I wanted to know how to add a nice dark theme to my Ubuntu 16.04 desktop. I have tried looking up some sites, but to no use. I looked at https://askubuntu.com/questions/800730/dark-gtk-theme-for-ubuntu-16-04-unity, but I couldn't find the repositories there. I looked at openSUSE site but couldn't find how to activate the theme that I've installed. I'm new at Ubuntu. Can anyone please give a detailed answer on which themes are the best, the installation and the activation steps?
First of all, to install themes, you'll need an app called unity-tweak-tool
Open the terminal by using the CTRL + ALT + T shortcuts, and type sudo apt install unity-tweak-tool and enter your password to continue. To launch the app, type unity-tweak-tool. If you click the themes icon, you will see all the available themes on your desktop.
...the installation and the activation steps?
Here is a nice tutorial to install themes on your ubuntu by itsfoss
Can anyone please give a detailed answer on which themes are the best...
Arc dark theme by noobslab is a great, dark theme. I just installed it and i loved! Its "mixed" with the default look of ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Here is another picture. It also has its own icon theme! (which im not using)
The downloads, and the installation steps can be found on Noobslab page
I have installed zsh on Windows 10, using WSL with Ubuntu. On top of it the OhMyZsh is installed, with the powerlevel10k theme (https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k).
The problem is that after I decide to login via vagrant to a Virtual Machine (both within VSCode or Ubuntu WSL in a separate window), all customizations of the theme are gone, there are no colors anymore, neither custom elements... (as depicted by the screnshot)
Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance for the help!
I updated to Eclipse Mars. Now if I hover over methods I have black text on black background. Before updating from Luna I had yellow background, black text. How can I configure this hover over for methods? I am on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.
The best workaround I have is this:
export SWT_GTK3=0
before starting eclipse. (You can also do: SWT_GTK3=0 ./eclipse)
Alternatively, you can now also do:
./eclipse --launcher.GTK_version 2
I found all GTK3 modes to be barely usable, and in a mess.
The "dark" (emo) mode still works somewhat, because there seem to be some hardcoded colors somewhere (ouch). I wish they would test better. This is just unusable. And I wish the GNOME people would stop breaking their stuff all the time, too. I hate everything they have been doing the last few years... they are totally designing their UI for a different audience than developers.
When trying out different themes/engines always restart eclipse completely (not using the "restart" menu) to make sure to pick up new environment variables etc.
You can set this as default, by adding export SWT_GTK3=0 into your $HOME/.profile which will usually be read on login (i.e. this will only be effective if you logout and login again).
I had similar problem. so i decided to install eclipse mars using oomph installer . guess what !! finally i have my eclipse without any GTK 3 problems.
Give it a try there is much more what oomph offers.
I'm using Fedora 22 Workstation with GNome
I'm struggling to run any plugin that makes Eclipse IDE more "dark". I tested both:
But the problem is that under Cinnamon buttons background doesn't change. But for instance tabs from tabbed pane does. Here you have screenshot how it looks like
Any idea how to fix that?
Some mint themes come with controls.
In Linuxmint 17:
install cinammon theme delorean-dark or D-dark_smaragd (I prefer the first one)
quit and restart cinnamon-settings
now you should be able to select delorean-dark or D-dark_smaragd for controls on other-settings tab
Eclipse is fine now, but synaptic looks theird after that (gnome 3 fallback theme):
themes are installed to ~/.themes - so I copied them to /root/.themes
I just downloaded Eclipse IDE and Netbeans directly from the websites and installed then in my Ubuntu 12.04. I have some questions:
1 - How can I add their shortcuts in the Ubuntu's sidebar?
2 - When I add shortcuts in desktop using the gnome-desktop-item-edit app, I can't have super user permissions to manipulate then, the Netbeans IDE (that uses a script file to start) shows lots of erros telling that some files are read-only. How can I add sudo privileges in a launcher created with gnome-desktop-item-edit?
Sorry by my poor english.
As far as question #1, first, open the program. Find its icon on the side bar, and right-click it, then select “Keep in Launcher.”
As for #2, in Ubuntu, you can edit the item to run with gksudo COMMAND, but that's extremely unwise (running anything with elevated privileges on the desktop. You should probably instead fix the permissions of the relevant files (right-click on the file, and give yourself permission)
Well, after some days trying to find the better solution for my problem, I think that the better solution is first, Download Eclipse and/or NetBeans IDE from the Ubuntu Software Center and after:
For NetBeans:
Use the IDE's plugin's manager to download the needed ones, and make (if you want) an IDE update process.
For Eclipse:
After download, follow the steps of this link.
After follow this, you can easely create favorite links to your "sidebar" if you use Gnome 3 as me, or make desktop shortcuts without needing sudo privileges, just using the gnome-desktop-item-edit tool or whatever you prefer.
I was running eclipse on Ubuntu Linux. What I have noticed is some icons were missing for File->New->(the items appear in submenu) package,folder,etc. Is this the problem with Ubuntu linux or all the eclipse which is installed on linux?
Many later versions of Gnome have menu icons disabled by default (my refresh icon is gone as well). If this is your problem you can get them back by using:
Select System > Preferences > Appearance from the menu.
This displays a tabbed panel, labeled 'Appearance Preferences'.
Select the Interface tab, and check the "Show icons in menus".
Select Close.
The menu icons should be back.
See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1246454
Sigh. also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=539993
I had the same problem earlier I have ran the below steps and it got fixed. Try to re-install eclipse by giving the below commands
sudo apt-get remove eclipse then
sudo apt-get install eclipse
Let me know if it resolves. Good Luck :-)
This worked for me:
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "{'Gtk/ButtonImages': <1>, 'Gtk/MenuImages': <1>}"
Source: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=185714