How do I bulk insert markdown data into Postgres - postgresql

I am working on Nextjs project. I am trying to insert some JSON data into Postgres database. The data is in markdown and it contains lot of unescaped characters code snippets ``"r"i""n$'t\u0066'` like this. It's not possible to insert that data as a JSON. Is there any way to insert this data?


data pseudonymization in postgreSQL

I am trying get the PII data from postgreSQL table. But I can't display the raw data.
How to Pseudonymize the data while fetching(select) it from postgreSQL database?
You can always create (pseudo)anonymized views for tables, and select from those. As for anonymization techniques, that depends on data, you can use regex replaces and md5 very easily in postgres.

How to insert and select images in postgresql

Given a JSON file of data to be inserted into a table in Postgresql. One of the fields in the JSON structure is a base64 string. I know there is a data type for psql called BYTEA but how would one insert the base64 string in that field.
I also need to then be able to select the base64 string from the table and display the image in the end.
Note: Bonus points for Golang solutions cause the whole app is in Golang

Preventing Node-red with postgres from escaping strings

I have a Postgres node in a flow that inserts URL records. I am trying to prevent escaping them as I need the original URL.
INSERT INTO links (id,url,created_at, updated_at)
VALUES (1,'{{msg.url}}','05/08/2020','05/08/2020');
It creates this in the database:
I need the URL unescaped in the database so I can query for it.
Use 3 { rather than 2 in the Mustache template
INSERT INTO links (id,url,created_at, updated_at) VALUES (1,'{{{msg.url}}}','05/08/2020','05/08/2020');

How to change table data to unreadable format in PostgreSQL?

I created a table in PostgreSQL and inserted some data in that table.
I want to change that data from readable to unreadable format because I want to restrict the user to read that data not with authentication only with data.

DB2 query for fetching clob value

In DB2 , how do we write a query to fetch value from clob datatype column
Not sure if this will help with your situation, but we ran into a similar situation at my company. For us, we were able to read the values out as a normal string using C#/.NET and the IBM iSeries data provider. The data we wanted to fetch from the CLOB was just simple text, which allowed this process to work.
For sql/pl, you can select clob data from database same other type, but if you use jdbc I should byte[] for Clob data.