Preventing Node-red with postgres from escaping strings - postgresql

I have a Postgres node in a flow that inserts URL records. I am trying to prevent escaping them as I need the original URL.
INSERT INTO links (id,url,created_at, updated_at)
VALUES (1,'{{msg.url}}','05/08/2020','05/08/2020');
It creates this in the database:
I need the URL unescaped in the database so I can query for it.

Use 3 { rather than 2 in the Mustache template
INSERT INTO links (id,url,created_at, updated_at) VALUES (1,'{{{msg.url}}}','05/08/2020','05/08/2020');


SAS SQL Pass-Through Facility does not work as expected for Postgres database

I am working with SCD Type 2 transformation in SAS Data integration Studio (4.905) and using Postgres (12) as database.
I am facing the following error when I try to execute a query via passthrough:
When using passthrough in Postgres, SCD Type 2 doesn't enclose the table name in quotes (which would keep the name uppercase, since postgres converts all unquoted data to lowercase) and so doesn't find it as you can see.
My questions are:
Is there a way to make SCD2 transformation declare the table’s name, used via passthrough, in quotes?
Is there a way to make the SCD2 transformation create intermediate tables ‘name in lower case so that the reference is not lost when doing passthrough?
Is there a global option in DI that allow us to modify/edit temporary table names?
Source and target tables are postgresql tables, with name and columns name in lowercase:
Please, if anyone has faced this problem before or knows what is missing, please, let I know.
To solve this issue, we have to select the following highlighted (source and target) table options. It results in quotes around source/target table names:
Then, SCD2 transformation automatically put quotes in tables y columns names as you can see:

How do I bulk insert markdown data into Postgres

I am working on Nextjs project. I am trying to insert some JSON data into Postgres database. The data is in markdown and it contains lot of unescaped characters code snippets ``"r"i""n$'t\u0066'` like this. It's not possible to insert that data as a JSON. Is there any way to insert this data?

If a Postgres DB has unique IDs across its tables, how do you find a row using its ID without knowing its table?

Following the blog of Rob Conery I have set of unique IDs across the tables of my Postgres DB.
Now, using these unique IDs, is there a way to query a row on the DB without knowing what table it is in? Or can those tables be indexed such that if the row is not available on the current table, I just increase the index and I can query to the next table?
In short - if you did not prepared for that - then no. You can prepare for that by generating your own uuid. Please look here. For instance PG has uuid that preserve order. Also uuid v5 has something like namespaces. So you can build hierarchy. However that is done by hashing namespace, and I don't know tool to do opposite inside PG.
If you know all possible tables in advance you could prepare a query that simply UNIONs a search with a tagged type over all tables. In case of two tables named comments and news you could do something like:
PREPARE type_of_id(uuid) AS
SELECT id, 'comments' AS type
FROM comments
WHERE id = $1
SELECT id, 'news' AS type
FROM news
WHERE id = $1;
EXECUTE type_of_id('8ecf6bb1-02d1-4c04-8875-f1da62b7f720');
Automatically generating this could probably be done by querying pg_catalog.pg_tables and generating the relevant query on the fly.

Select query on multiple databases

What I am trying to do is verify a URL. I just need to be able to select that single value from all databases that we have currently in SQL Server 2008. All the databases are the same, just multiple instances of the same database for different users.
I am looking to pull one item from one table in each database.
Each database contains a table SETTINGS and within that table a value for MapIconURL. I need that value from each table from within each database. I am looking at around 30 or so databases that would have this value.
So I found the "undocumented" Stored Proc sp_MsForEachDb and have a point.
The code I am using is this:
WHERE [NAME] = "MapIconURL"'
I have noticed that it is not selecting all the databases, but that it is also selecting the master table as well as other system tables, and am thinking that may be why it is not selecting all tables. Is there a way to exclude the system related tables?
If the number (and name) of the databases is fixed, then you could simply do:
However, if either the number or names of the databases is not fixed, then you have to build the query dynamically.
First, run a query such as SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases to get the names of the databases.
Then, loop over the result set (in T-SQL, use a CURSOR) and build your query and execute it (in T-SQL, use sp_executesql).

Insert data from staging table into multiple, related tables?

I'm working on an application that imports data from Access to SQL Server 2008. Currently, I'm using a stored procedure to import the data individually by record. I can't go with a bulk insert or anything like that because the data is inserted into two related tables...I have a bunch of fields that go into the Account table (first name, last name, etc.) and three fields that will each have a record in an Insurance table, linked back to the Account table by the auto-incrementing AccountID that's selected with SCOPE_IDENTITY in the stored procedure.
Performance isn't very good due to the number of round trips to the database from the application. For this and some other reasons I'm planning to instead use a staging table and import the data from there. Reading up on my options for approaching this, a cursor that executes the same insert stored procedure on the data in the staging table would make sense. However it appears that cursors are evil incarnate and should be avoided.
Is there any way to insert data into one table, retrieve the auto-generated IDs, then insert data for the same records into another table using the corresponding ID, in a set-based operation? Or is a cursor my only option here?
Look at the OUTPUT clause. You should be able to add it to your INSERT statement to do what you want.
BTW, if you need to output columns into the second table that weren't inserted into the first one, then use MERGE instead of INSERT (as suggested in the comment to the original question) as its OUTPUT clause supports referencing other columns from the source table(s). Otherwise, keeping it with an INSERT is more straightforward, and it does give you access to the inserted identity column.
I'm having experiment to worked out in inserting multiple record into related table using databinding. So, try this!
Hopefully this is very helpful. Follow this link How to insert record into related tables. for more information.