Why was my game, which doesn't collect any data, doesn't have ads, just a very simple game rejected due to security reasons? - unity3d

[[[Here are some screenshots](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ogjjR.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/M9yll.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/I9MkE.png)
I tried going to Google play console ---> app consent---> Data types. But I didn't know what to change
I selected "No" for "Does your app collect any of the required data types?"
A stack overflow posts says that I should change this to "yes" but when I did I didn't know what to select. My app doesn't collect any information it doesn't have ads and is completely offline, it's a game.

Sometimes Unity bundles Unit Ads by default in your project event though you don't use it. I'm not sure if that's the case with your game, but you can look into Package Manager and see if you have Unity Ads installed and uninstall it (This happened to me). Also check if Unity Analytics is there and remove it if you don't use it.
After doing this, the rest of the work should be actually completing the data form accurately. Just tick the boxes that match what you think your game is doing data-wise.


Unity play games services cloud save internal error

I have used the same code given by https://github.com/playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity to add the cloud save game functionality, enable save games have been called at the beginning of the code and save games are enabled from the google play console as well. The leaderboards and achievements are working fine.
The OnSaveGameOpened function gets an internal error as SavedGameRequestStatus status.
I am not able to find the cause of this (internal error being received as the status), can anyone help me out please? How can I solve this.
P.S. Serialized data (in the form of bytes[]) was fed into the SaveGame function, serialized using the binary formatter.
I was able to debug this further, I get an error on the activation of save games in the play console. I have activated the save games feature and published it (this was done a few days ago). I have also confirmed that the Drive API, Play Games Services API and Play Games Management API are enabled under the API console project. I get following error,
Cannot use snapshots without enabling the 'Saved Game' feature in Play console
log from running on an android mobile.
The answer to this question
Google Play Games :: Cannot Use Snapshots Exception
states that it will activate within 24hrs, but it is not active even after multiple days.
There are several causes of an internal error; there should be other logs indicating the root cause. You might want to take a look into the source code to know what logs to expect.
If you're testing in an emulator, make sure your play services and play games are up-to-date.
The problem was solved. It was not a problem from my end, it took well over 24 hours for the saved game services to activate. The problem solved itself once the saved games were enabled by google (there was no notification that the saved games were enabled, instead the app started working properly).

Remove app from google play store because of ( Violation of Metadata policy )

I have a serious problem . google play today was removed my Unity3d game from store and sent an email to me with this titled issue :
Issue: Violation of Metadata policy
and In message text they said :
The flagged content in your store listing relates to graphic violence
prominently depicted in app icons, promotional images, text, or
videos. Your store listing can be seen by all users (signed-in or not)
and needs to be appropriate for all audiences.
but I do not any of this !!!
I don't know what does it means ?!!
I just simply build my game and publish it in google play , but after few day they removed my app with this reason.
Also my game is free.
I searched all over the internet to find similar issue with another people, but I do not find any thing.
does any one know how can I solve this problem ?!
If you are sure that your game description is not violating Google policies just write to them. You can contact them using live chat directly in the Play Developer Console. After explaining the problem, they will probably redirect you to "more technical" team and you will get an answer by e-mail. (Usually 1-3 days)

Sync game user progress across devices - unity

I have a really simple game on both iOS and Android written in Unity and I would like to save user progress across devices/OSes.
I already have Facebook analytics in it and so i was thinking i can implement Facebook Login and just save a couple of numbers on the Facebook server.
Upon some research it seems (?) that Facebook doesn't offer anything like that. You have to set up your own server and then just identify the player with Facebook login. A server like that is really an overkill for the game as i just want to save a simple Level Passed number.
Is there any other way? Can i use Facebook like that to save ONE custom user property? Perhaps i can use Google Play Services (both iOS and Android (?) ) to achieve what i want?
Any other free way of saving user progress across devices?
First thing Google play service stopped support for IOS
Other suggestion for Cross platform services like firebase cloud, photon, Gamesprak etc.
Please not most of them giving free service for development only. Before use please check its price details

Unity problems with Play Game

I am having problems connecting to Play Games from Unity.
I keep on getting these messages in logcat:
Play Games callback indicates connection failure.
UI interaction required to connect to Google Play.
I have seen other places where they recommend checking the SHA-1 key set to see if it is set to the upload key.
I have double and triple checked and it is definitely right.
I also tried defining both of the keys to be sure but to no avail.
I checked the SHA-1 key that appears for the linked application within the Games console. There it appears with the signing of and not the upload one.
First make sure that you've followed the setup here, Setting Up Google Play Games Services. It's involves quite a number of steps so bear with it.
Then follow the thread in this github forum:
on Game Services Turn on Saved Games
always make build with your keystore and password
add your mobile email id in game service's tester section
After much hard work and searching I discovered the problem and am posting it here for others who may encounter it.
Simply said, if you intend to use Google Games Play in you Unity app DON'T use Google signing. ONLY sign with your own signing key.
Otherwise, it simply won't work.
In the end I just discarded the entry in the market (you can't opt-out Google signing once you have opted in) and made a new one.
Worked first time.

Sandbox Game Center Turn Event Notifications Not Consistent

I'm making a turn-based game, using the Game Center Turn-Based Gaming functionality. I'm using the simulator and my iPhone to test notifications of turn events. The results are very inconsistent. About 75% of the time when I make a move on the simulator and pass the turn I don't get any notifications on my iPhone. It seems that this function doesn't get called:
I set the GKEventHandlerDelegate in the code that authenticates the local user and it seems to be set correctly. The fact that I get notifications once in a while suggests that this isn't where the problem lies.
Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem here? Could this be a problem with the Sandbox Game Center Server? Do they limit the amount of notifications you can send in a short amount of time or something like that?
Edit: I just found some posts of people experiencing the same problem, but no solution. No very recent posts though. Any updates?
Edit2: I also find that after a move, when I open the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController on the other device it still says that it's the turn of the other player. When I close and reopen it the information is correct. Also, when I open the game GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController when it's still showing incorrect information, it does gives me the correct match object with the updated information. Could this be related in any way?
I thought I would share my solution with you, in the hopes that it is the same problem you are experiencing. As you can see from my comment to your question, I was having the same issue as you. It turned out that my settings in iTunes Connect were the culprit, unbeknownst to me. What you should check for is that you still have Game Center enabled in BOTH places that iTunes Connect requires. First, after going into "Manage my Apps" in iTunes Connect, select your app and on the right menu, and click "Manage Game Center". Make sure this is currently enabled. I would even recommend disabling it, and re-enabling it again for good measure.
In addition (and this is what I was missing), you must enable it in one more place. Go back to the previous screen when you first select the app. The top right is where you can select Manage Game Center, but we are looking on the bottom in the "Versions" section. Click the View Details button for your app, and make sure the Game Center button is enabled near the bottom. Again, I would disable and re-enable it here as well. Give it about 10 minutes, clear all your open turns and matches from the Game Center app (this might be an optional step), and build & run again. Hopefully, you will receive turn notifications properly again.
I got the same problem. However when i tested it on multiple devices it was working fine... May be some problem with the simulator