Could not resolve project :url_launcher_macos - flutter

I create new app in flutter and it's work when I run it, but when I add shared_preferences package, I got this error when I run it
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':url_launcher:compileDebugAidl'.
Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':url_launcher:debugCompileClasspath'.
Could not resolve project :url_launcher_macos.
Required by:
project :url_launcher
Unable to find a matching configuration of project :url_launcher_macos:
- None of the consumable configurations have attributes.

Neither package is compatible with mac

I have faced the same problem and i have fixed this with running following command:
flutter pub cache repair
If this is not working then please try the following:
flutter channel stable then run the commands
flutter clean and flutter upgrade

This worked for me
Go to Flutter sdk path
Enable the view hidden files in Mac by using CTRL + SHIFT + .
Go to .pub-cache
Go to hosted
Go to
delete this folder url_launcher_macos
Open the project and run app


Facing some issues while trying to Use DeepAR in Flutter

I have copied the files in the locations they have mentioned
I am getting this error:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':deepar_flutter:compileDebugAidl'.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':deepar_flutter:debugCompileClasspath'.
> Could not find :deepar:.
Required by:
project :deepar_flutter
Does anyone knows how to solve them?
I have tried these steps:
Run flutter clean
Delete pubspec.lock
Run flutter pub cache clean
Then try to do this:
You have to paste deepar.aar file into 2 different folders:
a. First In your flutter project as android/app/libs/deepar.aar.
b. Second ### %LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache\hosted\\deepar_flutter-\android\libs\deepar.aar
But nothing the issues continues any know how to fix that please help me.
I am trying to use deep ar in flutter application but am getting errors.

Flutter Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1 zip END header not found

Hello I am new to Flutter I have setup flutter with android studio 4.2.1, and every thing is fine. When I try to run it; it show me following error
I see too much questions but it is not helpfull for me
flutter doctor run no issue found
Hers is doctor result
Here is my enviroment variable
can any one guide me how can I run the flutter. I am lunching it in a chrome
exception in thread "main" zip END header not found at
java.base/$Source.zerror( at
java.base/$Source.findEND( at
java.base/$Source.initCEN( at
java.base/$Source.( at
java.base/$Source.get( at
at java.base/ at
java.base/ at
java.base/ at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install.unzip( at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install.access$600( at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install$ at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install$ at
at org.gradle.wrapper.Install.createDist( at
Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1
I recently Solved this problem.
This Problem came from gradle file is corrupted in my system.
I'm using Linux so this steps almost same in windows also. This answer is for any gradle version.
Open File Manager:
enable Show hidden folder from top menu bar.
You may find this location : .gradle>wrapper>dists.
In Linux: Home > .gradle > wrapper > dists.
In Windows: C:>Users>{PC Name}>.gradle>wrapper>dists
Method 1
Go inside gradle-6.5-all > dists > 2oz4ud9k3tuxjg84bbf55q0tn. '2oz4ud9k3tuxjg84bbf55q0tn' may be different in your PC.
Delete all files in that folder and download required file manually:
after download paste freshly downloaded zip file in that folder.
Run your project flutter run -v
Method 2
Try this if you have fast & stable internet connection.
Delete that gradle-6.5-all folder.
Open project in VS code or Android Studio and open terminal.
Run this command flutter run -v
Method 3
Flutter Doctor will give right result.
Open Android Studio
Create new flutter project
Click on Tools > flutter >Flutter for editing in android studio
and wait, flutter doctor takes time to identify problem.
Use this link for download gradle file.
Replace 6.5 with your gradle version.
I hope this answer helpful for you.
Please use the below command
1.Mac User :
rm -rf ~/.gradle
2.Windows User :
remove the .gradle file
.gradle file location -> C:\Users\myUser
I solve this error by updating the gradle plugin/version. I have as part of my configuration:
Windows 10
Android Studio 4.2.1
Java 11: Android Studio 4.2.1 don't have support for JDK 16, so, I installed JDK 11, and configured the AS (how to change the jdk in AS) to use this older JDK
Gradle 7.0.1
By default, when you create a new Flutter project, the IDE created it with basic standard configurations, so you have to change this configs to fit your current config. For that, you need to update the gradle config in the flutter project, as follow:
in android/gradle/build.gradle file: update the gradle plugin to 4.2.0 in the dependencies section, like this:
dependencies {
classpath ''
//more dependencies
in android/gradle/wrapper/ file: update the gradle version, in this case I have the 7.0.1, feel free to use another one, like this
//more attributes
After you change the gradle config, run this commands in your project:
flutter clean : clean the project
flutter pub get : update your dependencies
flutter run : run the project. Now it must work, at least it work for me
I faced the same problem in VSCode when I wanted to run the Flutter app I got that error, so after lots of debugging and research, I found the solution. it's pretty easy, just follow these steps:
In windows 10:
1. Open flutter project in a Text-Editor like VSCode.
2. Open android -> gradle -> wrapper ->
3. You will find "" inside gradle-wrapper folder
4. Go to this path: C:\Users\your-user
5. Then go to the wrapper->dists and find "gradle-6.7.1.all" folder
5. Delete this folder.
6. Then come to VSCode and open Terminal.
7. Please make sure that you have stable internet connection then type this command in terminal
8. flutter run
I hope this solution can help you!
I solve this error by deleting the .gradle folder.
This location is gradle folder
In Windows: C:> Users> {PC Name}>. Gradle
After deleting this folder, you only need to run the application again in Android Studio. At this point, Android Studio starts downloading the deleted folder automatically.
enter image description here
This error is caused by corrupted gradle files, this is either due to incomplete downloads due to network issues. To solve it easily download the gradle zipped file from and paste on the .gradle directory as shown below if you are on linux
enter image description here
I try all method but it did not work for me so i decided to location the in the andriod folder then i change the distribution gradle link to a more recent gradle link.
Welcome SO.
Java 16/latest version is not fully compatible with the Gradle 6 at this moment. Try to use java 11 or 8, it will resolve your issue.

