I'm just beginning Powershell, and I want to look at all the properties of two network adapters side-by-side in order to easily see differences.
I've used:
Get-NetAdapter -name "(adapter's name)" | Format-List -Property "*"
multiple times to display all the properties of each adapter one after the other, but it's hard to compare this way.
The perhaps easiest way of doing this is to DIY create a csv file.
I think this will work:
# get the info for the two adapters
$info = Get-NetAdapter -Name 'LAN-connection 1', 'LAN-connection 2'
# create a template string to output csv rows.
# use the systems ListSeparator character so you can double click to open in Excel
$csvline = '"{0}","{1}","{2}"' -replace ',', (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ListSeparator
# create a List object to store the content in
$csvOut = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
# add a headers line
[void]$csvOut.Add(($csvline -f 'Property', $info[0].Name, $info[1].Name))
$info[0].PsObject.Properties | Select-Object * | ForEach-Object {
# get the matching property fro the second adapter
$prop2 = $info[1].PsObject.Properties[$_.Name]
# add the data row
[void]$csvOut.Add(($csvline -f $_.Name, $_.Value, $prop2.Value))
# show on screen (although it will probably not fit..)
$csvOut | ConvertFrom-Csv -UseCulture
# write to CSV file to open in Excel
$csvOut | Set-Content -Path 'D:\Test\AdapterInfo.csv'
I am not looking for a writing service but please can someone point me in the right direction as I am completely at a lost as to how to proceed.
I have a CSV which contains a lot of data, some of which comes from a script and some in manually imputed. I can run the script and get new data which is good. What I would like to do is find a way to compare the orginal CSV 1 to the new CSV 2 and update CSV 1.
Code I currently have
$Vips_to_check = #{}
Import-Csv 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\Netscaler VIPs per Cluster_edited - Raw Data.csv' |
Where-Object {$_.PRD -match "No PRD code from VIP IP and VIP has no backend IPs" -or
$_.PRD -match "No PRD code found from VIP or backend IPs" -or
$_.PRD -match "No PRD code found from backend IPs" -and
$_.ipv46 -notcontains ""} |
$Results_from_PIM = Import-Csv 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\VIP-Owners_edited.csv'
Both of the CSV's have the same headers and layout which is good. I assume!
Name IPV46 Port Curstate Suggested PRD Display Name tech Owner Slack Channel Support Email
name 1 8080 Down No No No No No No No
Name IPV46 Port Curstate Suggested PRD Display Name tech Owner Slack Channel Support Email
name 1 8080 Down No PRD123 TMOL Gary TMOL Support Support#email.com nsr.sys
I would guess at creating a hashtable but I just can't seem to get my head around the format of them. I tried
$ht = $Results_from_pim #{}
$_.Name = (cant figure out how to reference the cell)
$_.PRD =
$_.("Display Name")
$_.("Tech Owner")
Once I have the data in the hash table how do I overwrite the CSV 1 data?
Any points or guides would be great. I have tried reading up on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/powershell/scripting/learn/deep-dives/everything-about-hashtable?view=powershell-7.3 and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/learn/deep-dives/everything-about-pscustomobject?view=powershell-7.3
But that left me even more confused.
At the moment the difference is only 4 or 5 entries and it would of been quicker for me to manually edit in excel but as this script gets larger I can see it being more time consuming to do manually.
As always thank you.
$ht = #{}
foreach ($item in $Results_from_PIM) {
"name = $($item.name)"
"prd = $($item.PRD)"
"Display Name = $($item.'Display Name')"
"Tech Owner = $($item.'Tech Owner')"
"Slack Channel = $($item.'Slack Channel')"
"Support Email = $($Item.'Support Email')"
I have created the hash table that I wanted from the CSV 2. Just got to get it to compare to CSV 1.
Update 2
Further to #theo request I have adjusted the question. Also to clarify When I want to merge the CSV it is based on matching the Name, IPV46 and Port on both CSV and then moving the updated data from CSV2 into CSV1.
