How to decrease size of a large postgresql table - postgresql

I have a postgresql table that is "frozen" i.e. no new data is coming into it. The table is strictly used for reading purposes. The table contains about 17M records. The table has 130 columns and can be queried multiple different ways. To make the queries faster, I created indices for all combinations for filters that can be used. So I have a total of about 265 indexes on the table. Each index is about 1.1 GB. This makes the total table size to be around 265 GB. I have vacuumed the table as well.
Is there a way to further bring down the disk usage of this table?
Is there a better way to handle queries for "frozen" tables that never get any data entered into them?

If your table or indexes are bloated, then VACUUM FULL tablename could shrink them. But if they aren't bloated then this won't do any good. This is not a benign operation, it will lock the table for a period of time (needing rebuild hundreds of index, probably a long period of time) and generate large amounts of IO and of WAL, the last of which will be especially troublesome for replicas. So I would test it on a non-production clone to see it actually shrinks things and see about how long of a maintenance window you will need to declare.
Other than that, be more judicious in your choice of indexes. How did you get the list of "all combinations for filters that can be used"? Was it by inspecting your source code, or just by tackling slow queries one by one until you ran out of slow queries? Maybe you can look at snapshots of pg_stat_user_indexes taken a few days apart to see if all them are actually being used.
Are these mostly two-column indexes?


huge postgres database size reduction

I have a huge database (9 billon rows, 3000 columns) which is currently host on postgres, it is huge about 30 TB in size. I am wondering if there is some practical ways to reduce the size of the database while preserving the same information in the database, as storage is really costly.
If you don't want to delete any data.
Vacuuming. Depending on how many updates/deletes your database performs there will be much garbage. A database that size is likely full of tables that do not cross vacuum thresholds often (pg13 has a fix for this). Manually running vacuums will allocate dead rows for re-use, and free up space where ends of pages are no longer needed.
Index management. These bloat over time and should be smaller than your tables. Re-indexing (concurrently) will give you some space back, or allow re-use of existing pages.
data de-duplication / normalisation. See where you can remove data from tables where it is not needed, or presented elsewhere in the database.

PostgreSQL varchar length performance impact

I have a table in PostgreSQL which is under heavy load (reads). It is practically core table of an application. One column is used as a discriminator - column used by application, that determines type of entity (class) that represents given row. It has to be exactly one varchar column. Currently I do store full class name in it, like: "bank_statement_transaction".
When application selects all bank statement transactions, query is built like ... WHERE Discriminator = 'bank_statement_transaction' . This brings more readability and clarity to data, structure and code.
Table contains currently 3M rows and counting, approximately 100k new rows monthly. Discriminator was indexed during some performance tunings. I don't have any performance issues right now.
I am working on a new feature that requires some little refactoring and yeah I had an idea to change full class name (bank_statement_transaction) to short unique codes (BST)
I replicated dbo and changed full class name to code. With 3M rows, performance gain is barely measurable, same or 1-2 milliseconds faster.
Can anyone share experience with VARCHAR length impact on INDEX size and performance? On bigger data set? Is this change worth of it?
If you index strings, the index will become larger if the strings are long. The fan-out will be less, so the index will become deeper.
With an index scan that searches for a few rows, this won't be noticable: reading a few blocks more and running comparisons on longer strings may be lost in the noise for any but the simplest queries. Still, you'll be faster with smaller strings.
Maybe the most noticeable effect will be that a smaller index needs less RAM for caching, so the number of disk reads should go down.

postgres 9.2 table size with pg_total_relation_size

I process a table with ~10^7 rows the following way: take last N rows, update them in some way, and delete, then vacuum table. In the end I make a query for pg_total_relation_size. Loop repeats until the table is over. Each iteration last for several seconds. There are no any other queries for this table except mentioned above. The problem is that I get the same results for table size. It changes about once a several hours.
So the question is -- does postgres store somewhere the table size or does it calculate it every time the function is invoked? I.e., does my table size really stays the same in spite of its processing?
Your table really does stay the same size on disk despite the DELETEs and VACUUMing you're doing. As per the documentation on VACUUM, ordinary VACUUM only releases space back to the OS if it can do so by truncating free space from the end of the file without rearranging live rows.
The space is still "free" in that PostgreSQL can re-use it for other new rows. It is much, much faster to re-use space that PostgreSQL hasn't given back to the OS than it is to extend a relation with new space, so this is often preferable.
The other reason Pg doesn't just give this space back is that it can only give space back to the OS when it's a contiguous chunk with no visible rows until the end of the file. This doesn't happen much so in practice Pg needs to move some rows around to compact the table and allow it to free space at the end, kind of like a defrag on a file system. This is an inefficient and slow process that can counter-intuitively make the table slower to access instead of faster, so it's not always a good idea.
If you have a relation that's mostly but not entirely empty it can be worth doing a VACUUM FULL (Pg 9.0 and above) or CLUSTER (all versions) to free the space. If you expect to refill the table this is usually counter-productive; it's actually better to leave it as-is.
(For what I mean by terms like "live" and "visible" see the documentation on MVCC which will help you understand Pg's table organisation.)
Personally I'd skip the manual VACUUM in your case. Turn autovacuum up if you need to. If you really need to you could consider partitioning your table, processing it partition by partition and TRUNCATE each partition when you're done processing it.

Why is count(*) taking extremely long in one PostgreSQL database but not another?

I have two Postgres databases. In one I have two tables, each with about 8,000,000 rows, and a count on either of them takes about a second. In another database, also Postgres, there are tables that are 1,000,000 rows, and a count takes 10s, and one table thats about 6,000,000 rows, and count takes 3min to run. What factors determine how long this will take? They are on different machines, but the database that takes longer is on a faster machine.
I've read about how postgres count is slow in general, but this seems odd to me. I can't really use a workaround, because I am using django, and it does a count in the admin, which is taking forever and making it dificult to use.
Any information on this would be helpful.
Speed of counting depends not just on the number of rows in the table but on the time taken to read the data from disk. The time depends on many things:
Number of rows in the table - as you already mentioned.
The number of records per page (if each record takes more space you need to read more pages to read the same number of rows).
If pages are only partly full you have to read more pages.
If the tables is already cached in memory (having more memory available helps here).
If the table is indexed with a small index (the index can be counted instead).
Hardware differences.
Indexes, caches, disk speed, for starters all have an impact.
Is the "slow table" properly vacuumed?
Do not use VACUUM FULL, it only creates table and index bloat. VACUUM is absolutely enough. VACUUM ANALYZE would even be better.
And make sure autovacuum is turned on and properly configured

Maximum (usable) number of rows in a Postgresql table

I realize that, per Pg docs (, one can store an unlimited number of rows in a table. However, what is the "rule of thumb" for usable number of rows, if any?
Background: I want to store daily readings for a couple of decades for 13 million cells. That works out to 13 M * (366|365) * 20 ~ 9.5e10, or 95 B rows (in reality, around 120 B rows).
So, using table partitioning, I set up a master table, and then inherited tables by year. That divvies up the rows to ~ 5.2 B rows per table.
Each row is 9 SMALLINTs, and two INTs, so, 26 bytes. Add to that, the Pg overhead of 23 bytes per row, and we get 49 bytes per row. So, each table, without any PK or any other index, will weigh in at ~ 0.25 TB.
For starters, I have created only a subset of the above data, that is, only for about 250,000 cells. I have to do a bunch of tuning (create proper indexes, etc.), but the performance is really terrible right now. Besides, every time I need to add more data, I will have to drop the keys and the recreate them. The saving grace is that once everything is loaded, it will be a readonly database.
Any suggestions? Any other strategy for partitioning?
It's not just "a bunch of tuning (indexes etc.)". This is crucial and a must do.
You posted few details, but let's try.
The rule is: Try and find the most common working set. See if it fits in RAM. Optimize hardware, PG/OS buffer settings and PG indexes/clustering for it. Otherwise look for aggregates, or if it's not acceptable and you need fully random access, think what hardware could scan the whole table for you in reasonable time.
How large is your table (in gigabytes)? How does it compare to total RAM? What are your PG settings, including shared_buffers and effective_cache_size? Is this a dedicated server? If you have a 250-gig table and about 10 GB of RAM, it means you can only fit 4% of the table.
Are there any columns which are commonly used for filtering, such as state or date? Can you identify the working set that is most commonly used (like only last month)? If so, consider partitioning or clustering on these columns, and definitely index them. Basically, you're trying to make sure that as much of the working set as possible fits in RAM.
Avoid scanning the table at all costs if it does not fit in RAM. If you really need absolutely random access, the only way it could be usable is really sophisticated hardware. You would need a persistent storage/RAM configuration which can read 250 GB in reasonable time.