Flutter Gradle build with error exception - flutter

i just setup my android studio and vs code and flutter SDK installed but any time i try running the project i get this Gradle error, i cant figure out what the problem is please help me out.
After running the flutter doctor everything seems to be okay.

the problem might be caused by many factors so lets try some solutions
after each one rebuild your app if the error message changed or the problem solved please keep us informed
run these commands one by one
flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade --force
flutter pub cache repair
cd your app folder
flutter clean
edit app/build.gradle in your host app such as it includes the local repo
like in here
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://storage.googleapis.com/download.flutter.io'
use VPN and rebuild your app


Error: Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:flutter/material.dart'. (uri_does_not_exist at [myapp] test/widget_test.dart:8)

I made an app in Flutter and there are no errors on its Dart file but I suddenly end up with errors on widget_test.dart. can you guys help me out. Thanks
Run flutter clean, and then flutter pub get in the terminal respectively.
If that doesn't work, try running flutter upgrade, and then repeating the initial steps.
Finally, if it still isn't working, you can run flutter doctor to see if there's anything glaringly wrong with your project.

I am having a problem building a Flutter App

I has a build a flutter app before successfully, but I try to update the code of my flutter app because I discovered some bugs but when j try to build it I get a error about error configuring video_player Android, I try to add it as a Dependencies but still it didn't work, I also invalidate cache's too it didn't work because it also said something about Cache's, I also upgraded my flutter SDK, still it didn't work, I will attach a image under this write up.
The error I am facing 😭😪
The error I am facing 😭😪
Write below command in terminal to clear cache with android project path.
flutter pub cache clean
./gradlew clean
gradlew cleanBuildCache

Could not resolve project :url_launcher_macos

I create new app in flutter and it's work when I run it, but when I add shared_preferences package, I got this error when I run it
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':url_launcher:compileDebugAidl'.
Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':url_launcher:debugCompileClasspath'.
Could not resolve project :url_launcher_macos.
Required by:
project :url_launcher
Unable to find a matching configuration of project :url_launcher_macos:
- None of the consumable configurations have attributes.
Neither package is compatible with mac
I have faced the same problem and i have fixed this with running following command:
flutter pub cache repair
If this is not working then please try the following:
flutter channel stable then run the commands
flutter clean and flutter upgrade
This worked for me
Go to Flutter sdk path
Enable the view hidden files in Mac by using CTRL + SHIFT + .
Go to .pub-cache
Go to hosted
Go to pub.dartlang.org
delete this folder url_launcher_macos
Open the project and run app

Can't get or upgrade dependencies for Flutter in Android Studio

I'm very new to developing so I'm sorry if this is a silly question. When trying to open a Flutter package from Git I am not able to 'get dependencies' or 'upgrade dependencies'
I get the message:
C:\Flutter\flutter\bin\flutter.bat --no-color pub get
This is the folder that I installed Flutter in on my computer. I have read other threads here and tried to following with no luck:
- Uninstalled and reinstalled Flutter
- Checked the Flutter SDK setup in 'Languages & Frameworks'
- Tried Flutter Clean
- Check for updates for Flutter
As I said I'm pretty new so may be making a simple mistake. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried running this from your terminal in your project
flutter packages get
please check indentation in pubspec.yaml file while you are writing any package name

