Http "Put" method to update a record and insert new one simultaneously - rest

I have a use case where i need to update an existing record in DB, stamp it as expired, and create a new record with a new expiry date.
For updating the record, I intend to use a "PUT" call.
However, for creating a new record, do i need to call a "POST" endpoint again from the UI?
Or can i simply add another method in the "PUT" method implementation ?
Edit 1 : The new record is a copy of the expired record, but with a new expiry date.

The main difference between PUT and POST - one is idempotent, the other one isn't. Meaning that you can repeat same PUT many times and this won't be adding more and more entities/elements.
Usually creating a new resource is a POST operation, because in most situations you send an entity w/o ID and server assigns one. So if you repeat the same operation multiple times - you get more entities. This is not idempotent and requires POST.
So in the perfect world you'd send 2 separate requests: PUT - for expiration, POST - for the new entity. In the real world you may encounter additional constraints:
Both operations may need to be run in a single transaction. Otherwise you may remove old entity w/o creating a new one.
Separate requests may lead to performance issues or complications on the client side (especially if it's an async environment like JS).
So you may have to create an ugly API that would accept both entities in 1 request. But such request should be POST because it's not idempotent.
Though it sounds like the new entity in your situation is just an update to the old entity. This is usually solved by PUTing the same entity with new fields, without sending an explicit removal. In such case server will have to recognize that old entity needs to be marked as expired. And you wouldn't assign a new ID to the updated entity - you'd assign a new version (extra column in DB).


Flask:Confused over using PUT/POST in Rest API

Respected Elders/Programmers/Learned-people,
I have read a very popular answer here about using PUT or POST, but I couldn't decipher from it as to what is the correct way to do so. Almost every answer has comments saying this is wrong/this is right. Mighty confused here.
My requirements:
Sending 2 Json files to the server, one to be inserted in Database and other to be updated. I thought I would use PUT to update, and POST to Insert into the database. That way, on the client side itself I would decide whether to insert or update.
Confusion: Since, the client alone is responsible for its data to be created/updated on the server, even POST in my case upon being repeated would insert the same thing (insert into table values) over and over, behaving as idempotent OR would give an error (Because of primary key conflict). Finally, it would not create something new upon firing it twice.
Question: Is it correct to use PUT for updation, and POST for insertion?
PUT can also be used for creating. What's important is the url. This is generally the accepted pattern:
PUT /collection/1234 <- Update a specific item OR create it
POST /collection <- Add a new item to a collection
Which one is right for you depends on a few things. Does the server determine the url of the new item, or does the client?
If the client can figure out what the url of a new item becomes, using PUT might be better because you can more easily turn it into an idempotent request.
Remember that with a PUT request the intent is always that you are replacing the resource at the target url with a new state.
However, if the server creates the url pattern (maybe you have an auto-incrementing id), POST is better. POST doesn't have to be on the parent collection but it's common.
If you want POST and want idempotence, you need some other way to figure out something was a repeated request. You get that for free with PUT. For example, the Stripe API solves this by adding a non-standard Idempotency-Key header.

What happens if i try to post one POST request with existing record in the database

As per my knowledge the main difference between PUT and POST method in REST is that POST request will create a new record where as PUT request will update the existing record/ create new record if not present.
Now my question is that :
Suppose we have a User with Id = 1 and name= "Pritam" in database.
Now if i try to make a POST request with request body Id = 1 and name= "Pritam", then what happens. (Duplicate records). will a new record will get created or what happens exactly.
Please help me to understand the difference between PUT and POST method. When to use PUT and When to use POST in real time scenarios.
As per my knowledge the main difference between PUT and POST method in REST is that POST request will create a new record where as PUT request will update the existing record/ create new record if not present.
That's not right. (It's also not your fault -- that misunderstanding is common). The real differences in the semantics of POST and PUT are currently described by RFC 7231
POST is the more general method, which can be used for any operation on the target resource
PUT is more specific - it indicates that the included document is intended as a replacement for the representation on the server.
Suppose we have a User with Id = 1 and name= "Pritam" in database. Now if i try to make a POST request with request body Id = 1 and name= "Pritam", then what happens. (Duplicate records). will a new record will get created or what happens exactly.
Those are implementation details; precisely the sort of thing that the REST API is insulating the client from needing to understand (as far as the client is concerned, the server is just a web site).
The "right" thing in your domain might be:
create a new user in your domain model, using the information in the POST message-body, and possibly creating a duplicate, or
report an error to the client, because of the conflict
report success to the client, with reference to the previously created user
None of those things happens by magic, you actually have to choose what makes sense for your circumstances and implement it, then work out the right way to describe what has happened in the body of the HTTP Response, and what information to include in the metadata so that generic components can intelligently participate in the exchange.

