Visualizing all tag values - grafana

I'm looking for a way to visualize all the available values for one specific tag ("pair" in the picture)
I understand that I can manually create individually, but I'm not sure if there's a better for this
Thanks in advance

You can group by the tag of interest.
So, here you can insert "tag(pair)" to the GROUP BY part. Remove it from the where clause as well.


Loop through database ANYLOGIC

In my model I want to loop through the database which contains multiple columns (see example) by an event. The idea behind it is that I want to create dynamic events based on the rows in the database.
But I've no clue how to iterate through a database in anylogic and also was not able to find an example of a loop with a database.
The dummycode of my problem would look something like this:
For order in orderdatabase:
Create order based on (, order.quantity, order.arrivaltime, order.deliverylocation)
Where order in the loop is every row of the database, and the value on which the creation is based based on the different column values of that specific row.
Can somebody give me a simple example of how to create such a loop for this specific problem.
Thanks in advance.
Use the database query wizard:
put your cursor into a code field
this will allow you to open the database wizard
select what you need (in your case, you want the "iterate over returned rows and do something" option
Click ok
adjust the dummy code to make it do what you want
For details and examples, check the example models and the AnyLogic help, explaining all options in detail.

Vega add static field to data

I'm aiming to create a data table with specific color for each line in vega.
Actually i manage to do it like that
My problem is : when I click on a rectangle, it change the color of all the rectangle not only the one I clicked on.
I did not found a way to make my signals values dependent on each of my row so i decided to add a data to each row. At first i tried to use an aggregation but none of the aggregation i found allow me to set a static value in a field.
Then i thought a calculate could do it but it results in a Property calculate is not allowed
Right now I'm stuck and I don't know at all how i could do so.
If anyone has an idea on how I could do it, I would really appreciate. Thanks by advance

Select query for search with 2 or more words without double quotes against more than one field in solr

Please refer My previous question .
With respect to the this answer for my question, I could do with one filed.
I Could not able to do with multiple fields.
http://$solr_host:8983/solr/magazines/select&q=sport+education&df=title&q.op=OR - this is working for one field. How can I do it for multiple field.
What is the right way to achieve my objective. Thank you in advance.
Use Dismax/eDismax with qf (Query Fields) Parameter.
http://$solr_host:8983/solr/magazines/select&q=sport+education&defType=edismax&qf=title name&q.op=OR
Check this here

Multi Select Drop Down Using chosen.jquery.js

when i select index 0 then all Previously selected item should be remove. Is this possible? i have multiple chosen drop down in same page...i have tried so many things but didn't get the proper solutions yet.
I am not sure what you mean. If it is multiple select, it means you can select "multiple" items, otherwise it's a normal select. Also see this and check out if it provides something helpful for you.

coldfusion - bind a form to the database

I have a large table which inserts data into the database. The problem is when the user edits the table I have to:
run the query
use lots of lines like value="<cfoutput>getData.firstname#</cfoutput> in the input boxes.
Is there a way to bind the form input boxes to the database via a cfc or cfm file?
Many Thanks,
Query objects include the columnList, which is a comma-delimited list of returned columns.
If security and readability aren't an issue, you can always loop over this. However, it basically removes your opportunity to do things like locking certain columns, reduces your ability to do any validation, and means you either just label the form boxes with the column names or you find a way to store labels for each column.
You can then do an insert/update/whatever with them.
I don't recommend this, as it would be nearly impossible to secure, but it might get you where you are going.
If you are using CF 9 you can use the ORM (Object Relation Management) functionality (via CFCs)
as described in this online chapter
(starting on page 6 of the pdf)
Take a look at <cfgrid>, it will be the easiest if you're editing table and it can fire 1 update per row.
For security against XSS, you should use <input value="#xmlFormat(getData.firstname)#">, minimize # of <cfoutput> tags. XmlFormat() not needed if you use <cfinput>.
If you are looking for an easy way to not have to specify all the column names in the insert query cfinsert will try to map all the form names you submit to the database column names.
This is indeed a very good question. I have no doubt that the answers given so far are helpful. I was faced with the same problem, only my table does not have that many fields though.
Per the docs EntityNew() the syntax shows that you can include the data when instantiating the object:
artistObj = entityNew("Artists",{FirstName="Tom",LastName="Ron"});
instead of having to instantiate and then add the data field by field. In my case all I had to do is:
artistObj = entityNew( "Artists", FORM );
EntitySave( artistObj );
It does appear from your question that you may be running insert or update queries. When using ORM you do not need to do that. But I may be mistaken.