define anonymous function as 2 of 4 outputs of m file function - matlab

I have an m-file function with 4 outputs. I would like to define an anonymous function that has the same inputs, but only produces 2 of the four outputs. Is this possible?

AFAIK, you can't do this with just an inline anonymous function, because that Matlab syntax doesn't provide a way of capturing and indexing in to multiple outputs of a function in a single expression. But you can write a couple reusable helper functions that do so, and then define anonymous functions using them.
Let's say your four argout function is named "f4".
function varargout = f4(x)
%F4 Dummy function that returns 4 argouts holding identifying indexes
varargout = num2cell(1:4);
Here's a reusable helper function that remaps outputs of a function call.
function varargout = callandmap(fcn, ix, varargin)
%CALLANDMAP Call a function and rearrange its output arguments
tmp = cell(1,max(ix)); % Capture up to the last argout used
[tmp{:}] = fcn(varargin{:}); % Call the original function
varargout = tmp(ix); % Remap the outputs
Now you can make anonymous, argout-remapping functions like this. Here, g holds an anonymous function that takes the same inputs as your original function, but just returns 2 of its original 4 outputs.
>> g = #(varargin) callandmap(#f4, [2 4], varargin{:})
g =
>> [a,b] = g('dummy') % gets argouts 2 and 4 from original f4() function
a =
b =
Using varargin allows you to omit trailing arguments when the resulting function handle is called. If you know all argins will always be provided, you can use named argins for readability if you want.
You can get even fancier and do this with a closure.
function fcn = mapargout(fcnIn, ixArgout)
%MAPARGOUT Create wrapper function that selects or reorders argouts
% fcn = argoutselector(fcnIn, ixArgout)
% Wraps a given function handle in a function that rearranges its argouts.
% This uses closures so it may have performance impacts.
% FcnIn is a function handle to wrap.
% IxArgout is a list of indexes in to the original functions argout list
% that should be used as the outputs of the new function.
% Returns a function handle to a new function.
fcn = #extractor;
function varargout = extractor(varargin)
n = max(ixArgout);
tmp = cell(1,n);
% Call the wrapped function, capturing all the original argouts
[tmp{:}] = fcnIn(varargin{:});
% And then select the ones you want
varargout = tmp(ixArgout);
This results in simpler code for creating the anonymous function. And you could compose it with other function wrapper calls.
>> g = mapargout(#f4, [2 4])
g =
>> [a,b] = g('dummy')
a =
b =
But closures can be tricky to work with in Matlab and may have performance implications. The callandmap approach is probably preferable unless you need the extra power.

If the two outputs are #1 and #2, everything is fine, and you don't have to worry about the other two outputs.
If the two outputs are any two others, you have two options
(1) Create a wrapper function with two outputs (note that in newer versions of Matlab you can replace the unused outputs dummy by ~.
function [out1,out2] = wrapperFunction(in1,in2,in3)
[dummy,out1,dummy,out2] = mainFunction(in1,in2,in3);
(2) Add another input variable that allows you to switch your function's behavior
function varargout = mainFunction(in1,in2,in3,outputSwitch)
%# make output switch optional
if nargin < 4 || isempty(outputSwitch)
outputSwitch = 0;
%# calculation here that creates out1-4
if outputSwitch
%# the special case where we only want outputs 2 and 4
varargout = {out2,out4};
%# return all four outputs
varargout = {out1,out2,out3,out4}
Then you can create the anonymous function as usual.


Determine whether parsed varargin input should be passed as an argument vs. parsing within each function