Should the natural or surrogate key be returned in an API?

First time I think about it...
Until now, I always used the natural key in my API. For example, a REST API allowing to deal with entities, the URL would be like /entities/{id} where id is a natural key known to the user (the ID is passed to the POST request that creates the entity). After the entity is created, the user can use multiple commands (GET, DELETE, PUT...) to manipulate the entity. The entity also has a surrogate key generated by the database.
Now, think about the following sequence:
A user creates entity with id 1. (POST /entities with body containing id 1)
Another user deletes the entity (DELETE /entities/1)
The same other user creates the entity again (POST /entities with body containing id 1)
The first user decides to modify the entity (PUT /entities/1 with body)
Before step 4 is executed, there is still an entity with id 1 in the database, but it is not the same entity created during step 1. The problem is that step 4 identifies the entity to modify based on the natural key which is the same for the deleted and new entity (while the surrogate key is different). Therefore, step 4 will succeed and the user will never know it is working on a new entity.
I generally also use optimistic locking in my applications, but I don't think it helps here. After step 1, the entity's version field is 0. After step 3, the new entity's version field is also 0. Therefore, the version check won't help. Is the right case to use timestamp field for optimistic locking?
Is the "good" solution to return surrogate key to the user? This way, the user always provides the surrogate key to the server which can use it to ensure it works on the same entity and not on a new one?
Which approach do you recommend?
It depends on how you want your users to user your api.
REST APIs should try to be discoverable. So if there is benefit in exposing natural keys in your API because it will allow users to modify the URI directly and get to a new state, then do it.
A good example is categories or tags. We could have these following URIs;
GET /some-resource?tag=1 // returns all resources tagged with 'blue'
GET /some-resource?tag=2 // returns all resources tagged with 'red'
GET /some-resource?tag=blue // returns all resources tagged with 'blue'
GET /some-resource?tag=red // returns all resources tagged with 'red'
There is clearly more value to a user in the second group, as they can see that the tag is a real word. This then allows them to type ANY word in there to see whats returned, whereas the first group does not allow this: it limits discoverability
A different example would be orders
GET /orders/1 // returns order 1
GET /orders/some-verbose-name-that-adds-no-meaning // returns order 1
In this case there is little value in adding some verbose name to the order to allow it to be discoverable. A user is more likely to want to view all orders first (or a subset) and filter by date or price etc, and then choose an order to view
GET /orders?orderBy={date}&order=asc
After our discussion over chat, your issue seems to be with versioning and how to manage resource locking.
If you allow resources to be modified by multiple users, you need to send a version number with every request and response. The version number is incremented when any changes are made. If a request sends an older version number when trying to modify a resource, throw an error.
In the case where you allow the same URIs to be reused, there is a potential for conflict as the version number always begins from 0. In this case, you will also need to send over a GUID (surrogate key) and a version number. Or don't use natural URIs (see original answer above to decided when to do this or not).
There is another option which is to disallow reuse of URIs. This really depends on the use case and your business requirements. It may be fine to reuse a URI as conceptually it means the same thing. Example would be if you had a folder on your computer. Deleting the folder and recreating it, is the same as emptying the folder. Conceptually the folder is the same 'thing' but with different properties.
User account is probably an area where reusing URIs is not a good idea. If you delete an account /accounts/u1, that URI should be marked as deleted, and no other user should be able to create an account with username u1. Conceptually, a new user using the same URI is not the same as when the previous user was using it.
Its interesting to see people trying to rediscover solutions to known problems. This issue is not specific to a REST API - it applies to any indexed storage. The only solution I have ever seen implemented is don't re-use surrogate keys.
If you are generating your surrogate key at the client, use UUIDs or split sequences, but for preference do it serverside.
Also, you should never use surrogate keys to de-reference data if a simple natural key exists in the data. Indeed, even if the natural key is a compound entity, you should consider very carefully whether to expose a surrogate key in the API.
You mentioned the possibility of using a timestamp as your optimistic locking.
Depending how strictly you're following a RESTful principle, the Entity returned by the POST will contain an "edit self" link; this is the URI to which a DELETE or UPDATE can be performed.
Taking your steps above as an example:
Step 1
User A does a POST of Entity 1. The returned Entity object will contain a "self" link indicating where updates should occur, like:
Step 2
User B gets the existing Entity 1, with the above "self" link, and performs a DELETE to that timestamp versioned URI.
Step 3
User B does a POST of a new Entity 1, which returns an object with a different "self" link, e.g.:
Step 4
User A, with the original Entity that they obtained in Step 1, tries doing a PUT to the "self" link on their object, which was:
...your service will recognise that although Entity 1 does exist; User A is trying a PUT against a version which has since become stale.
The service can then perform the appropriate action. Depending how sophisticated your algorithm is, you could either merge the changes or reject the PUT.
I can't remember the appropriate HTTP status code that you should return, following a PUT to a stale version... It's not something that I've implemented in the Rest framework that I work on, although I have planned to enable it in future. It might be that you return a 410 ("Gone").
Step 5
I know you don't have a step 5, but..! User A, upon finding their PUT has failed, might re-retrieve Entity 1. This could be a GET to their (stale) version, i.e. a GET to:
...and your service would return a redirect to GET from either a generic URI for that object, e.g.:
...or to the specific latest version, i.e.:
They can then make the changes intended in Step 4, subject to any application-level merge logic.
Hope that helps.
Your problem can be solved either using ETags for versioning (a record can only modified if the current ETag is supplied) or by soft deletes (so the deleted record still exists but with a trashed bool which is reset by a PUT).
Sounds like you might also benefit from a batch end point and using transactions.

