Checking how function has been called in MATLAB - matlab

I have a task to write a function that has an optional output argument.
Let's say I have a function y = fun(a,b). From what I understood, depending on whether the user needs the value y, it will EITHER calculate y OR draw some diagram.
So I think it means that if user calls my function like this: z = fun(1,2), then it calculates y and returns it, but if he calls it like this: fun(3,4);, then it won't return anything and draw a diagram instead.
Is there any way to check how my function has been called inside it? If yes, then how?

You can use nargout here:
function y = q61527462(a,b)
if nargout > 0
% Calculate y
y = a + b;
% Plot
so when you call the function as:
>> y = q61527462(1,2)
you get:
y =
and when you call with:
>> q61527462(1,2)
you get the plot

Have a look at nargout, that roughly translates to number of argument to output (there is also a nargin to check the number of input arguments).
However, the function will return the return-value anyway if your just check for nargin. You will also need to use varargout (variable argument output) to make your function return something only if the output will be assigned to some external variable.
So you just write in your function
function varargout = fun()
if nargout % implicit cast to a logical. It is equivalent to nargout > 0
% return output
varargout{1} = true; % note that this requires to wrap your output in a cell
% do plotting
It is even not necessary to use varargout. If you don't assign a value to a return-variable, it won't appear. So MATLAB can manage a not-assigned return-variable (something I was surprised to learn myself^^). This even works with multiple outputs!


How to assign each element/column of output to a different variable

In Matlab some functions adapt their output to the number of output variables in the call. For example I can do:
A=[[1 2 3];[4 5 6]];
And I get
s=[2, 3];
But if I want to handle independently width and height I can do:
[h, w]=size(A);
And I get:
Now, if I have a function that always output a vector of let's say 3 elements. Is there a way to assign each element to a different variable?
I mean to avoid an scenery like this:
I hope I have explained what I mean.
I've had the same problem. Mostly with functions handling coordinates as in your example. My solution was to create the following function:
function varargout = dealOneByOne(vector)
% Assign each column of vector to each variable on the output variables
for i=1:size(vector,2)
Then you can just do
I'm not aware of a simpler way to do it.
Let's define a test function as follows:
function x = test()
x = [1 2 3];
Given the function above, this is what I would normally perform in order to split the output array into many distinct variables:
out = num2cell(test());
[a,b,c] = deal(out{:});
A wrapper function can be defined in order to avoid spreading the above assignment into multiple lines:
[a,b,c] = vout_num(test());
function varargout = vout_num(x)
C = num2cell(x);
varargout = C(:).';
In your example, the wrapper function would be used as follows:
[X,Y,Z] = vout_num(getPosition());

function handles in Octave

I have a question regarding function(handles) in Octave.
So, I want to call a function, which accepts two variables and returns two(the implementation is faulty; but not relevant in this case).
According to the documentation this should be quite straightforward:
function [ret-list] = name (arg-list)
I'm trying the following:
function two_d_comp = twodcomp
function twoDperp[vmag, vangle]=perp(x,y)
W = hypot(y,x);
vmag = y/W;
vangle = x/y;
I saved the function in a file called twodcomp.m.
When I call the function as follows:
[X, Y] = twodcomp.twoDperp(1,2)
Octave spits out the following:
error: #perp: no function and no method found
error: called from
twodcomp at line 2 column 20
I managed to remove the error by removing the output arguments vmag and vangle, as follows:
function twoDperp=perp(x,y)
But this is obviously not really what I want.
Do you guys happen to have some pointers as to what I'm doing wrong?
Your initial function twodcomp: you cannot have the output variable (before the =) be named the same as your function name (after the =).
Then if you want to assign an anonymous function (MATLAB docs, Octave docs) using the # notation, you can still pass the desired inputs.
So rewrite it like:
% Include empty parentheses after a function name to make it clear which is the output
function output = twodcomp()
% Not sure why you're assigning this function to a struct, but
% still give yourself the ability to pass arguments.
% I'm assuming you want to use the output variable,
% and not reuse the main function name (again)
output.twoDperp = #(x,y) perp(x,y);
With your second function, you just need to remove the twoDperp before your output arguments. In your question you state the expected syntax from the docs, but then didn't follow it...
function [vmag, vangle] = perp(x,y)
W = hypot(y,x);
vmag = y/W;
vangle = x/y;
Now these can be used like so:
% Deliberately using different variable names to make it clear where things
% overlap from the function output. twodcomp output is some struct.
myStruct = twodcomp();
% The output struct has the field "twoDperp" which is a function with 2 outputs
[m, a] = myStruct.twoDperp(1,2);