I have a set of functions that takes a cell array of tables and plots data from each table as a subplot on a figure. I have been learning to use the inputParser class to handle varargin inputs, and have that here. The optional parameters are for choosing plot type (plot or bar) and for choosing the names of the variables to plot from the input tables.
In my scenario, the inputs need to be passed along about 3 functions deep, so I'm wondering about best practices for doing this. In my current setup, the outermost function (main) takes a varargin input and parses the inputs by assigning defaults and such. Then I'm wondering, when it comes time to pass these inputs to the next function, is it best to pass the parsedInputs data Results struct down the line, or is it better to have the next function also take a varargin argument and to repeat the parsing process again? I'm not sure what the best way to go about this is. My code is below. The main script for test purposes looks as follows:
Tables{1} = table([1 2 3]' , [6 7 8]', 'VariableNames', {'diam', 'length'});
Tables{2} = table([1 2 6]' , [6 9 2]', 'VariableNames', {'diam', 'length'});
Tables{3} = table([3 9 11]', [7 4 1]', 'VariableNames', {'diam', 'length'});
The main function takes a (required) cell array of tables (Tables) and variable argument parameters, such as 'xVariable', 'yVariable', 'plotType'.
function main(Tables, varargin)%PlotParams, DICTS)
% parse inputs
parsedInputs = parse_plot_inputs(Tables, varargin);
% create figure of subplots
A parse_plot_inputs function takes care of the default value assignment, etc.:
function parsedInputs = parse_plot_inputs(Tables, vararginList)
% input parser function for this specific plotting case
p = inputParser;
addRequired(p, 'Tables', #iscell);
addParameter(p, 'xVariable', 'diam');
addParameter(p, 'yVariable', 'length');
addParameter(p, 'plotType', 'plot');
parse(p, Tables, vararginList{:});
parsedInputs = p;
make_subplots_from_tables then loops through the cell array of tables, and calls plot_special to plot each of them on its own subplot.
function make_subplots_from_tables(parsedInputs)
% unpack parsed inputs
Tables = parsedInputs.Results.Tables;
% plot each table as a subplot
numTables = length(Tables);
for i = 1:numTables
subplot(numTables, 1, i); hold on;
plot_special(Tables{i}, parsedInputs)
plot_special is the "base" function in this scenario that calls the MATLAB plot functions:
function plot_special(T, parsedInputs)
% unpack parsed inputs
xVariable = parsedInputs.Results.xVariable;
yVariable = parsedInputs.Results.yVariable;
plotType = parsedInputs.Results.plotType;
% plot single table on one plot
xVals = T.(xVariable);
yVals = T.(yVariable);
switch plotType
case 'plot'
plot(xVals, yVals, '-x');
case 'bar'
bar(xVals, yVals);
error('invalid plot type');
I am unsure whether this is the best method for taking in arguments and for using them in subsequent functions. This method works, although I'm not sure that it's the best practice, nor the most flexible, for example, considering the scenario when I would like to use plot_special on its own, and would like to be able to pass it arguments for xVariable, yVariable, etc. if need be. Given that it is currently dependent on the parsedInputs list from the main function, that wouldn't be doable. However, I'm unsure what another way to define it would be. I considered having an if statement built in along with a varargin input argument that checks whether the varargin is an already-parsed struct, or if it's getting the variables directly and needs to call the parse_plot_inputs itself to get things working. Any advice would be great.
There is no single "best" method, it all depends on circumstances. What you are doing is fine if the functions that take an inputParser object are private sub-functions. If they are generic functions that should work independently, they should have their own argument parsing. One thing you could do, given that you want plot_special to be a stand-alone function, is as follows:
function main(Tables, varargin)
make_subplots_from_tables(Tables, varargin{:});
function make_subplots_from_tables(Tables, varargin)
% plot each table as a subplot
numTables = length(Tables);
for i = 1:numTables
subplot(numTables, 1, i); hold on;
plot_special(Tables{i}, varargin{:})
function plot_special(T, varargin)
% parse `varargin` to yield `xVariable`, `yVariable`, `plotType`
% plot single table on one plot
This way you do the parameter parsing only where necessary, although it is done once for each table plotted, rather than only once for the whole graph. This is probably a very minor issue though, since parameter parsing is not nearly as expensive as plotting.

How to assign each element/column of output to a different variable

In Matlab some functions adapt their output to the number of output variables in the call. For example I can do:
A=[[1 2 3];[4 5 6]];
And I get
s=[2, 3];
But if I want to handle independently width and height I can do:
[h, w]=size(A);
And I get:
Now, if I have a function that always output a vector of let's say 3 elements. Is there a way to assign each element to a different variable?
I mean to avoid an scenery like this:
I hope I have explained what I mean.
I've had the same problem. Mostly with functions handling coordinates as in your example. My solution was to create the following function:
function varargout = dealOneByOne(vector)
% Assign each column of vector to each variable on the output variables
for i=1:size(vector,2)
Then you can just do
I'm not aware of a simpler way to do it.
Let's define a test function as follows:
function x = test()
x = [1 2 3];
Given the function above, this is what I would normally perform in order to split the output array into many distinct variables:
out = num2cell(test());
[a,b,c] = deal(out{:});
A wrapper function can be defined in order to avoid spreading the above assignment into multiple lines:
[a,b,c] = vout_num(test());
function varargout = vout_num(x)
C = num2cell(x);
varargout = C(:).';
In your example, the wrapper function would be used as follows:
[X,Y,Z] = vout_num(getPosition());

