Need to add AD location Info in the script - powershell

I have a script for retrieving AD site and subnet info from the forest. Need to add the location details also to the script
The script is tested and working fine where it gives site and subnet details.
$configNCDN = (Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext
$siteContainerDN = ("CN=Sites," + $configNCDN)
$siteObjs = Get-ADObject -SearchBase $siteContainerDN -filter { objectClass -eq "site" } -properties "siteObjectBL", name
foreach ($siteObj in $siteObjs) {
$subnetArray = New-Object -Type string[] -ArgumentList $siteObj.siteObjectBL.Count
$i = 0
foreach ($subnetDN in $siteObj.siteObjectBL) {
$subnetName = $subnetDN.SubString(3, $subnetDN.IndexOf(",CN=Subnets,CN=Sites,") - 3)
$subnetArray[$i] = $subnetName
$siteSubnetObj = New-Object PSCustomObject | Select SiteName, Subnets
$siteSubnetObj.SiteName = $siteObj.Name
$siteSubnetObj.Subnets = $subnetArray
$file = "C:\temp\1.csv"
Out-File $file -encoding ASCII -input $siteSubnetObj -append
I expect to pull out AD location details also using the script.

You can shorten this script by using the Get-ADReplicationSite command. I would also consider using Export-Csv since you are outputting objects to file.
Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter * -Properties Subnets,Location |
Select #{n='SiteName';e={$_.Name}},
#{n='Subnets';e={$_.Subnets -replace "^CN=(.*?),CN=Subnets,.*$",'$1'}},Location |
Export-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\1.csv' -encoding ASCII -NoTypeInformation
Export-Csv will create a comma delimited file by default (the delimiter is changeable) with the first line (headers) being the property names of your objects. Each other line will contain comma separated values for each of those properties. The columns for properties and values will line up perfectly.
If you have more than 4 subnets per site, the Out-File method alone without changing anything else will cut off the subnet values. You would need to set $formatenumerationlimit to something higher than 4 or -1 for unlimited or make sure the output is not in table format. It will be much harder to work with this file if you don't use Export-Csv because there will not be a consistent delimiter between item properties and their values.
I can add location details to this if you explain exactly what that is.

I do not know what are you referring to with "Location" so can't help there.
Also, I understand the file output is easier to read that way and is probably consumed by a human as a report but you have to consider Out-file will default to your screen width when redirecting to file so the number of subnets which will be saved will depend on that width (and not on a fixed value such as 4). To enlarge the output width you can use the -width parameter
$Something | out-file $file -width 600
or set the default width:
Note that large numbers may have undesired side effects.


Getting data from AD via Powershell

Can someone help?
I'm trying to get data from AD (via PS) in Excel (CSV), but my script put all objects in 1 columns, not in deafferents.
class GoodFree {
static [object[]] Make ([string]$GroupName){
return (Get-ADGroupMember $GroupName |
ForEach-Object {
lic = '1123'
name = $_.Name
gName = $GroupName
[GoodFree]::Make('LV-DPA') | Out-File C:\Users\Downloads\Users.csv
As Scepticalist mentions in their comment, there's a specific Export-Csv cmdlet for CSV-files.
After the pipe use Export-Csv -Path C:\Users\Downloads\Users.csv
Powershell automatically adds type information to CSV-files so you may want to add the -NoTypeInformation switch to the above command to skip that.
If you wish to manage the file encoding you can use the -Encoding switch to for instance get the file in UTF8.
Powershell uses the Windows-culture to determine the standard delimiter for CSV-files, but you can change that with the -Delimiter switch. Add ';' to use semicolons as delimiters for the file.

Logon time script | how to overwrite last logon Powershell

I have a script configured on my GPO that tracks a certain user group their logon times exported to a csv.
Now i've gotten the question, to make it show only the LAST logon time.
At the moment it just writes down every single logon time, but they would like only the last one.
Is there a way to make it overwrite it instead?
Let's say user1 logs in 3 times, i would like to only show it the last one, and that for every user in this group.
The script i have at the moment is a very simple one:
"logon {0} {1} {2:DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date),$env:username, $env:computername >> \\server\folder\file.csv
Much appreciated if somebody could tell me if it is possible!
First of all, you are appending a line to a text file which is not a CSV file because the values aren't separated by a delimiter character.
Then also, you use the wrong order of values for the -f Format operator: While the template string clearly has the date as the last placeholder in {2:DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss}, you feed that as the first value..
Please also notice that a date format is Case-Sensitive, so you need to change DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss into dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
I'd advise to change the script you now have to something like:
User = $env:USERNAME
Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
LogonDate = '{0:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}' -f (Get-Date)
} | Export-Csv -Path '\\server\folder\UserLogon.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Append
Then, when it comes down to reading that file back and preserving only the latest logons, you can do
$data = Import-Csv -Path '\\server\folder\UserLogon.csv' | Group-Object User | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | Sort-Object {[datetime]::ParseExact($_.LogonDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss', $null)} |
Select-Object -Last 1
# output on screen
# overwrite the CSV file to keep only the last logons
$data | Export-Csv -Path '\\server\folder\UserLogon.csv' -NoTypeInformation
I think one arrow > should be to overwrite a file.
There is also a command called Out-File with parameters to overwrite a file.
More information on the PowerShell documentation,
I must reiterate what others have commented about this not being the best approach to this problem however, given the output file that you have, you could process it like this to get the last record for a given user:
$last = #{} ; Get-Content \\server\folder\file.csv |% { $token = $_ -split ' ' ; $last.$($token[3]) = $_ }
It creates a hash keyed with the username and updates it with the last line from the file. You can also access $ to get the last entry for user foo.
I'd also note that your CSV isn't a CSV which makes it more difficult to process. You'd be better to use Export-CSV or at least putting the commas in. Also, while still not the best approach, you could create a file per user which you could just overwrite each time they login, thus:
new-object PSObject -Property #{ 'date'= (Get-Date); 'username'= $env:username; 'Computer' = $env:computername } | Export-CSV -Path "\\server\folder\$($env:username).csv" -NoTypeInformation
You could import everything for processing by doing:
gci \\server\folder\*.csv |% { import-csv $_ }

Out-file format

I am writing a script that after each iteration through a loop (array of selected services) it will gather the 4 values for each service that are: server name, service name, service state, and service start name
So for each iteration, I would like to output the 4 mentioned values to an external file (txt, svc, or html) such that each value will be arranged in its own column. Currently I use tab `t to arrange the values in each column but it doesn't work quite well because some service name is a lot longer or a lot shorter so it screws up the column alignment. What other approach do you suggest so all columns are aligned properly
Below is a snippet of my script on how I currently format the output to a txt file
ForEach($service in services)
$startname = $service.startname
$state = $service.state
$servicename = $
write-output "$server `t $servicename `t $state `t $startname is current" | out-file -append $ScriptDirectory
If you just want to dump the results to text in a nicely-formatted way (i.e. you don't have requirements for making this CSV, or tab-delimited, or anything else besides "easy for a person to read"), then just use Format-Table -AutoSize.
AutoSize does exactly what you want - it inspects the length of all properties you are outputting, then dynamically adjusts the column width so that as much as possible is shown.
You don't explain where $server comes from, I will assume that is defined somewhere else...
$services `
| Format-Table -AutoSize #{N='Server';E={$server}},StartName,State,Name `
| Out-String `
| Out-File results.txt
Instead of using several variables, use a Powershell object to store your output. Something like this:
ForEach($service in $services) {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
StartName = $service.startname
State = $service.state
ServiceName = $
} | Out-File $ScriptDirectory
You may need to add a Select-Object in the chain to ensure the columns are in the correct order that you want for your final output.
If you want to keep the variables, You could try the following String formatting to space out the variable in the string evenly. In the example below the spacing is 20 characters between each value:
ForEach($service in services){
$startname = $service.startname
$state = $service.state
$servicename = $
"{0,-20} | {1,-20} | {2,-20} | {3,-20}" -f $server,$servicename,$state,$startname `
| Out-File -append $ScriptDirectory
It's a little unclear what you're looking for as some of the properties of the object Get-Service returns don't exist as written and the code seems incomplete. Taking a guess at your intent though:
$servers = #("server1","server2");
$services = get-service -computername $servers;
$svcCollection = #();
ForEach($service in $services) {
$svccollection+=New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Servername = $service.MachineName;
StartName = $service.servicename;
State = $service.Status;
ServiceName = $service.DisplayName;
# Various output formats
$svccollection|ConvertTo-Html|Out-File -path Services.html; # Create a full HTML file
$svcCollection|Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path Services.csv; # Create a "traditional" CSV file
$svcCollection|Export-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -Path Services-tab.csv; # Create a tab-delimited CSV file
$svcCollection|ConvertTo-Xml|Out-File -path Services.xml; # Create an XML file
$svcCollection|ConvertTo-Json|Out-File -path Services.js; # Create a JSON object (v3 only)

Add Column to CSV Windows PowerShell

I have a fairly standard csv file with headers I want to add a new column & set all the rows to the same data.
column1, column2
column1, column2, column3
1,b, setvalue
2,c, setvalue
3,5, setvalue
I can't find anything on this if anybody could point me in the right direction that would be great. Sorry very new to Power Shell.
Here's one way to do that using Calculated Properties:
Import-Csv file.csv |
Select-Object *,#{Name='column3';Expression={'setvalue'}} |
Export-Csv file.csv -NoTypeInformation
You can find more on calculated properties here:
In a nutshell, you import the file, pipe the content to the Select-Object cmdlet, select all exiting properties (e.g '*') then add a new one.
The ShayLevy's answer also works for me!
If you don't want to provide a value for each object yet the code is even easier...
Import-Csv file.csv |
Select-Object *,"column3" |
Export-Csv file.csv -NoTypeInformation
None of the scripts I've seen are dynamic in nature, so they're fairly limited in their scope & what you can do with them.. that's probably because most PS Users & even Power Users aren't programmers. You very rarely see the use of arrays in Powershell. I took Shay Levy's answer & improved upon it.
Note here: The Import needs to be consistent (two columns for instance), but it would be fairly easy to modify this to dynamically count the columns & generate headers that way too. For this particular question, that wasn't asked. Or simply don't generate a header unless it's needed.
Needless to say the below will pull in as many CSV files that exist in the folder, add a header, and then later strip it. The reason I add the header is for consistency in the data, it makes manipulating the columns later down the line fairly straight forward too (if you choose to do so). You can modify this to your hearts content, feel free to use it for other purposes too. This is generally the format I stick with for just about any of my Powershell needs. The use of a counter basically allows you to manipulate individual files, so there's a lot of possibilities here.
$chargeFiles = 'C:\YOURFOLDER\BLAHBLAH\'
$existingReturns = Get-ChildItem $chargeFiles
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $existingReturns.count; $i++)
$CSV = Import-Csv -Path $existingReturns[$i].FullName -Header Header1,Header2
$csv | select *, #{Name='Header3';Expression={'Header3 Static'}}
| select *, #{Name='Header4';Expression={'Header4 Static Tet'}}
| select *, #{Name='Header5';Expression={'Header5 Static Text'}}|
CONVERTTO-CSV -DELIMITER "," -NoTypeInformation |
SELECT-OBJECT -SKIP 1 | % {$_ -replace '"', ""} |
OUT-FILE -FilePath $existingReturns[$i].FullName -FORCE -ENCODING ASCII
You could also use Add-Member:
$csv = Import-Csv 'input.csv'
foreach ($row in $csv)
$row | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'MyNewColumn' -NotePropertyValue 'MyNewValue'
$csv | Export-Csv 'output.csv' -NoTypeInformation
For some applications, I found that producing a hashtable and using the .values as the column to be good (it would allow for cross reference validation against another object that was being enumerated).
In this case, #powershell on freenode brought my attention to an ordered hashtable (since the column header must be used).
Here is an example without any validation the .values
$newcolumnobj = [ordered]#{}
#input data into a hash table so that we can more easily reference the `.values` as an object to be inserted in the CSV
$newcolumnobj.add("volume name", $currenttime)
#enumerate $deltas [this will be the object that contains the volume information `$volumedeltas`)
# add just the new deltas to the newcolumn object
foreach ($item in $deltas){
$originalcsv = #(import-csv $targetdeltacsv)
#thanks to pscookiemonster in #powershell on freenode
for($i=0; $i -lt $originalcsv.count; $i++){
$originalcsv[$i] | Select-Object *, #{l="$currenttime"; e={$newcolumnobj.item($i)}}
Example is related to How can I perform arithmetic to find differences of values in two CSVs?
create a csv file with nothin in it
$csv >> "$PSScriptRoot/dpg.csv"
define the csv file's path. here $psscriptroot is the root of the script
$csv = "$PSScriptRoot/dpg.csv"
now add columns to it
$csv | select vds, protgroup, vlan, ports | Export-Csv $csv

In Powershell -- Export object to textfile in custom format

Since, i am a beginner, i 've no much hands-on to the powershell programming.Although
i had a script developed to insert data from an array to the csv file as follows:
#Following is the array
$InventoryReport = New-Object -TypeName PSobject -Property #{
ComputerName = "1myComputerName"
DomainName = "2myComputerDomain"
Manufacturer = "3myComputerManufacturer"
#Now to export the data to csv, i am using following:
$InventoryReport |Select-Object -Property ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer | Export-Csv -Path "c:\abc.csv" -NoTypeInformation -ErrorAction Stop
#This works fine
and the output of above is :
Now, i don't want this , i want the ouput to appear in columnar fashion i.e.
What code changes should be done to achieve this. ?
Either you want CSV, which you already have, or you want a custom txt-file. If you want the latter, try this:
$comp = gwmi win32_computersystem
"# | Out-File test.txt
sample of test.txt output below. I've got a non-domain, custom built pc, so don't worry about the values.
"Manufacturer","System manufacturer"
EDIT I suggest you learn what CSV is. Remember that CSV is not a fileformat, it's a formatting-style used in a normal textfile. The .csv extension is just cosmetic to let people know that the textfile uses the csv-style. Check out Wikipedia and Technet
In the CSV file, each object is represented by a comma-separated list
of the property values of the object. The property values are
converted to strings (by using the ToString() method of the object),
so they are generally represented by the name of the property value.
Export-CSV does not export the methods of the object.
The format of an exported file is as follows:
-- The first line of the CSV file contains the string '#TYPE ' followed by the fully qualified name of the object, such as #TYPE
System.Diagnostics.Process. To suppress this line, use the
NoTypeInformation parameter.
-- The next line of the CSV file represents the column headers. It contains a comma-separated list of the names of all the properties of
the first object.
-- Additional lines of the file consist of comma-separated lists of the property values of each object.
You could try something like this:
$InventoryReport | Format-List ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer `
| Out-String -Stream `
| ? { $_ -ne '' } `
| % { $_ -replace '\s+:\s+', '","' -replace '(^|$)', '"' }