PostgreSQL varchar length performance impact - postgresql

I have a table in PostgreSQL which is under heavy load (reads). It is practically core table of an application. One column is used as a discriminator - column used by application, that determines type of entity (class) that represents given row. It has to be exactly one varchar column. Currently I do store full class name in it, like: "bank_statement_transaction".
When application selects all bank statement transactions, query is built like ... WHERE Discriminator = 'bank_statement_transaction' . This brings more readability and clarity to data, structure and code.
Table contains currently 3M rows and counting, approximately 100k new rows monthly. Discriminator was indexed during some performance tunings. I don't have any performance issues right now.
I am working on a new feature that requires some little refactoring and yeah I had an idea to change full class name (bank_statement_transaction) to short unique codes (BST)
I replicated dbo and changed full class name to code. With 3M rows, performance gain is barely measurable, same or 1-2 milliseconds faster.
Can anyone share experience with VARCHAR length impact on INDEX size and performance? On bigger data set? Is this change worth of it?

If you index strings, the index will become larger if the strings are long. The fan-out will be less, so the index will become deeper.
With an index scan that searches for a few rows, this won't be noticable: reading a few blocks more and running comparisons on longer strings may be lost in the noise for any but the simplest queries. Still, you'll be faster with smaller strings.
Maybe the most noticeable effect will be that a smaller index needs less RAM for caching, so the number of disk reads should go down.


How to decrease size of a large postgresql table

I have a postgresql table that is "frozen" i.e. no new data is coming into it. The table is strictly used for reading purposes. The table contains about 17M records. The table has 130 columns and can be queried multiple different ways. To make the queries faster, I created indices for all combinations for filters that can be used. So I have a total of about 265 indexes on the table. Each index is about 1.1 GB. This makes the total table size to be around 265 GB. I have vacuumed the table as well.
Is there a way to further bring down the disk usage of this table?
Is there a better way to handle queries for "frozen" tables that never get any data entered into them?
If your table or indexes are bloated, then VACUUM FULL tablename could shrink them. But if they aren't bloated then this won't do any good. This is not a benign operation, it will lock the table for a period of time (needing rebuild hundreds of index, probably a long period of time) and generate large amounts of IO and of WAL, the last of which will be especially troublesome for replicas. So I would test it on a non-production clone to see it actually shrinks things and see about how long of a maintenance window you will need to declare.
Other than that, be more judicious in your choice of indexes. How did you get the list of "all combinations for filters that can be used"? Was it by inspecting your source code, or just by tackling slow queries one by one until you ran out of slow queries? Maybe you can look at snapshots of pg_stat_user_indexes taken a few days apart to see if all them are actually being used.
Are these mostly two-column indexes?

Optimizing aggregation function and ordering in PostgreSQL

I have the following table 'medicion' with the followings fields:
fecha [date](PK),
valor [number]`.
So, I want to get the minimum, maximum and the average of valor grouping all that data by id_variable. So my query is:
SELECT AVG(valor), MIN(valor), MAX(valor)
FROM medicion
GROUP BY id_variable;
Knowing that by default PostgreSQL builds an index for the primary key
(id_departamento, id_variable, fecha)
how can I optimize this query?, should I create a new index only by id_variable or the default index is valid in this query?
Since there is an avg(), and one needs all the values to compute an average, it's going to read the whole table. Unless you use a WHERE, but there is no WHERE, so I presume you want global statistics.
The only things an extra covering index brings are:
Not reading the entire table.
This could be beneficial if there was, say, 50 columns, or TEXTs which make the table file huge. In this case reading the whole table just to average a few int's would need to grind in tons of useless stuff from disk.
I mean, covering indexes are awesome when you want to snipe one column or two out of a huge table, and keep the small column set in cache. But this is not the case here, you only got small columns, so this reason is out.
...and of course slightly slower UPDATEs since the index needs to be updated. Also, the index needs to be cached, its gonna use some RAM, etc.
Getting the rows pre-sorted for convenient aggregation.
This can matter here, mostly if it avoids a huge sort. However, if it avoids a hash-aggregate, which super fast anyway, not so useful.
Now, if you have relatively few distinct values of id_variable... say, enough to fit into a hash-aggregate, which can be a sizable amount, depends on your work_mem... then it'll be difficult to beat it...
If the table is not updated often, or is insert-only, and you need the statistics often, consider a materialized view (keep min/max/avg for each id_variable in a separate table, and keep them updated on each insert). Updating the mat-view takes time, so this is a tradeoff if you need the stats very often.
You could keep your stats in cache if you don't mind them being stale.
Or, if your table has tons of old data, you could partition it, and keep the min/max/sum/count for the old read-only partition, and only compute the stats on the new stuff.

