Zshell custom theme colors not appearing after a login (VSCode & Ubuntu WSL terminals0 - visual-studio-code

I have installed zsh on Windows 10, using WSL with Ubuntu. On top of it the OhMyZsh is installed, with the powerlevel10k theme (https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k).
The problem is that after I decide to login via vagrant to a Virtual Machine (both within VSCode or Ubuntu WSL in a separate window), all customizations of the theme are gone, there are no colors anymore, neither custom elements... (as depicted by the screnshot)
Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance for the help!


VSCode on Linux Mint, integrated terminal not able to type anything

Hi I'm running Linux Mint 19 and I have just installed vscode using the snapd package manager. I've not used vscode on linux before as my usual editor is emacs. However, on a fresh new install of vscode, the integrated terminal does not work, there is just a non blinking cursor in the top left of the screen, but no prompt and no keyboard strokes are registering. This appears to be a common problem as there are a lot of posts about it if googled, but they are all for Windows versions and none of the solutions that I'm able to try do anything. I've tried to open a new terminal window, but the same thing happens I just get two terminal windows that I now cannot use. I've also tried checking the box that says Code-runner: Run In Terminal, but that does nothing either. What can I do to get this to work please, I looks to me like it is just not connected to either a bash or Zsh(which I normally use). Any help on this would be appreciated.
Instead of starting vscode with its default shell script (usually located on /usr/share/code/bin/code), the integrated terminal only works for me when starting it directly from the compiled binary (typically found on /usr/share/code/code, which is the same as the launcher created by the installer:
/usr/share/code/code --no-sandbox --unity-launch %F
While I searched for a solution in the past I've also noticed that lots of folks solved similar problems just by adding --disable-gpu flag, so might be worth checking out as well.

VS Code installed in Windows comes up as running under WSL Ubuntu 18.04

I installed VS Code in windows, but it comes up as running under WSL Ubuntu 18.04.
I don't want to run in the linux subsystem, but in windows proper.
Uninstalling and reinstalling does not change this.
Uninstalling and deleting all vscode file and folders in /users does not change this.
Try going to the bottom left of your window and press on the WSL: Ubuntu-18.04 button.
After pressing the button, go to the top center of the window and choose Close Remote Connection.
After that, VS Code should stop auto-connecting to the WSL Ubuntu system every time when you open it (I tested myself and it worked on my computer).

Dark theme for Ubuntu 16.04

I wanted to know how to add a nice dark theme to my Ubuntu 16.04 desktop. I have tried looking up some sites, but to no use. I looked at https://askubuntu.com/questions/800730/dark-gtk-theme-for-ubuntu-16-04-unity, but I couldn't find the repositories there. I looked at openSUSE site but couldn't find how to activate the theme that I've installed. I'm new at Ubuntu. Can anyone please give a detailed answer on which themes are the best, the installation and the activation steps?
First of all, to install themes, you'll need an app called unity-tweak-tool
Open the terminal by using the CTRL + ALT + T shortcuts, and type sudo apt install unity-tweak-tool and enter your password to continue. To launch the app, type unity-tweak-tool. If you click the themes icon, you will see all the available themes on your desktop.
...the installation and the activation steps?
Here is a nice tutorial to install themes on your ubuntu by itsfoss
Can anyone please give a detailed answer on which themes are the best...
Arc dark theme by noobslab is a great, dark theme. I just installed it and i loved! Its "mixed" with the default look of ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Here is another picture. It also has its own icon theme! (which im not using)
The downloads, and the installation steps can be found on Noobslab page

VScode is forcing my extensions to be installed on WSL

I am trying to install platformIO an IOT tools extension and VScode installs it on wsl with no option for me to change to a local installation. Because it has a lot of dependence on IO and the extension just uses python it is really important for that it is installed locally. Is there any way to do this?
The green space in the bottom left tells you what "OS" VScode is using (win or one of the multiple WSL you might have on your system). It looks like this for WSl
or empty like this for windows
just click on it to change it. Extentions are installed to the respective environment/OS.

Eclipse Dark Theme on Linux Mint Cinammon

I'm struggling to run any plugin that makes Eclipse IDE more "dark". I tested both:
But the problem is that under Cinnamon buttons background doesn't change. But for instance tabs from tabbed pane does. Here you have screenshot how it looks like
Any idea how to fix that?
Some mint themes come with controls.
In Linuxmint 17:
install cinammon theme delorean-dark or D-dark_smaragd (I prefer the first one)
quit and restart cinnamon-settings
now you should be able to select delorean-dark or D-dark_smaragd for controls on other-settings tab
Eclipse is fine now, but synaptic looks theird after that (gnome 3 fallback theme):
themes are installed to ~/.themes - so I copied them to /root/.themes