Is there any deafult widget like in image or if I need to do it how could that be implemented? - flutter

So I am not looking for filters but I am looking for scroll widget. I have tried generating listview items abd getting position of listview to give items ratio but I wasn't able to get any functionality while in certain index position. Any help would be helpfull. Naming of the widget or special widgets that can make me do this etc.

You can use ListView or ListView.builder to do that, but with circle-shaped widgets as the children.
You can check out this tutorial to do the horizontal list. And you can check out this StackOverflow question, to create a circle button. Or instead of a button, you want to use the CircleAvatar (to add an image in it), you can check out this official doc.


Create Vertical List in Flutter

I want to create this type of listview using flutter.
You can find out more by clicking on this link. But I don't know how to create this type of list. I mean, you can see in the GIF that the list is indexed based.
A fixed indexed item container is colored.
How can I achieve it?
Flutter provides you with a widget very similar to the result you want to achieve called NavigationRail.
You will not have the animation by default, but you can maybe search in the source code of this widget how to create a custom widget that will implement animations.

Flutter create a transsission from a GridView element to Header

I'm looking for an animation from a GridView Selection to a new Page.
Here is the transmission I like to have:
But I don't know how to make this. I could use a AnimatedContainer for each GridViewItem, but this would not help to "break out" from the Grid during the animation.
Should I use a Stack and a Positioned AnimatedContainer? What is the best attempt here?
Try to use the Hero Widget. In Simple, you'll have to wrap the grid element with the hero widget and pass the tag within the screen.
A Code example is available in the official documentation.

Now which widgets are right now shown in List

Hello I have a ListView with different Widgets of different height. Now I want to know which of those Widgets are at the moment visible in the ListView. Does anyone has an idea how to do it. I can't use to scroll_to_widget package because it interferes other implementations.
Try using maybe you can create a separate list and store true according to index, based on their visibility?

Paging by item Flutter

i would like to achieve pagination with flutter like this: every swipe gesture there i only one page swipped, and it is being centered in the screen. on the edges of the screen you can see parts of the next and previous items i.e the item is NOT THE SIZE OF THE SCREEN. this requirement is important. i can't set the item to be the size of the screen, also it should have padding between the items. for a better understanding i have a gif attached.
Thank you.
You can achieve the goal easily using PageView widget.
Ive found a class carousel_slider which is easily making that functionallity under the hood using PageView as suggested above.
For anyone who will need such behaviour as in the gif, see

How can i make a Row display like this without making a new class?

Im trying to make an new app, and i want to display a row like this
i dont understand the concept behind it, like how can he divide the box into two type of colors, and how can the shape of the box looks like that. anyone that can teach me i will appriciated it.
This is not exactly a simple UI layout to create if you are just starting out with Flutter.
Simply put, you have to have a Row containing copies of a widget you create yourself as a stateless widget. The widget tree would look something like this.
The CustomWidget is the complex part, this is a simplified example of how the Widget tree of this widget could look. Create a stateless widget and try to create it yourself.
Note you will have to set the color property of the Card and Container widgets, and add some padding certain places in the widget tree. Plus, the last container will need a width property as well.
If you need more help - show what you have attempted with code (edit your question)
Hope this helps!