Update associated field in Waterline/Sails without affecting other fields

I notice that multiple requests to a record causes writes to be possibly overwritten. I am using Mongo btw.
I have a schema like:
Trip { id, status, tagged_friends }
where tagged_friends is an association to Users collection
When I make 2 calls to update trips in close succession (in this case I am making 2 API calls from client - actually automated tests), its possible for them to interfere. Since they all call
Update 1: update the tagged_friends association
Update 2: update the status field
So I am thinking these 2 updates should only save the "dirty" fields. I think I can do that with Trips.update() rather than But problem is I cannot use update to update an association? That does not appear to work?
Or perhaps there's a better way to do this?

RESTful idempotence

I'm designing a RESTful web service utilizing ROA(Resource oriented architecture).
I'm trying to work out an efficient way to guarantee idempotence for PUT requests that create new resources in cases that the server designates the resource key.
From my understanding, the traditional approach is to create a type of transaction resource such as /CREATE_PERSON. The the client-server interaction for creating a new person resource would be in two parts:
Step 1: Get unique transaction id for creating the new PERSON resource:::
**Client request:**
**Server response:**
200 OK
Step 2: Create the new person resource in a request guaranteed to be unique by using the transaction id:::
**Client request**
PUT /CREATE_PERSON/{transaction_id}
first_name="Big bubba"
**Server response**
201 Created // (If the request is a duplicate, it would send this
PersonKey="398u4nsdf" // same response without creating a new resource. It
// would perhaps send an error response if the was used
// on a transaction id non-duplicate request, but I have
// control over the client, so I can guarantee that this
// won't happen)
The problem that I see with this approach is that it requires sending two requests to the server in order to do to single operation of creating a new PERSON resource. This creates a performance issues increasing the chance that the user will be waiting around for the client to complete their request.
I've been trying to hash out ideas for eliminating the first step such as pre-sending transaction-id's with each request, but most of my ideas have other issues or involve sacrificing the statelessness of the application.
Is there a way to do this?
The solution that we ended up going with was for the client to acquire a UUID and send it along with the request. A UUID is a very large number occupying the space of 16 bytes (2^128). Contrary to what someone with a programming mind might intuitively think, it is accepted practice to randomly generate a UUID and assume that it is a unique value. This is because the number of possible values is so large that the odds of generating two of the same number randomly are low enough to be virtually impossible.
One caveat is that we are having our clients request a UUID from the server (GET uuid/). This is because we cannot guarantee the environment that our client is running in. If there was a problem such as with seeding the random number generator on the client, then there very well could be a UUID collision.
You are using the wrong HTTP verb for your create operation. RFC 2616 specifies the semantic of the operations for POST and PUT.
Paragraph 9.5:
POST method is used to request
that the origin server accept the
entity enclosed in the request as
a new subordinate of the resource
identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line
Paragraph 9.6
PUT method requests that the
enclosed entity be stored under the
supplied Request-URI.
There are subtle details of that behavior, for example PUT can be used to create new resource at the specified URL, if one does not already exist. However, POST should never put the new entity at the request URL and PUT should always put any new entity at the request URL. This relationship to the request URL defines POST as CREATE and PUT as UPDATE.
As per that semantic, if you want to use PUT to create a new person, it should be created in /CREATE_PERSON/{transaction_id}. In other words, the transaction ID returned by your first request should be the person key used to fetch that record later. You shouldn't make PUT request to a URL that is not going to be the final location of that record.
