to where you want the new project to be stored. (For me, this is the folder where Netbeans has been able to find my sources.)
Click Next for the Existing Sources page of the wizard and ...
5a. ... in the Source Packages Folder pane, click Add Folder and ...
5b. ... navigate to your sources and select the source root folder.
Clicking Next goes to the Includes/Excludes pane, which I didn't need to use.

Eclipse project already exists

I deleted a project in my workspace, then tried to create a new project with the same name. Eclipse told me that it overlaps the location of another project (the one I just deleted). How do I fix this?
This is what I did.
Go to Window --> Show View --> Project Explorer
Then right click on the project name that you want to delete and Click Delete.
In the dialogue box, check 'Delete Project Contents on disk'
It worked. I was able to create the project with same name again.
I had the same problem with the IBM Integration Toolkit, which is based on Eclipse. The problem also occurs in Android Studio, which is also based on Eclipse. crazyscot seems to have the right answer at A project with that name already exists in the workspace eclipse and his solution worked for me.
You need to open up the Project Explorer view (it may already be open) and delete the project from within there.
Go to Window >> Preferences >> General >> startup and shutdown >> workspace
theen select Recent work space then click Remove and close the program and open it again
You have to manually delete the project folder from your "workspace" directory (wherever you have defined it to be).
there will be a file .project xml file in the project and its content looks like
here ProjectName is the name of project you can change it to whatever you want.
First you create a project in some other location with the same name of your project as before.
Now delete this project by right clicking on project > Delete.
Do not check the dialog "Delete Project Contents on Disk".
Now you move your newly created project through file manager to the original location(location where you are not able to import your project).
Then import the project from the newly moved location(location where you are not able to import your project).
After deleting the project from Eclipse IDE(Project Explorer), remove it from work space folder as well. Workspace folder path - C:\Users\username\workspace (it can be different for your system).
try moving the project and try importing
go to tab window>preferences>search workspace> then make sure in last / is not in your recent workspace. Example-:/var/www/html
your url should like above.
With the same problem, I did a text search and found an XML file containing the name of the project.
I had copied the project from another project. Let's say that I copied project A to project B. Although the XML file in the new project (B) was named for project B, it had an entry which still referred to project A. When I edited it, the problem went away.
Simply remove the .classpath and .project files and try.
Go to create new project. Once there, select the project type. Mine was PHP project. The new PHP project screen will popup. There, click create a new project and give the project name which you used before. Then press finish.
If you need a 100% risk-free strategy, just right click the project and select 'export', and put it back where it was. Then, you can either continue using the project in your current directory (with no more popups) or switch over to the directory you were working in before. The side effect of the former is that you will have a duplicate project taking up a small amount of space. If anything, finish up what you need to do in the current directory, then pull (via git) from the original directory. Or, delete the project in the current directory, and import from the original directory to the target directory for the second time - though now, since it is the proper way, the issue will be resolved.
I met this problem just and I just figure out the main reason cause this problem is your copying pom.xml from another already existing project in your workspace.
So the way is find the pom.xml in your project folder and rename <name>conflicted Project name</name>.
In 2021, Using Ubuntu 20 here is simple way to remove it.
In Eclipse main Menu
Window -> Preferences
In the search type recent workspaces
Select and delete the project. click apply changes
Removing a project from an Eclipse workspace does not delete the files by default. You have to check a checkbox for that. This is a Good Thing. As you have not checked the checkbox, you have to delete the files manually using e.g. a file manager.
Note that there are files starting with . in an Eclipse project directory, such as .project. They are considered hidden files on Unices.
go to the folder and delete the file .project. This worked for me.

eclipse workspace where to keep misc files

This may seem like a strange question but can I add a folder in the eclipse workspace that doesn't get recognized by the system? Someplace to keep my notes and java files I'm not ready to including in the build yet?
I tried putting a directory my under src but ecplise tried to compile the files in there, I just want a place where I can keep stuff I don't want eclipse to look at
Try excluding a folder/files by:
Right-click a project folder in Project Explorer tree and then go to
click on Resource and then go to "Resource Filters".
Add exclusion filters for files/folders .

Eclipse file search finds the same file multiple times

In Eclipse I have two maven projects A and B, where A is a parent for B. The directory structure is the following:
Then I use File search (Ctrl+H) to find any file in the project B. The search result window shows the file two times with different relative paths:
So, the same file is shown twice. Obviously, the first search result is reduntant. Is there a way to exclude these duplicate search results?
What I personally do to avoid this is marking each module in the parent project as derived (right-click on the folder > properties > Attributes: Derived).
Then when you perform a file search, uncheck "Consider derived resources" (I don't think it is checked by default) and you won't get the A/B/<my_file>.
The only inconvenience is that you must do this for each module, and each time a new module is added.
In an open resource window (cntrl+shift+R), click on the arrow on top-right and check "Filter Duplicated Resources". This worked for me.
Checking Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Hide folders of physically nested modules (experimental) worked for me in Mars.1 Release (4.5.1).
After checking it I closed all projects within eclipse, deleted eclipse project files (.project, .classpath and .settings) and reimported my maven projects.
I had similar problem.
My solution for this problem was
Create eclipse "working set" of projects to search
Set this working set as option into search dialog
Search in it
Windows - Preferences - Maven - Hide folders of physically nested modules
I agree with Damon Horrell.
Go to Windows - Preferences - Maven - Hide folders of physically nested modules (make sure the checkbox is checked).
Note: Make sure to re-import the maven project into eclipse to see the changes.
Within the parent project, child ones were already visually hidden in my case, but still found through search and Ctrl-click links.
I solved this by using Resource filters:
Right-click (parent) project > Properties > Resource > Resource Filters
Click Add Filter..., select Applies to -> Folders and enter one child project's folder name, click OK
Repeat 2. for all child project folders
By the end, you should have something like this:
There is an ancient bug which requests Eclipse to support nested projects. Opened 2008, won't happen soon, I guess.
Since Eclipse doesn't support Maven's default nested module layout, you have to import each module individually which doesn't confuse Eclipse but it can confuse you as you can see in the search results. Similar things happen when you start to save launch configs in a module.
There are several possible solutions:
Get used to ignoring half the search results. Takes some discipline but no magic.
Make sure your root project doesn't contain anything important that you might want to open from Eclipse (i.e. move the parent POM to a new module which must be a child of the root project). Now you can close the root project.
Takes some discipline where to put things in your project and it's clumsy when you have to add new modules.
Use the flat multi-module approach. This is an extension to #2, it looks odd and there might be plugins that are offended by that. So if you use a lot of nonstandard plugins, you should check whether they like the new layout.
As a new joiner, still couldn't comment but I'd really like to add something to the best answer. It works! It not only removed the duplicate files for me (one from child module and one from parent module), it also removed the class files from parent module).
But it added the folder to my .gitignore which will cause problem for new files/directories added later. I just reverted the change to .gitignore and it still works in eclipse.
Find this answer to disable auto change of .gitignore
EGit and Eclipse modifies .gitignore file but it should not
You can solve this problem using a flat multi-module approach.
Caveats may apply if you're using the maven-release-plugin with a version control system other than Subversion.
In addition to "Hide folders of physically nested modules" mentioned, you could uncheck parent modules when importing Maven project: