Is there a page load hook in MDriven Turnkey? - mdriven

Is there a customizable javascript hook in MDriven Turnkey that gets called on each page load? If not, how do I add such a hook?

I think you find the answer here: MDriven wiki

It's AngularJS. Look at AngularJS to find out how you run JS when page loads.$viewContentLoaded


Sling Merger Comments

i'm curious about html comments in a page source, i can find such html comments on all pages system, or wich were created by ourselves. I guess that it comment't for sling merger or so on.
We use AEM 6.2.0 with acs commons 3.3.0, i guess it for dev's mode of something else, but i can't find how to turn it of.
I think that it's the WCM Developer Mode Filter. Try disabling it from the OSGi console and see if the output disappears.
I believe you have enabled the xray mode of TouchUI as per the document at:
You can disable this feature by deleting the node at: /etc/xraymode/enable

Is it possible to embed a Gtk gui in a web page?

I created a gui using Gtk in python and I would like to embed it in a web page. I searched a little but I cannot find a way to embed it in a web page. Is there a simple way to do that?
Thank you in advance :)
Yes, you can use GTK's Broadway HTML5 backend to display your application in a web page.

Changing the Language that is processed

I created a tutorial for the Aviary with, now one of the users at my tutorial site want to know how to change the language as he is from a whole different country. My problem is I try to access the iframe though we can't because it is not the same origin. Anyone have any suggestions as how to change the language?
Ink Filepicker doesn't currently support internationalization. It's a highly requested feature.
Why not inject into the iframe after page load by locating the using jquery?

GWT website routing

I visited new GWT website and noticed that after clicking on tree items - link is changing without adding hash (for example, I know how to do url routing using hashes, but how URL routing is made in GWT website (and possibly can be made)?
Thanks in advance.
It's commonly called HTML5 PushState. A new way of dealing with the browser history by changing the URL without necessarily reloading the page. By listening on popstate events you can dynamically change your page just like using the hashtag method, with the benefit of having cleaner URLs and out of the box crawlability.
Have a look at the gwt website source. Internally uses the GQuery library (jQuery port for GWT) that leverages such pushState methodology.
EDIT: If you want to take benefit of pushState right from GWT (since it does not natively support it), you can also have a look at Johannes Barop's pushState project.

Can we connect 'phonegap api ' application with pure native application(obj-C) code

I am doing a project.
The first page should be the web page r 'phonegap api' html page.
when a perticular link r button is tapped , it should be taken to the native Application,purely obj C,Pure native App(with view controllers, table views etc).
Can we connect the html page with the pure native code? If yes, Then Plz tell me how?
Thanks in advance,
Bharath gangpalli
You could create a PhoneGap plug-in, which is a custom extension to the PhoneGap API. It includes a bit of native code that does some native-specific functionality, as well as a JavaScript interface that then exposes this functionality to you, the PhoneGap developer. By definition, a plug-in is platform-specific!
In your case, you could create a plug-in that then pushes a new View to the top of the app (overlays over the HTML page, for example).
A good place to start would be Jesse's blog post about them; note that these are specifically for iPhone:
Here are some examples of existing PhoneGap plugins, how to use them, and links within to the source code to see how they were built:
i think you can do that by using the phonegap exec function