I created a tutorial for the Aviary with Filepicker.io, now one of the users at my tutorial site want to know how to change the language as he is from a whole different country. My problem is I try to access the iframe though we can't because it is not the same origin. Anyone have any suggestions as how to change the language?
Ink Filepicker doesn't currently support internationalization. It's a highly requested feature.
Why not inject into the iframe after page load by locating the using jquery?
I was advised to post this here by SoundCloud support - I hope you can help. I want to use the html5 widget on my site and access different sets but, rather than have multiple widgets on a page, I want to be able to reload the widget with a different set by clicking on different links on the page. It seems you can do this using the API and I have been playing with w.soundcloud.com/player/api_playground.html and have got it to load my sets by putting the api.soundclound.com url in the appropriate box and clicking "reload widget".
I really don’t know javascript at all so I was hoping to copy the source from that page and try and edit it to do what I want. However, I can’t even get the page to load when it is hosted on my site:
I downloaded api.js and put it in a folder on my server but I’m obviously missing step(s). I’ve read http://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/html5-widget#introduction but it obviously assumes a level of javascript knowledge that I just don’t have...
...are you able to help?
Many thanks,
Dan Selby
You don't have do use the Widget API for that necessarily.
Here is a simple example using jQuery and the SoundCloud SDK doing what you described:
Hope it Helps.
I'm building a GWT application that looks great. At the end of the page I'd like to include a WordPress blog that I'm developing. In order to do that I want to use a com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Frame so that an IFrame gets created, and the Wordpress just gets seamlessly embedded.
I've built this and it seems to work, although there's a problem with the size of the IFrame. I'm not sure how it's getting sized, but it's too small so that scrollbars are thrown onto it. This makes the the embedding not so seamless.
What should I be doing so that this second webiste can be seamlessly embedded into my GWT app?
The easiest solution is to make iframe as big as possible, and hope that there will be no unexpected scrollbars.
Also there is another way, if you have access to the innerDocument of iframe (if SOP doesn't stop you from doing this), you can compare its size against the size of iframe, and increase iframe height/width if necessary.
If blog is in another domain, you might try to use cross-document messaging to retrieve information about the size of document(this will not work in IE7,IE6 and you will have to put some additional JS on your blog).
Also you can include information from your blog without using iframes. You can simply pull RSS of your blog, parse it and display it in any way you like it.
The setup: I have a Blogger blog set up on a domain name as blog.mydomain.com. The main site site at mydomain.com is running Umbraco CMS.
The problem: I need to have the navigation from the CMS transported to Blogger somehow, so that making a change on the main website doesn't require the extra step of modifying the navigation inside Blogger.
Generating the navigation data on the CMS side in what ever format it needs to be (XML, unordered list, JSON, etc) is not a problem. The problem is getting the data from Umbraco to Blogger after it is generated.
I'm not yet willing to use Javascript, as this would seriously impair the website for users browsing without Javascript. (Too bad because AJAX would be a very workable solution.)
I've tossed around the idea of using an iFrame. How would this work for a navigation system including sub-menus? Creating and deleting multiple iframes is out of the picture, since I don't want to use Javascript. I could use one large iframe to allow for the sub-menus, but then it would cover content at the top of the content area, rendering it unclickable.
I'm thinking about how you could do this, but while I do - in this day-and-age javascript has become very common. Most users are going to have it, and those with it disabled really shouldn't be on the web. Is this the only reason you don't want to use javascript? Around 2% according to YDN have js disabled, and that's lower from other countries. As time goes on that 2% should get lower, I don't see that as an issue. However if you absolutely can't use javascript, I'll keep thinking. I might have an idea, I'll need to test it though.
It's not possible to use IFrame, cause of same origin policy. Both sites are on different domains, when user click menu item inside IFrame, there is no way to call parent window.
There are few ways how this can be done.
1) Javascript solution. Use json rpc, or another cross-domain calls. Load menu from your CMS and render it. Yes, this requires javsascript, but, seriously, show me the site, which does not use javascript.
2) Direct server communication.
Is it possible to perform http call from blogger ? If so, just perform http call to your CMS from Blogger, get data and render it.
3) Mixed flash/javascript solution. Flash can perform http call regardless of same origin policy. Get data with flash, use ExternalInterface to call Javascript function to render data.
There is no another way to do it. I suggest you to use javascript solution
You could build an HTML skeleton of empty ULs in Blogger (the max that you might need) to hold your navigation contents, and then link to an Umbraco-generated external stylesheet.
This stylesheet could fill those LIs with CSS generated content using the :before and :after pseudo-elements, and hiding unused LIs with CSS display: none.
An example of this is at: http://jsfiddle.net/5bXja/1/
This works in IE8+ so depending on your clients, this may-or-may-not be more widely supported than Javascript. Likely not. ;-)
i found one plugin, i installed in my joomla site. but can't get reflection eventhough i put the relative path in between tags. please give appropriate solution and be greatfull by giving an answer!! thanx in advance!!
in html5 there is already define tags for shadow of image..but html5 is not supported by all browsers.. you have to wait till all browser support html5..
you need to change to type of the image from gif to png.
I would like to include an Iframe within my Vaadin App, how do I proceed implementing this? My initial idea was to wrap the GWT Frame widget, using the approach as described in the Book of Vaadin. Is this at all possible, or is there a better way?
I guess I didn't read the manual (Book of Vaadin) good enough. I found the answer to my question in section 5.15.3 Browser Frames. Ups.