Matlab - Optional handle argument first for plot like functions

Matlab includes many plotting functions which take an optional argument being the handle to the axis to plot to. There are many solutions online for adding optional arguments to user-defined functions (varargin, inputParser), however they usually require that the optional arguments come only after the mandatory arguments, whilst plotting functions in matlab typically are of the form
plot(optional, mandatory, optional)
That is, the optional arguments can come both before and after the mandatory arguments.
I would like to replicate this behaviour for a custom plot type so that it follows the same style as the built-in plot functions. The following use-cases are presented to demonstrate that checking the number of arguments alone is insufficient to accomplish the desired behaviour:
x = [1:10];
y = x.^2;
ax(1) = subplot(1, 2, 1);
ax(2) = subplot(1, 2, 2);
myplot(x, y); %Mandatory
myplot(x, y, 'r+'); %Mandatory, optional
myplot(ax(1), x, y); %Optional, mandatory
myplot(ax(2), x, y, 'r+'); %Optional, mandatory, optional
My question is, what techniques can we use to emulate this behaviour?
I usually use a pattern like this, which is also used by many of the plotting functions that are part of MATLAB:
function varargout = myplot(obj, varargin)
% Check the number of output arguments.
% Parse possible axes input.
[ax, args, ~] = axescheck(varargin{:}); %#ok<ASGLU>
% Get handle to either the requested or a new axis.
if isempty(ax)
hax = gca;
hax = ax;
% At this point, hax refers either to a specified axis, or
% to a fresh one if none was specified. args refers to the
% remainder of any arguments passed in varargin.
% Parse the rest of args
% Make the plot in hax
% Output a handle to the axes if requested.
if nargout == 1
varargout{1} = hax;
axescheck is an undocumented function. You're always taking a small risk by doing that, but it's been present and unchanged in MATLAB since forever, and it's used by many very stable plotting functions within MATLAB, so you should be OK.
What it does is to check whether the first argument is a handle to an axis. If it is, then ax is that handle, and args is the rest of the input arguments. If not, then ax is empty and args contains all of the input arguments.
Hope that helps!
Edit: More information about axescheck as requested.
Firstly, you can see the location and source code for axescheck by typing which axescheck and edit axescheck. In this way you can see exactly what it does.
The syntax is [AX, ARGS, NARGS] = AXESCHECK(ARG1, ARG2, ...).
Firstly, it checks if ARG1 is a handle to an axis. If so, it's returned as AX, the remaining arguments (ARG2, ...) are returned in ARGS, and NARGS is the value of nargin minus 1.
Secondly, it checks if any of the input arguments is a parameter-value pair with parameter Parent. If so, then all parameter-value pairs with the parameter Parent are removed from the list. The specified axis is returned in AX, the remaining arguments are returned in ARGS, and NARGS is the value of nargin minus the number of removed arguments.
If no axis is specified in either of the above ways, then AX is empty, ARGS is just the input arguments, and NARGS is the value of nargin.
axescheck works with either old-style (Handle Graphics 1) double handles, and new-style (Handle Graphics 2) handles of the class
It also checks whether the supplied handle is a handle to a deleted object, throwing an error if it is.
It's quite widely used within many built-in MATLAB plotting functions - see, for example, hist.m, polar.m, surfl.m, bar3.m, comet.m, pie.m and many others.
You can write a function that takes varargin as input. Then, you check the number of arguments. If it's less than 2 (or something else, depending on your function), cast an error or warning. Then, check the class of the input parameters.
If the class of your first input is '', then your function should call: plot(ax,___). If it's a double, then it must be the format plot(X,Y,LineSpec).
Something along these lines should work
function [] = myplot(varargin)
if nargin < 2
error('Minimum two input must be given'); % You probably want something other than an error. This was just an example.
elseif nargin == 2
% Code for plotting
plot(x, y)
elseif nargin == 3
if strcmp(class(varargin{1}),'')
ax1 = varargin{1};
x = varargin{2};
y = varargin{3};
plot(ax1, x, y)
elseif isa(varargin{2}, 'double') && isa(varargin{3}, 'double') && isa(varargin{3}, 'char')
x = varargin{1};
y = varargin{2};
LineSpec = varargin{3};
else ...
PS! You don't need to do x = varargin{1} etc., this was just to illustrate what each of the different cell elements represents if the if evaluates to true.
You can continue with "Name-Value Pair Arguments". Check if the class of the input argument is char, and that it can't represent something other than a parameter name. If it's a parameter name, then you know the next argument is a parameter value.