Flutter - Overridden dependencies

After running "flutter pub get", I got this error:
Warning: You are using these overridden dependencies:
! path 1.6.4
That's not an issue. That happens because you (or any other transitive dependency) may be overriding some dependency that you are already using. For example, if you are using path: 0.X.X and some other dependency use dependency_overrides to make sure that is using path: 1.6.4, it will present you that message.
Overall, you shouldn't have to worry with that and sometimes it is actually required in order to some dependencies work all together.
Please give more details so that i can answer it better. Attach your pubspec.yaml.
But now i can tell you some methods which should work..
first of all see if you are using the latest version of all dependencies or not then:
restarting your ide
flutter clean
if these two don't work then at last try
flutter pub cache repair
I encountered the same error after cloning a flutter repository. I initially mistook the error for being a build issue when it's just a warning that won't stop your app from running.
I solved the build issue I was having with the freshly cloned project by running this command inside the app's root directory: flutter pub run build_runner build

Flutter Gradle build with error exception

i just setup my android studio and vs code and flutter SDK installed but any time i try running the project i get this Gradle error, i cant figure out what the problem is please help me out.
After running the flutter doctor everything seems to be okay.
the problem might be caused by many factors so lets try some solutions
after each one rebuild your app if the error message changed or the problem solved please keep us informed
run these commands one by one
flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade --force
flutter pub cache repair
cd your app folder
flutter clean
edit app/build.gradle in your host app such as it includes the local repo
like in here
repositories {
maven {
url ''
use VPN and rebuild your app

Can't get or upgrade dependencies for Flutter in Android Studio

I'm very new to developing so I'm sorry if this is a silly question. When trying to open a Flutter package from Git I am not able to 'get dependencies' or 'upgrade dependencies'
I get the message:
C:\Flutter\flutter\bin\flutter.bat --no-color pub get
This is the folder that I installed Flutter in on my computer. I have read other threads here and tried to following with no luck:
- Uninstalled and reinstalled Flutter
- Checked the Flutter SDK setup in 'Languages & Frameworks'
- Tried Flutter Clean
- Check for updates for Flutter
As I said I'm pretty new so may be making a simple mistake. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried running this from your terminal in your project
flutter packages get
please check indentation in pubspec.yaml file while you are writing any package name