fail2ban: how much time remaining on ban? - fail2ban

With fail2ban, is there a way to query how much time is remaining on an IP ban? fail2ban-client bantime shows what the original “sentence” was for, but how do I find out how much time remains before “parole”?

According to
and looks like as of fail2ban 0.11.1 there is a fail2ban-client command that will do this:
fail2ban-client get <JAIL> banip --with-time


Tekton: How delete successful pipelineruns?

My aspired tekton usecase is simple:
successful pipelineruns should be removed after x days
failed pipelineruns shouldn't be removed automatically.
I plan to do the cleanup in an initial cleanup-task. That seems better to me than annotation- or cronjob-approaches. As long as nothing new is built, nothing has to be deleted.
Direct approaches:
Failed: tkn delete doesn't seem very helpful because it doesn't discriminate between successful or not.
Failed: oc delete --field-selector ... doesn't contain the well hidden but highly expressive field status.conditions[0].type==Succeeded
Indirect approaches (first filtering a list of podnames and then delete them - not elegant at all):
Failed: Filtering output with -o=jsonpath... seems costly and the condition-array seems to break the statement, so that (why ever?!) everything is returned... not viable
My last attempt is tkn pipelineruns list --show-managed-fields and parse this with sed/awk... which is gross... but at least it does what I want it to do... and quite efficiently at that. But it might result as brittle when the design of the output is going to change in future releases...
Do you have any better more elegant approaches?
Thanks a lot!
Until a better solution is there, I'll post my current solution (and its drawbacks):
Our cleanup-task is now built around the following solution, evaluating the table returned by tkn pipelineruns list:
tkn pipelineruns list --show-managed-fields -n e-dodo-tmgr --label | awk '$6~/Succeeded/ && $3~/day|week|month/ {print $1}'
It does what it should without extensive calls or additional calculation.
Time is limited to "older than an hour / a day / a week ..." But that's acceptable, since only successful builds are concerned.
I guess the design is quite brittle, because with changes in the tkn-Client the format of the table might change which implies that awk will pick the wrong columns, or similar pattern-probs.
All in all I hope the solution will hold until there are some more helpful client-features that make the desired info directly filterable. Actually I'd hope for something like tkn pipelineruns delete --state successful --period P1D.
The notation for the time period is from ISO8601.

Movesense, setting the system time

I am trying to set the system time in Movesense. I couldn't find an example of that, but based on the documentation I think that this should do:
In this case, I'm just trying to reset the epoch to zero but onPutResults gives me
So what is the right way?
Minimum timestamp seems to be 1483228800000000 us which corresponds to 1.1.2017. So you can't set the time to 70's as zero would set it to.
This should be documented in the yaml api but currently is not. We will add that to the list of tasks to make sure it's documented in the next release of device-lib.

PowerShell script for Wake On Lan Status

I have some questions about a PowerShell script I need to write:
My script gets a list of servers' IP and it's output has to be the status of each server's WakeOnLan parameter.
The output also has to include the time it took my function to return all the statuses of all the servers.
Measure-Command does not work in this case, because my function is pretty long and it gets a list of hundreds IPs.
Does anyone know how to make my function write the following output:
"The total time of providing WakeOnLan status for ___(number) servers is ___(minutes).
After writing my function in some cases it can not run the Connect-HPEBIOS
command (when the output is more than one IP): It prints that it can not connect because of credentials (even though they are being written in my function correctly), but after trying to call my function with (only that specific IP - and not a list of IPs) the function works properly without printing an error about the credentials.
Does anyone have an idea what should I do in the cases where my output is more than one IP? How can I fix it?
One more question- Do I have to refer in my function to the different possibilities of different ILO versions? Can there be problems performing the Connect-HPEBIOS command in the different versions?
Thanks a lot!

How to use OSRM's match service

As stated in the header: how can I use the match call?
I tried,46.99917;8.530232,47.051?overview=full&radiuses=49;49
I am not sure, whether the list of radiuses is given correctly.
I can't get it work. I also tried [49;49] or {49;49} The command works with route:,46.99917;8.530232,47.051?overview=full
For backround see here
Edit: If you look at the example here, itr seems, the timestamps are not needed /match/v1/{profile}/{coordinates}?steps={true|false}&geometries={polyline|polyline6|geojson}&overview={simplified|full|false}&annotations={true|false}
From the docs:
Large jumps in the timestamps (> 60s) or improbable transitions lead to trace splits if a complete matching could not be found.
I think that's the problem with your request. The two given points are more than 60s appart and OSRM cannot match them successfully. The radiuses are specified correctly.
The following query works for me:,46.99917;8.620048,46.99917?overview=full&radiuses=49;49
This returns:
{"tracepoints":[{"location":[8.610971,46.998963],"name":"Alte Kantonstrasse","hint":"GKUFgJEhBwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAAAC5AAAAAAAAAB0AAAAAAAAAuQAAAPsCAACbZIMAsyXNAgBhgwCCJs0CAAAPABki8hY=","matchings_index":0,"waypoint_index":0,"alternatives_count":0},{"location":[8.620295,46.999681],"name":"Schönenbuchstrasse","hint":"nIEFAJ7IFIA3AAAAZAAAAAAAAADYAAAANwAAAGQAAAAAAAAA2AAAAPsCAAAHiYMAgSjNAhCIgwCCJs0CAAAPABki8hY=","matchings_index":0,"waypoint_index":1,"alternatives_count":5}],"matchings":[{"distance":922.3,"duration":114.1,"weight":114.1,"weight_name":"routability","geometry":"onz}Gqyps#Wg#S_#aCaFMUYo#c#w#OKOCWmAWs#aBiDsAsCMYH[HY\\_#h#ObBW^w#BQAUKu#ASF[ZaABOFYpAyIf#mD","confidence":0.000982,"legs":[{"distance":922.3,"duration":114.1,"weight":114.1,"summary":"","steps":[]}]}],"code":"Ok"}
So the two given input points 8.610048,46.99917 and 8.620048,46.99917 are matched to 8.610971,46.998963 and 8.620295,46.999681.
So as far as I can see, if you want to implement something like that, you need to give OSRM more input points on its way which are less than 60s apart.
See also here for an explanation about the differences between route and match service.

SAPUI5: set Timepicker configuration for 15 min interval

Is is possible to configure the sap.m.TimePicker to display only 15 minute intervals?
At the moment the user can enter any time they like.
It's possible now with version 1.40.+
There was incorrect information in the API documentation and it wasn't possible even on version 1.38
Change it to a DropDownBox with a value range of 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, ... 23:30, 23:45? This makes the limitation to specific intervals clear at a glance, is easy to implement and avoids entry of undesired values altogether.
While #vwegert 's answer is function I think there is a better way where you you still get the look and feel of the TimePicker.
In the source of the control there is a property minutesStep. If you can set this in the xml or js definition I think you could be onto a winner.
In fact there is a setter (yay) setMinutesStep.
oTimer.setMinutesStep(15); should be a winner for you.
Hope that helps,