MATLAB force function to output n arguments

Is there a way in matlab to force a function to output a certain number of arguments? For example this is what matlab does:
function [a,b,c] = practice
if nargout >=1
a =1;
if nargout >=2
if nargout ==3
c = 3;
d(1:3) = practice()
% d = [1 1 1]
I would want:
d(1:3) = practice()
% d = [1 2 3]
Can I get this behavior without needing to say
[d(1),d(2),d(3)] = practice()
There is an option to let your function output everything when only a single output argument is used:
function varargout=nargoutdemo(x)
if nargout==1
For non uniform return data, it might be necessary to switch to a cell
If you wish not to change the function, you could use this a little bit more generic code:
Please not, that this returns a cell, not an array. That's because array to comma separated list conversion is not directly possible.

define anonymous function as 2 of 4 outputs of m file function

I have an m-file function with 4 outputs. I would like to define an anonymous function that has the same inputs, but only produces 2 of the four outputs. Is this possible?
AFAIK, you can't do this with just an inline anonymous function, because that Matlab syntax doesn't provide a way of capturing and indexing in to multiple outputs of a function in a single expression. But you can write a couple reusable helper functions that do so, and then define anonymous functions using them.
Let's say your four argout function is named "f4".
function varargout = f4(x)
%F4 Dummy function that returns 4 argouts holding identifying indexes
varargout = num2cell(1:4);
Here's a reusable helper function that remaps outputs of a function call.
function varargout = callandmap(fcn, ix, varargin)
%CALLANDMAP Call a function and rearrange its output arguments
tmp = cell(1,max(ix)); % Capture up to the last argout used
[tmp{:}] = fcn(varargin{:}); % Call the original function
varargout = tmp(ix); % Remap the outputs
Now you can make anonymous, argout-remapping functions like this. Here, g holds an anonymous function that takes the same inputs as your original function, but just returns 2 of its original 4 outputs.
>> g = #(varargin) callandmap(#f4, [2 4], varargin{:})
g =
>> [a,b] = g('dummy') % gets argouts 2 and 4 from original f4() function
a =
b =
Using varargin allows you to omit trailing arguments when the resulting function handle is called. If you know all argins will always be provided, you can use named argins for readability if you want.
You can get even fancier and do this with a closure.
function fcn = mapargout(fcnIn, ixArgout)
%MAPARGOUT Create wrapper function that selects or reorders argouts
% fcn = argoutselector(fcnIn, ixArgout)
% Wraps a given function handle in a function that rearranges its argouts.
% This uses closures so it may have performance impacts.
% FcnIn is a function handle to wrap.
% IxArgout is a list of indexes in to the original functions argout list
% that should be used as the outputs of the new function.
% Returns a function handle to a new function.
fcn = #extractor;
function varargout = extractor(varargin)
n = max(ixArgout);
tmp = cell(1,n);
% Call the wrapped function, capturing all the original argouts
[tmp{:}] = fcnIn(varargin{:});
% And then select the ones you want
varargout = tmp(ixArgout);
This results in simpler code for creating the anonymous function. And you could compose it with other function wrapper calls.
>> g = mapargout(#f4, [2 4])
g =
>> [a,b] = g('dummy')
a =
b =
But closures can be tricky to work with in Matlab and may have performance implications. The callandmap approach is probably preferable unless you need the extra power.
If the two outputs are #1 and #2, everything is fine, and you don't have to worry about the other two outputs.
If the two outputs are any two others, you have two options
(1) Create a wrapper function with two outputs (note that in newer versions of Matlab you can replace the unused outputs dummy by ~.
function [out1,out2] = wrapperFunction(in1,in2,in3)
[dummy,out1,dummy,out2] = mainFunction(in1,in2,in3);
(2) Add another input variable that allows you to switch your function's behavior
function varargout = mainFunction(in1,in2,in3,outputSwitch)
%# make output switch optional
if nargin < 4 || isempty(outputSwitch)
outputSwitch = 0;
%# calculation here that creates out1-4
if outputSwitch
%# the special case where we only want outputs 2 and 4
varargout = {out2,out4};
%# return all four outputs
varargout = {out1,out2,out3,out4}
Then you can create the anonymous function as usual.