What is the best way of removing the ripple-effect in MDriven Turnkey? - mdriven

Most elements in MDriven Turnkey have a class called ripple-effect. How do I remove that class from all elements?

Why do you want to remove it?
You don't like the ripple look and feel?

You can't remove the ripple effect by any built in means.


How to create this type of design with working slider?

Please Help to create this design with slider.
You can use a package like audio_waveforms in flutter.
I haven't tested it. Although it looks like it can do the job.

How do i create a wavy decoration in flutter?

I am trying to create something similar to this one. Been searching on the documentation but didn't get the answer. Is there a way to create one using flutter?
if it's possible, an article/documentation link
Thank you
you need a custom clipper for this design, or you can make use of this lib to ease your work https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_custom_clippers
You can use custom paints, use this tool to generate a custom paint in an easy way:

Hide and show the DOM elements

I have to switch between the views and i am using lot of ng-if's in my code. Can i have a better approach rather than using all ng-if's in angular ?
I don't know what to use apart from ng-if's
There is a better way if your view is switching on through one condition you can make you of ngSwitch
you can refer this link
If above is not your use-case then you can build a structural directive for it.

How to integrate react-dnd into admin-on-rest?

Has anyone tried to integrate react-dnd or another lib into admin on rest?
I wanted to make datagrid draggable inside a referencearrayfield.
Should i write my own component overriding datagrid or there's a simple way to do it?
You'll have to implement a custom datagrid for that
Although experimental you can have a look on this plugin: https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/tree/master/packages/ra-tree-ui-materialui
It has as dependency react-dnd and it seems that it is editing the listing. Not sure if it can update a property used for ordering like order for example

GWT 2.1 Cell Widgets - continuous scrolling

To me it seems like the new GWT 2.1 table widget (as well as the other ones) is missing a continous scrolling feature (simmilar to smartgwt's "live grid"). Overriding the AbstractPager seems to be a long way to go.
Any ideas how to implement it as easy as possible?
Thanks, Mario.
Take a look at this example and its source code. Hope this somehow helps.