How to achieve this drop down container in flutter? - flutter

This is like a dropdown menu but doesn't accept any ontap function, just readability.
Please see the image to know how it looks and works

Use a listview of widgets and wrap each widget in the list with flutter-expandable
Check this


Use widget inside TextFormField

I am in need to have a widget inside a TextFormField. For an example of what I need, see how this library uses images inline in the ExtendedTextField. I need that exact same thing, but instead of an inline image it would be an inline widget.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Thank you

Create Vertical List in Flutter

I want to create this type of listview using flutter.
You can find out more by clicking on this link. But I don't know how to create this type of list. I mean, you can see in the GIF that the list is indexed based.
A fixed indexed item container is colored.
How can I achieve it?
Flutter provides you with a widget very similar to the result you want to achieve called NavigationRail.
You will not have the animation by default, but you can maybe search in the source code of this widget how to create a custom widget that will implement animations.

How can I create a permanent drawer like interface in Scaffold without using the widget Drawer? Is it even possible?

I want a drawer that does not closes, it needs to stay there permanently. I could do it with the help of a container, but I am confused in the process. Also how can I create the interface inside the drawer like (Featured,Bags and Shoes etc). Can anybody help me?
You can use Column widget and generate your desired UI elements , and through GestureDetector you can navigate your pages on those respective elements.

Flutter create a transsission from a GridView element to Header

I'm looking for an animation from a GridView Selection to a new Page.
Here is the transmission I like to have:
But I don't know how to make this. I could use a AnimatedContainer for each GridViewItem, but this would not help to "break out" from the Grid during the animation.
Should I use a Stack and a Positioned AnimatedContainer? What is the best attempt here?
Try to use the Hero Widget. In Simple, you'll have to wrap the grid element with the hero widget and pass the tag within the screen.
A Code example is available in the official documentation.

Is there any deafult widget like in image or if I need to do it how could that be implemented?

So I am not looking for filters but I am looking for scroll widget. I have tried generating listview items abd getting position of listview to give items ratio but I wasn't able to get any functionality while in certain index position. Any help would be helpfull. Naming of the widget or special widgets that can make me do this etc.
You can use ListView or ListView.builder to do that, but with circle-shaped widgets as the children.
You can check out this tutorial to do the horizontal list. And you can check out this StackOverflow question, to create a circle button. Or instead of a button, you want to use the CircleAvatar (to add an image in it), you can check out this official doc.