Better yet, though, you can do this as an atomic operation by using a POST to /CREATE_PERSON. This allows you with a single request to create the new person record and in the response to get the new ID (which should also be referred in the HTTP Location header as well).
Meanwhile, the REST guidelines specify that verbs should not be part of the resource URL. Thus, the URL to create new person should be the same as the location to get the list of all persons - /PERSONS (I prefer the plural form :-)).
Thus, your REST API becomes:
to get all persons - GET /PERSONS
to get single person - GET /PERSONS/{id}
to create new person - POST /PERSONS with the body containing the data for the new record
to update existing person or create new person with well-known id - PUT /PERSONS/{id} with the body containing the data for the updated record.
to delete existing person - DELETE /PERSONS/{id}
Note: I personally prefer not using PUT for creating records for two reasons, unless I need to create a sub record that has the same id as an already existing record from a different data set (also known as 'the poor man's foreign key' :-)).
Update: You are right that POST is not idempotent and that is as per HTTP spec. POST will always return a new resource. In your example above that new resource will be the transaction context.
However, my point is that you want the PUT to be used to create a new resource (a person record) and according to the HTTP spec, that new resource itself should be located at the URL. In particular, where your approach breaks is that the URL you use with the PUT is a representation of the transactional context that was created by the POST, not a representation of the new resource itself. In other words, the person record is a side effect of updating the transaction record, not the immediate result of it (the updated transaction record).
Of course, with this approach the PUT request will be idempotent, since once the person record is created and the transaction is 'finalized', subsequent PUT requests will do nothing. But now you have a different problem - to actually update that person record, you will need to make a PUT request to a different URL - one that represents the person record, not the transaction in which it was created. So now you have two separate URLs your API clients have to know and make requests against to manipulate the same resource.
Or you could have a complete representation of the last resource state copied in the transaction record as well and have person record updates go through the transaction URL for updates as well. But at this point, the transaction URL is for intends and purposes the person record, which means it was created by the POST request in first place.
I just came across this post:
Simple proof that GUID is not unique
Although the question is universally ridiculed, some of the answers go into deeper explanation of GUIDs. It seems that a GUID is a number of 2^128 in size and that the odds of randomly generating two of the same numbers of this size so low as to be impossible for all practical purposes.
Perhaps the client could just generate its own transaction id the size of a GUID instead of querying the server for one. If anyone can discredit this, please let me know.
I'm not sure I have a direct answer to your question, but I see a few issues that may lead to answers.
Your first operation is a GET, but it is not a safe operation as it is "creating" a new transaction Id. I would suggest POST is a more appropriate verb to use.
You mention that you are concerned about performance issues that would be perceived by the user caused by two round trips. Is this because your user is going to create 500 objects at once, or because you are on a network with massive latency problems?
If two round trips are not a reasonable expense for creating an object in response to a user request, then I would suggest HTTP is not the right protocol for your scenario. If however, your user needs to create large amounts of objects at once, then we can probably find a better way of exposing resources to enable that.
Why don't you just use a simple POST, also including the payload on your first call. This way you save on extra call and don't have to spawn a transaction:
POST /persons
response would be:
server-internally an id would be generated. for simplicity i would go for an artifial primary key (e.g. auto-increment id from database).