Using varargin inputs as structure name and string

Is there a way to use varargin inputs in several different forms. I would like the varargin inputs to become the name of a structure, but I also want it be passed into a fprintf which doesn't accept cell or structure arrays. If I have a function like:
function[] = myfunc(varargin)
for k = varargin
for m = 'ABC'
for n = 1:10
varname = sprintf('%c%d',m,n);
filename = sprintf('Images\\%s',varname);
fprintf('Take measurement %s for %s\n',k,varname);
image = imread(fullfile(filename));
cursor_info = evalin('base','cursor_info');
p1 = cursor_info(2).Position
p2 = cursor_info(1).Position
[d,s] = measure(p1,p2) %measure is a separate function in my directory
k.(varname) = [d,s]
My function is used to analyze several pictures, hence the ABC and 1:10 for loops. If I call the function with inputs of 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', I would like the function to create structures M1, M2, and M3 with A1,B1,C1 - A10,B10,C10 as the field names. [d,s] will be the data saved in each field which is found with the imagesc GUI and function measure.
The problem is that in the loop iterations I want the varargin inputs to be inputed into fprintf and I also want the varargin inputs to become the structure name. I can edit the code so that fprintf accepts the inputs using the function char. But is it possible to have an input in a function become the name of structure to fill with data? And if so, the solution still has to allow the iterator k to be passed into fprintf.
You can have a single structure that holds all k-s, then you can save it with '-struct' option to "strip" it into its fields:
function[] = myfunc(varargin)
for k = varargin
for m = 'ABC'
for n = 1:10
% your stuff here... I am too lazy to copy it...
[d,s] = measure(p1,p2) %measure is a separate function in my directory
meta.(k{1}).(varname) = [d,s] ; % note the {1} for k, loop over cell elements
save('Distances','meta','-struct','-append'); % not 100% sure -append wirks with -struct, you'll have to verify that...

MATLAB: Using second output of a function in a inline function [duplicate]

Say I want to create an anonymous function from a m-file-function that returns two outputs. Is it possible to set up the anonymous function such that it only returns the second output from the m-file-function?
Example: ttest2 returns two outputs, t/f and a probability. If I want to use the t-test with cellfun, I might only be interested in collecting the probabilities, i.e. I'd like to write something like this
probabilities = cellfun(#(u,v)ttest2(u,v)%take only second output%,cellArray1,cellArray2)
There's no way I know of within the expression of the anonymous function to have it select which output to return from a function with multiple possible output arguments. However, you can return multiple outputs when you evaluate the anonymous function. Here's an example using the function MAX:
>> data = [1 3 2 5 4]; %# Sample data
>> fcn = #(x) max(x); %# An anonymous function with multiple possible outputs
>> [maxValue,maxIndex] = fcn(data) %# Get two outputs when evaluating fcn
maxValue =
5 %# The maximum value (output 1 from max)
maxIndex =
4 %# The index of the maximum value (output 2 from max)
Also, the best way to handle the specific example you give above is to actually just use the function handle #ttest2 as the input to CELLFUN, then get the multiple outputs from CELLFUN itself:
[junk,probabilities] = cellfun(#ttest2,cellArray1,cellArray2);
On newer versions of MATLAB, you can replace the variable junk with ~ to ignore the first output argument.
One way to do this is to define the function:
function varargout = getOutput(func,outputNo,varargin)
varargout = cell(max(outputNo),1);
[varargout{:}] = func(varargin{:});
varargout = varargout(outputNo);
and then getOutput(#ttest2,2,u,v) gives only the p-value.
To use it in a cellfun you would need to run:
probabilities = cellfun(#(u,v)getOutput(#ttest2,2,u,v)...
This eliminates the need to write a wrapper every time, but then you have to make sure this function is always in the path.

Skipping outputs with anonymous function in MATLAB

Say I want to create an anonymous function from a m-file-function that returns two outputs. Is it possible to set up the anonymous function such that it only returns the second output from the m-file-function?
Example: ttest2 returns two outputs, t/f and a probability. If I want to use the t-test with cellfun, I might only be interested in collecting the probabilities, i.e. I'd like to write something like this
probabilities = cellfun(#(u,v)ttest2(u,v)%take only second output%,cellArray1,cellArray2)
There's no way I know of within the expression of the anonymous function to have it select which output to return from a function with multiple possible output arguments. However, you can return multiple outputs when you evaluate the anonymous function. Here's an example using the function MAX:
>> data = [1 3 2 5 4]; %# Sample data
>> fcn = #(x) max(x); %# An anonymous function with multiple possible outputs
>> [maxValue,maxIndex] = fcn(data) %# Get two outputs when evaluating fcn
maxValue =
5 %# The maximum value (output 1 from max)
maxIndex =
4 %# The index of the maximum value (output 2 from max)
Also, the best way to handle the specific example you give above is to actually just use the function handle #ttest2 as the input to CELLFUN, then get the multiple outputs from CELLFUN itself:
[junk,probabilities] = cellfun(#ttest2,cellArray1,cellArray2);
On newer versions of MATLAB, you can replace the variable junk with ~ to ignore the first output argument.
One way to do this is to define the function:
function varargout = getOutput(func,outputNo,varargin)
varargout = cell(max(outputNo),1);
[varargout{:}] = func(varargin{:});
varargout = varargout(outputNo);
and then getOutput(#ttest2,2,u,v) gives only the p-value.
To use it in a cellfun you would need to run:
probabilities = cellfun(#(u,v)getOutput(#ttest2,2,u,v)...
This eliminates the need to write a wrapper every time, but then you have to make sure this function is always in the path.