Error: Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds

E:\Flutter>flutter doctor Checking Dart SDK version... Downloading
Dart SDK from Flutter engine ead227f a... Unzipping Dart SDK...
Updating flutter tool... Error: Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool.
Retrying in five seconds...
Waiting for 0 seconds, press CTRL+C to quit ... Error: Unable to 'pub
upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds...
Waiting for 0 seconds, press CTRL+C to quit ... Error: Unable to 'pub
upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds...
Waiting for 0 seconds, press CTRL+C to quit ... Error: Unable to 'pub
upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds...
Waiting for 0 seconds, press CTRL+C to quit ... Error: Unable to 'pub
upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds...
Waiting for 0 seconds, press CTRL+C to quit ... Error: Unable to 'pub
upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds...
First Make sure you have a working internet connection and if this issue still exists then, this error may be because the dart sdk may have not been properly downloaded.
The simplest solution is to delete the cache folder located in
flutter/bin(location where flutter is installed) and then Run flutter doctor
I fix that by:
Ctrl+C to stop infinite error loop.
Kill the Dart process in Windows Task Manager.
Delete the cache folder located in flutter/bin directory.
Run in command line flutter pub cache repair.
After that I run flutter doctor and get predictable results:
e:\tools>flutter doctor
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.12.13+hotfix.9, on Microsoft Windows [Version
6.1.7601], locale ru-RU)
[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 28.0.3)
[√] Android Studio (version 3.6)
[!] IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (version 2019.2)
X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
[!] IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (version 2019.2)
X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
[√] VS Code (version 1.44.2)
[√] Connected device (1 available)
! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.
I found my antivirus blocks pub upgrade,I had same issue while hitting flutter doctor, I turned off my antivirus and tried to run "flutter doctor" again, and worked well!
simplest and easiest way is download the latest version flutter sdk. replace manually current folder by pasting downloaded flutter folder instead of the current folder
in c drive. always choose replace and paste.
after finishing that check with flutter doctor. my issue solved
Solved this issue when Run the CMD as administrative.
This issue will come in protected network as well as due to anti-virus. Even I was facing the same. I downloaded latest stable version manually from the following link, which doesn't required any update process and it works for now..
Download Link For Flutter in Zip format
I updated the flutter SDK via git pull, then the flutter doctor command works.
Just delete the cache folder in flutter/bin and run flutter doctor again!!
Just Deactivate your antivirus and run it again. It would work fine. I had the same issue before.
I deactivated my antivirus for some time and executed flutter doctor command once again in cmd and got fruitful results after hours of patience.
One more thing to note, you should ensure that path of dart-sdk folder should be added to the path in user variables.
It seems it is not being able to "unzip" the downloaded Dart file because it misses 7-zip uncompressor.
I installed it and it worked! It will deal with .7z files.
I hope it works for other people too!!
I had the same problem and it was solved.
Download Dart and Filters SDK then Decompress these files and move them to this directory.
C: \
Define the variables in path:
Delete cache directory in flutter/bin
Then run flutter doctor
Make sure you downloaded the windows powershell i use windows 8 it wasn't installed by default , when i downloaded it it worked for me.
Check your flutter bin path in environment variable(User Variables). If not go to Under User variables check if there is an entry called Path:in that add this flutter/bin path.
Strangly when I kill the dart process in Windows Task Manager it is working. But sometimes even when dart process is running update working.
I had to turn off the Android Emulator. It was running for me...
I got the same error and was not able to get rid of it. So I deleted the flutter and instead of cloning it I downloaded the zip from the flutter website and extracted it. Now it works just fine.
Manually downloading the SDK from flutter website fixed the issue.
Still dont know why this problem occured tho.
If you are using Avast (or possibly some other anti virus too) on Mac and have recently updated the OS to Big Sur then follow the below steps to fix this issue
Open Avast and in the Web Shield area disable the "Scan secure connection".
Run flutter config --no-analytics and then run pub upgrade.
This should probably fix the issue.
You can also refer to below threads in Github for more details about the cause
In my case, the error resolve after adding below folder into exclude option in anti virus
Flutter SDK location
Flutter Local Pub folder
You get the error --
"Pub failed to delete entry because it was in use by another process.
This may be caused by a virus scanner or having a file
in the directory open in another application.
Error (1): Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... (1 tries left)" even if you are in one of the flutter directories from Windows explorer. Close the window and try running Flutter doctor. This will resolve.
If anyone faces this problem on macOS with AdGuard installed. Try this:
Go AdGuard Preferences -> Network -> Automatically filter applications -> Select Mode... and change mode to Automatic Proxy.
Pub failed to delete entry because it was in use by another process.
This may be caused by a virus scanner or having a file
in the directory open in another application.
Error (1): Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... (9 tries left)
Tried switch to Dev channel and got stuck with "Unable to pub upgrade". Did everything and nothing worked.
This is what I did:
Renamed the Flutter SDK folder
Download the latest Flutter SDK
Extract to the same location of previous renamed SDK
Flutter channel Dev
Flutter upgrade
And everything back to normal.
Source of Problem
It might be possible that you don't have enough free disk space. That's what caused my problems to begin with.
In my case,
First I had to clean up space to remove any unused files.
Then I had to overwrite the flutter SDK folder due to corruption. The SDK can be found here.
I had the same issue with my MacBook M1. I tried deleting and running flutter pub cache repair But It didn't work for me.
Then I ran the command softwareupdate --install-rosetta and accepted the software licences & agreement (After installing XCode). Now the command flutter works fine. :)
Tried all of the above without success. The search order in the PATH system variable turned out to be the problem:
it was:
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin;
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\flutter;
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\flutter.bat;
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\dart.exe;
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\dart;
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\dart.bat;
changed it to:
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\flutter
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\flutter.bat
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\dart
G:\My Drive\Compilers\flutter\bin\dart.bat
that fixed it
Mac auto iCloud upload might be causing the error
If you are using Mac and if your Desktop files are being uploaded to iCloud automatically, sometimes iCloud uploads the "bin" file or the "cache" file inside the flutter file. I've just downloaded the file onto desktop (right click the file -> "Download Now") and it downloaded the file, it ran as usual. (Automatic upload can be turned off from system preferences if youn are getting this error frequently like I was).
For my case, i was using ubuntu, and after reading the above comments, i have come to a resolution that the above error comes as a result of permissions being blocked, accessing cmd with admin access levels solves the problem, e.g on linux run sudo flutter doctor and the problem will be solved.
This error occured to me when i tried upgrading my flutter so it needed admin rights to be upgraded nothing much