"Big" data in a JSONB column

I have a table with a metadata column (JSONB). Sometimes I run queries on this column. Example:
select * from "a" where metadata->'b'->'c' is not null
This column has always just small JSON objects <1KB. But for some records (less than 0.5%), it can be >500KB, because some sub-sub-properties have many data.
Today, I only have ~1000 records, everything works fine. But I think I will have more records soon, I don't know if having some big data (I don't speak about "Big Data" of course!) will have a global impact on performance. Is 500KB "big" for postgres and is it "hard" to parse? Maybe my question is too vague, I can edit if required. In other words:
Is having some (<0.5%) bigger entries in a JSONB column affect noticeably global performance of JSON queries?
Side note: assuming the "big" data is in metadata->'c'->'d' I don't run any queries to this particular property. Queries are always done on "small/common" properties. But the "big" properties still exists.
It is a theoretical question, so I hope a generic answer will satisfy.
If you need numbers, I recommend that you run some performance tests. It shouldn't be too hard to generate some large jsonb objects for testing.
As long as the data are jsonb and not json, operations like metadata->'b'->'c' will be fast. Where you could lose time is when a large jsonb value is loaded and uncompressed from the TOAST table (“detoasted”).
You can avoid that problem by creating an index on the expression. Then an index scan does not have to detoast the jsonb and hence will be fast, no matter how big the jsonb is.
So I think that you will not encounter problems with performance as long as you can index for the queries.
You should pay attention to the total size of your database. If the expected size is very large, backups will become a challenge. It helsp to design and plan how to discard old and unused data. That is an aspect commonly ignored during application design that tends to cause headaches years later.

Slow select from one billion rows GreenPlum DB

I've created the following table on GreenPlum:
mcc text,
mnc text,
lac text,
cell text,
from_number text,
to_number text,
cdr_time timestamp without time zone
OIDS = FALSE,appendonly=true, orientation=column,compresstype=quicklz, compresslevel=1
DISTRIBUTED BY (from_number);
I've loaded one billion rows to this table but every query works very slow.
I need to do queries on all fields (not only one),
What can I do to speed up my queries?
Using PARTITION? using indexes?
maybe using a different DB like Cassandra or Hadoop?
This highly depends on the actual queries you are doing and what your hardware setup looks like.
Since you are querying all the fields the selectivity gained by going columnar orientation is probably hurting you more than helping, as you needs to scan all the data anyway. I would remove columnar orientation.
Generally speaking indexes don't help in a Greenplum system. Usually the amount of hardware that is involved tends to make scanning the data directory faster than doing index lookups.
Partitioning could be a great help but there would need to be a better understanding of the data. You are probably accessing specific time intervals so creating a partitioning scheme around cdr_time could eliminate the scan of data not needed for the result. The last thing I would worry about is indexes.
Your distribution by from_number could have an impact on query speed. The system will hash the data based on from_number so if you are querying selectively on the from_number the data will only be returned by the node that has it and you won't be leveraging the parallel nature of the system and spreading the request across all of the nodes. Unless you are joining to other tables on from_number, which allows the joins to be collocated and performed within the node, I would change that to be distributed RANDOMLY.
On top of all of that there is the question of what the hardware is and if you have a proper amount of segments setup and resources to feed them. Essentially every segment is a database. Good hardware can handle multiple segments per node, but if you are doing this on a light hardware you need to find the sweet spot where number of segments matches what the underlying system can provide.
I have same type of data where CDR info is stored for a telecom company, and daily 10-12 millions rows inserted and also heavy queries running on those CDRs related tables, I was also facing the same issue last year, and i have created partitions on those tables on the CDR timings column.
As per My understanding GP creates physical tables for each partition whereas logical tables created in other RDBMS. After this I got better performance with all SELECTs on these tables. Also I think you should convert text datatype to Character Varying for all columns (if text is really not required) I felt DB operations on Text field is very slow(specially order by, group by)
index will help you depends on your queries in my case i have huge inserts so i didnt try yet
If you are selecting all the columns in select so no need of Column Oriented table

