Unity play games services cloud save internal error - unity3d

I have used the same code given by https://github.com/playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity to add the cloud save game functionality, enable save games have been called at the beginning of the code and save games are enabled from the google play console as well. The leaderboards and achievements are working fine.
The OnSaveGameOpened function gets an internal error as SavedGameRequestStatus status.
I am not able to find the cause of this (internal error being received as the status), can anyone help me out please? How can I solve this.
P.S. Serialized data (in the form of bytes[]) was fed into the SaveGame function, serialized using the binary formatter.
I was able to debug this further, I get an error on the activation of save games in the play console. I have activated the save games feature and published it (this was done a few days ago). I have also confirmed that the Drive API, Play Games Services API and Play Games Management API are enabled under the API console project. I get following error,
Cannot use snapshots without enabling the 'Saved Game' feature in Play console
log from running on an android mobile.
The answer to this question
Google Play Games :: Cannot Use Snapshots Exception
states that it will activate within 24hrs, but it is not active even after multiple days.

There are several causes of an internal error; there should be other logs indicating the root cause. You might want to take a look into the source code to know what logs to expect.
If you're testing in an emulator, make sure your play services and play games are up-to-date.

The problem was solved. It was not a problem from my end, it took well over 24 hours for the saved game services to activate. The problem solved itself once the saved games were enabled by google (there was no notification that the saved games were enabled, instead the app started working properly).


Why was my game, which doesn't collect any data, doesn't have ads, just a very simple game rejected due to security reasons?

[[[Here are some screenshots](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ogjjR.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/M9yll.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/I9MkE.png)
I tried going to Google play console ---> app consent---> Data types. But I didn't know what to change
I selected "No" for "Does your app collect any of the required data types?"
A stack overflow posts says that I should change this to "yes" but when I did I didn't know what to select. My app doesn't collect any information it doesn't have ads and is completely offline, it's a game.
Sometimes Unity bundles Unit Ads by default in your project event though you don't use it. I'm not sure if that's the case with your game, but you can look into Package Manager and see if you have Unity Ads installed and uninstall it (This happened to me). Also check if Unity Analytics is there and remove it if you don't use it.
After doing this, the rest of the work should be actually completing the data form accurately. Just tick the boxes that match what you think your game is doing data-wise.

How long time is data cached with GA plugin in Unity apps

We have an Android app built using Unity and the Google Analytics GAv4 plugin for Unity.
The use-case is that the users might use the app for days without internet, and when they do connect to internet again our expectations is that the data is cached on the device and will then be sent off.
Our initial tests seems to work, but cannot find any reference to how long the data persists on the device, and if there are any expiration of the data. The users have experienced that they miss some data generated when offline.
I have tried exploring the plugin, but cannot seem to find anything about how it caches the data. Anyone who have experience with this?
It looks like it is using com.google.android.gms.analytics.GoogleAnalytics which you can search the documentation on. It also might depend on the highest API level/android version on their device, where low version may not be able to send while offline or something. I think this page explains a little about how it keeps checking for a connection and tries to dispatch the events:
I saw in the plugin source code here:

Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.WebContent: 113: Could not find specified service _after_ implementing AdMob

I just integrated AdMob into my project and I get a whole bunch of these error messages in the Xcode output.
The app does not communicate w/ the internet and does not open up WKView (all I found n SO was references to WKWebView like this https://stackoverflow.com/a/44623268/14414215 but doesn't seem to be related to me since I don't use WKWebView). All I did was integrate Google-Mobile-Ads using cocoa pods and followed the Admob support pages.
Some SO Pages talk about ATS, but google support pages don't have the same error message (https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/app-transport-security)
App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource
load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via
your app's Info.plist file.
Its happening both on simulator and real device. Is this a real issue or something I can ignore?
Also, there's a ton of messages coming out from the Admob SDK, it's frankly a bit annoying to filter through.
The Messages in the console remains and does not seem to affect the app performance (AFAICT) and while it is excessive, I have silenced them some-what using environment variable ( https://stackoverflow.com/a/64471106/14414215) in my scheme. (per below pictures)
Take note however, if you do have issues w/ Google-Mobile-Ads, please be reminded to remove this such that you will be able to see the console messages.

How long google analytics' Unity Plugin take to generate report once custom-event(s) are setup? Unity Analytics takes 8-10 hours

I'm implementing analytics in my game to track a player's action, gameplay strategy etc.
I tried Unity Analytics and every time I set some custom event like a scene change I have to wait 8-10 hours to see the changes on Unity Dashboard.
If someone has used Google Analytics' Unity Plugin, can you share your experience?
Also, we are building a VR app using Unity that will run on a Windows machine. I didn't saw any configuration for Windows platform. Is there something like that exist?
Google Analytics is a very powerful analytic tool, i highly recommend it. Usually it takes 5 seconds Google Analytics to update any event you send to the dashboard.

Unity problems with Play Game

I am having problems connecting to Play Games from Unity.
I keep on getting these messages in logcat:
Play Games callback indicates connection failure.
UI interaction required to connect to Google Play.
I have seen other places where they recommend checking the SHA-1 key set to see if it is set to the upload key.
I have double and triple checked and it is definitely right.
I also tried defining both of the keys to be sure but to no avail.
I checked the SHA-1 key that appears for the linked application within the Games console. There it appears with the signing of and not the upload one.
First make sure that you've followed the setup here, Setting Up Google Play Games Services. It's involves quite a number of steps so bear with it.
Then follow the thread in this github forum:
on Game Services Turn on Saved Games
always make build with your keystore and password
add your mobile email id in game service's tester section
After much hard work and searching I discovered the problem and am posting it here for others who may encounter it.
Simply said, if you intend to use Google Games Play in you Unity app DON'T use Google signing. ONLY sign with your own signing key.
Otherwise, it simply won't work.
In the end I just discarded the entry in the market (you can't opt-out Google signing once you have opted in) and made a new one.
Worked first time.