You can do that with the code below (no extra module needed):
$csv1 = 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\Netscaler VIPs per Cluster_edited - Raw Data.csv'
$csv2 = 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\VIP-Owners_edited.csv'
$Results_from_PIM = Import-Csv -Path $csv2
$newData = Import-Csv -Path $csv1 | ForEach-Object {
$search = $_.Name + $_.IPV46 + $_.Port # combine these fields into a single string
$compare = $Results_from_PIM | Where-Object { ($_.Name + $_.IPV46 + $_.Port) -eq $search }
if ($compare) {
# output the result from csv2
else {
# output the original row from csv1
# now you can save the updated data to a new file or overwrite csv1 if you like
$csv3 = 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\VIP-Owners_Updated.csv'
$newData | Export-Csv -Path $csv3 -NoTypeInformation
P.S. Please read about Formatting
After being direct to In PowerShell, what's the best way to join two tables into one? by #jdweng. I performed the following which seems to have meet my requirements
Install-Module -Name JoinModule -Scope CurrentUser
$Vips_to_check = Import-Csv 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\Netscaler VIPs per Cluster - Raw Data.csv'
$Results_from_PIM = Import-Csv 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\VIP-Owners.csv'
$Vips_to_check | Update-Object $Results_from_PIM -On name, Ipv46, port | Export-Csv 'C:\Users\user\Documents\20221201\Final_data1.csv'
Going to do further testing with larger data sets but appears to work as required.
I have written the following XML, which allows me to extract data values from a Visual Studio Resources.resx file where the name contains a certain value:
Select-Xml -XPath '//data[contains(#name,''QIM'')]/value' -Path 'Resources.resx' | Select-Object -Expand Node | Select-Object -Expand '#text'
How can I expand this Powershell script to add the name attribute as a heading (ideally surrounded by some characters like ** to identify it as a heading) before each set of text in the resulting file - this is for a diff to allow an email notification of changes, so any suggestions that would allow it to be diffed against an existing file are also appreciated.
Try the following, which provides the results as [pscustomobject] instances, which results in a two-column tabular display:
Select-Xml -XPath '//data[contains(#name,''QIM'')]' -Path 'Resources.resx' |
ForEach-Object {
[pscustomobject] #{
NameAttributeValue = $_.Node.name
ElementText = $_.Node.value
The output will be something like this:
NameAttributeValue ElementText
------------------ -----------
foo QIM some text
bar QIM some other text
I have a script for retrieving AD site and subnet info from the forest. Need to add the location details also to the script
The script is tested and working fine where it gives site and subnet details.
$configNCDN = (Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext
$siteContainerDN = ("CN=Sites," + $configNCDN)
$siteObjs = Get-ADObject -SearchBase $siteContainerDN -filter { objectClass -eq "site" } -properties "siteObjectBL", name
foreach ($siteObj in $siteObjs) {
$subnetArray = New-Object -Type string[] -ArgumentList $siteObj.siteObjectBL.Count
$i = 0
foreach ($subnetDN in $siteObj.siteObjectBL) {
$subnetName = $subnetDN.SubString(3, $subnetDN.IndexOf(",CN=Subnets,CN=Sites,") - 3)
$subnetArray[$i] = $subnetName
$siteSubnetObj = New-Object PSCustomObject | Select SiteName, Subnets
$siteSubnetObj.SiteName = $siteObj.Name
$siteSubnetObj.Subnets = $subnetArray
$file = "C:\temp\1.csv"
Out-File $file -encoding ASCII -input $siteSubnetObj -append
I expect to pull out AD location details also using the script.
You can shorten this script by using the Get-ADReplicationSite command. I would also consider using Export-Csv since you are outputting objects to file.
Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter * -Properties Subnets,Location |
Select #{n='SiteName';e={$_.Name}},
#{n='Subnets';e={$_.Subnets -replace "^CN=(.*?),CN=Subnets,.*$",'$1'}},Location |
Export-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\1.csv' -encoding ASCII -NoTypeInformation
Export-Csv will create a comma delimited file by default (the delimiter is changeable) with the first line (headers) being the property names of your objects. Each other line will contain comma separated values for each of those properties. The columns for properties and values will line up perfectly.
If you have more than 4 subnets per site, the Out-File method alone without changing anything else will cut off the subnet values. You would need to set $formatenumerationlimit to something higher than 4 or -1 for unlimited or make sure the output is not in table format. It will be much harder to work with this file if you don't use Export-Csv because there will not be a consistent delimiter between item properties and their values.
I can add location details to this if you explain exactly what that is.
I do not know what are you referring to with "Location" so can't help there.
Also, I understand the file output is easier to read that way and is probably consumed by a human as a report but you have to consider Out-file will default to your screen width when redirecting to file so the number of subnets which will be saved will depend on that width (and not on a fixed value such as 4). To enlarge the output width you can use the -width parameter
$Something | out-file $file -width 600
or set the default width:
Note that large numbers may have undesired side effects.
I have a lot of csv files with values arranged like so:
I find it very tedious processing these with excel, so I want to setup a batch script to process these files such that they appear like this:
#where N is a specified value like 65536
I have only recently started using powershell for image processing (really simple scripts) and file name appending, so I am not certain how to go about this. A lot of the scripts I have encountered looking to answer this question use csv files with titles per column whereas my files are just arrays of values without object titles in the first row. I would like to avoid running multiple scripts to add titles.
My bonus question is something I have yet to find a good answer to at all, and is the most tedious part of processing. Using excels sort function, I usually change the order of the Yn values in Col2 such that they are sorted in the exported csv like so:
Using the Col3 values as the sorting order (largest to smallest), then I delete this column so that the final saved csv only contains the first two columns (crucial step). Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, I apologize for the long-winded-ness of this question.
I have encountered looking to answer this question use csv files with titles per column whereas my files are just arrays of values without object titles in the first row.
The -Header parameter of Import-Csv is for adding column headers when the file does not contain them. It takes an array of strings, of however many columns there are.
I would like to avoid running multiple scripts to add titles.
If you couldn't use -Header, you could read the lines with Get-Content into memory, add a header in memory, and then use ConvertFrom-CSV all in one script.
That said, if I'm reading it rightly, you want:
No headers in the input file, and I imagine no headers in the output file
The whole point of adding the third column and sorting and removing it is just to reverse the lines?
The only column you keep is column 1?
I wouldn't use Import-Csv for this, it won't make it much nicer.
$n = 65536
# Read lines into a list, and reverse it
$lines = [Collections.Generic.List[String]](Get-Content -LiteralPath 'c:\test\test.csv')
# Split each line into two, create a new line with X and N-Y
# write new lines to an output file
$lines | ForEach-Object {
$x, $y = $_.split(',')
"$x,$($n - [int]$y)"
} | Set-Content -LiteralPath 'c:\test\output.csv' -Encoding Ascii
If you do want to use CSV handling, then:
$n = 65536
$counter = 1
Import-Csv -LiteralPath 'C:\test\test.csv' -Header 'ColX', 'ColY' |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'ColN-Y' -Value {$n - $_.ColY} -PassThru |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'N' -Value {$script:counter++} -PassThru |
Sort-Object -Property 'N' -Descending |
Select-Object -Property 'ColX', 'ColN-Y' |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath 'c:\test\output.csv' -NoTypeInformation
But the output will have CSV headers and double-quoted values.
I would try something like, by extending the original table with a calculatable script-property as a new column:
#Your N number
$N = 65536
# Import CSV file without header columns
$table = Import-Csv -Header #("colX","colY") `
-Delimiter ',' `
-Path './numbers.csv'
Write-Host "Original table"
$table | Format-Table
# Manipulate table
$newtable = $table |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name colNX -Value { $N-$this.colX } - PassThru
Write-Host "New table"
$newtable | Format-Table
Since, i am a beginner, i 've no much hands-on to the powershell programming.Although
i had a script developed to insert data from an array to the csv file as follows:
#Following is the array
$InventoryReport = New-Object -TypeName PSobject -Property #{
ComputerName = "1myComputerName"
DomainName = "2myComputerDomain"
Manufacturer = "3myComputerManufacturer"
#Now to export the data to csv, i am using following:
$InventoryReport |Select-Object -Property ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer | Export-Csv -Path "c:\abc.csv" -NoTypeInformation -ErrorAction Stop
#This works fine
and the output of above is :
Now, i don't want this , i want the ouput to appear in columnar fashion i.e.
What code changes should be done to achieve this. ?
Either you want CSV, which you already have, or you want a custom txt-file. If you want the latter, try this:
$comp = gwmi win32_computersystem
"# | Out-File test.txt
sample of test.txt output below. I've got a non-domain, custom built pc, so don't worry about the values.
"Manufacturer","System manufacturer"
EDIT I suggest you learn what CSV is. Remember that CSV is not a fileformat, it's a formatting-style used in a normal textfile. The .csv extension is just cosmetic to let people know that the textfile uses the csv-style. Check out Wikipedia and Technet
In the CSV file, each object is represented by a comma-separated list
of the property values of the object. The property values are
converted to strings (by using the ToString() method of the object),
so they are generally represented by the name of the property value.
Export-CSV does not export the methods of the object.
The format of an exported file is as follows:
-- The first line of the CSV file contains the string '#TYPE ' followed by the fully qualified name of the object, such as #TYPE
System.Diagnostics.Process. To suppress this line, use the
NoTypeInformation parameter.
-- The next line of the CSV file represents the column headers. It contains a comma-separated list of the names of all the properties of
the first object.
-- Additional lines of the file consist of comma-separated lists of the property values of each object.
You could try something like this:
$InventoryReport | Format-List ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer `
| Out-String -Stream `
| ? { $_ -ne '' } `
| % { $_ -replace '\s+:\s+', '","' -replace '(^|$)', '"' }