PostgreSQL using UUID vs Text as primary key

Our current PostgreSQL database is using GUID's as primary keys and storing them as a Text field.
My initial reaction to this is that trying to perform any kind of minimal cartesian join would be a nightmare of indexing trying to find all the matching records. However, perhaps my limited understanding of database indexing is wrong here.
I'm thinking that we should be using UUID as these are stored as a binary representation of the GUID where a Text is not and the amount of indexing that you get on a Text column is minimal.
It would be a significant project to change these, and I'm wondering if it would be worth it?
When dealing with UUID numbers store them as data type uuid. Always. There is simply no good reason to even consider text as alternative. Input and output is done via text representation by default anyway. The cast is very cheap.
The data type text requires more space in RAM and on disk, is slower to process and more error prone. #khampson's answer provides most of the rationale. Oddly, he doesn't seem to arrive at the same conclusion.
This has all been asked and answered and discussed before. Related questions on dba.SE with detailed explanation:
Would index lookup be noticeably faster with char vs varchar when all values are 36 chars
What is the optimal data type for an MD5 field?
Maybe you don't need UUIDs (GUIDs) at all. Consider bigint instead. It only occupies 8 bytes and is faster in every respect. It's range is often underestimated:
-9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807
That's 9.2 millions of millions of millions positive numbers. IOW, nine quintillion two hundred twenty-three quadrillion three hundred seventy-two trillion thirty-six something billion.
If you burn 1 million IDs per second (which is an insanely high number) you can keep doing so for 292471 years. And then another 292471 years for negative numbers. "Tens or hundreds of millions" is not even close.
UUID is really just for distributed systems and other special cases.
As #Kevin mentioned, the only way to know for sure with your exact data would be to compare and contrast both methods, but from what you've described, I don't see why this would be different from any other case where a string was either the primary key in a table or part of a unique index.
What can be said up front is that your indexes will probably larger, since they have to store larger string values, and in theory the comparisons for the index will take a bit longer, but I wouldn't advocate premature optimization if to do so would be painful.
In my experience, I have seen very good performance on a unique index using md5sums on a table with billions of rows. I have found it tends to be other factors about a query which tend to result in performance issues. For example, when you end up needing to query over a very large swath of the table, say hundreds of thousands of rows, a sequential scan ends up being the better choice, so that's what the query planner chooses, and it can take much longer.
There are other mitigating strategies for that type of situation, such as chunking the query and then UNIONing the results (e.g. a manual simulation of the sort of thing that would be done in Hive or Impala in the Hadoop sphere).
Re: your concern about indexing of text, while I'm sure there are some cases where a dataset produces a key distribution such that it performs terribly, GUIDs, much like md5sums, sha1's, etc. should index quite well in general and not require sequential scans (unless, as I mentioned above, you query a huge swath of the table).
One of the big factors about how an index would perform is how many unique values there are. For that reason, a boolean index on a table with a large number of rows isn't likely to help, since it basically is going to end up having a huge number of row collisions for any of the values (true, false, and potentially NULL) in the index. A GUID index, on the other hand, is likely to have a huge number of values with no collision (in theory definitionally, since they are GUIDs).
Edit in response to comment from OP:
So are you saying that a UUID guid is the same thing as a Text guid as far as the indexing goes? Our entire table structure is using Text fields with a guid-like string, but I'm not sure Postgre recognizes it as a Guid. Just a string that happens to be unique.
Not literally the same, no. However, I am saying that they should have very similar performance for this particular case, and I don't see why optimizing up front is worth doing, especially given that you say to do so would be a very involved task.
You can always change things later if, in your specific environment, you run into performance problems. However, as I mentioned earlier, I think if you hit that scenario, there are other things that would likely yield better performance than changing the PK data types.
A UUID is a 128-bit data type (so, 16 bytes), whereas text has 1 or 4 bytes of overhead plus the actual length of the string. For a GUID, that would mean a minimum of 33 bytes, but could vary significantly depending on the encoding used.
So, with that in mind, certainly indexes of text-based UUIDs will be larger since the values are larger, and comparing two strings versus two numerical values is in theory less efficient, but is not something that's likely to make a huge difference in this case, at least not usual cases.
I would not optimize up front when to do so would be a significant cost and is likely to never be needed. That bridge can be crossed if that time does come (although I would persue other query optimizations first, as I mentioned above).
Regarding whether Postgres knows the string is a GUID, it definitely does not by default. As far as it's concerned, it's just a unique string. But that should be fine for most cases, e.g. matching rows and such. If you find yourself needing some behavior that specifically requires a GUID (for example, some non-equality based comparisons where a GUID comparison may differ from a purely lexical one), then you can always cast the string to a UUID, and Postgres will treat the value as such during that query.
e.g. for a text column foo, you can do foo::uuid to cast it to a uuid.
There's also a module available for generating uuids, uuid-ossp.