Should the natural or surrogate key be returned in an API? - rest

First time I think about it...
Until now, I always used the natural key in my API. For example, a REST API allowing to deal with entities, the URL would be like /entities/{id} where id is a natural key known to the user (the ID is passed to the POST request that creates the entity). After the entity is created, the user can use multiple commands (GET, DELETE, PUT...) to manipulate the entity. The entity also has a surrogate key generated by the database.
Now, think about the following sequence:
A user creates entity with id 1. (POST /entities with body containing id 1)
Another user deletes the entity (DELETE /entities/1)
The same other user creates the entity again (POST /entities with body containing id 1)
The first user decides to modify the entity (PUT /entities/1 with body)
Before step 4 is executed, there is still an entity with id 1 in the database, but it is not the same entity created during step 1. The problem is that step 4 identifies the entity to modify based on the natural key which is the same for the deleted and new entity (while the surrogate key is different). Therefore, step 4 will succeed and the user will never know it is working on a new entity.
I generally also use optimistic locking in my applications, but I don't think it helps here. After step 1, the entity's version field is 0. After step 3, the new entity's version field is also 0. Therefore, the version check won't help. Is the right case to use timestamp field for optimistic locking?
Is the "good" solution to return surrogate key to the user? This way, the user always provides the surrogate key to the server which can use it to ensure it works on the same entity and not on a new one?
Which approach do you recommend?

It depends on how you want your users to user your api.
REST APIs should try to be discoverable. So if there is benefit in exposing natural keys in your API because it will allow users to modify the URI directly and get to a new state, then do it.
A good example is categories or tags. We could have these following URIs;
GET /some-resource?tag=1 // returns all resources tagged with 'blue'
GET /some-resource?tag=2 // returns all resources tagged with 'red'
GET /some-resource?tag=blue // returns all resources tagged with 'blue'
GET /some-resource?tag=red // returns all resources tagged with 'red'
There is clearly more value to a user in the second group, as they can see that the tag is a real word. This then allows them to type ANY word in there to see whats returned, whereas the first group does not allow this: it limits discoverability
A different example would be orders
GET /orders/1 // returns order 1
GET /orders/some-verbose-name-that-adds-no-meaning // returns order 1
In this case there is little value in adding some verbose name to the order to allow it to be discoverable. A user is more likely to want to view all orders first (or a subset) and filter by date or price etc, and then choose an order to view
GET /orders?orderBy={date}&order=asc
After our discussion over chat, your issue seems to be with versioning and how to manage resource locking.
If you allow resources to be modified by multiple users, you need to send a version number with every request and response. The version number is incremented when any changes are made. If a request sends an older version number when trying to modify a resource, throw an error.
In the case where you allow the same URIs to be reused, there is a potential for conflict as the version number always begins from 0. In this case, you will also need to send over a GUID (surrogate key) and a version number. Or don't use natural URIs (see original answer above to decided when to do this or not).
There is another option which is to disallow reuse of URIs. This really depends on the use case and your business requirements. It may be fine to reuse a URI as conceptually it means the same thing. Example would be if you had a folder on your computer. Deleting the folder and recreating it, is the same as emptying the folder. Conceptually the folder is the same 'thing' but with different properties.
User account is probably an area where reusing URIs is not a good idea. If you delete an account /accounts/u1, that URI should be marked as deleted, and no other user should be able to create an account with username u1. Conceptually, a new user using the same URI is not the same as when the previous user was using it.

Its interesting to see people trying to rediscover solutions to known problems. This issue is not specific to a REST API - it applies to any indexed storage. The only solution I have ever seen implemented is don't re-use surrogate keys.
If you are generating your surrogate key at the client, use UUIDs or split sequences, but for preference do it serverside.
Also, you should never use surrogate keys to de-reference data if a simple natural key exists in the data. Indeed, even if the natural key is a compound entity, you should consider very carefully whether to expose a surrogate key in the API.

You mentioned the possibility of using a timestamp as your optimistic locking.
Depending how strictly you're following a RESTful principle, the Entity returned by the POST will contain an "edit self" link; this is the URI to which a DELETE or UPDATE can be performed.
Taking your steps above as an example:
Step 1
User A does a POST of Entity 1. The returned Entity object will contain a "self" link indicating where updates should occur, like:
Step 2
User B gets the existing Entity 1, with the above "self" link, and performs a DELETE to that timestamp versioned URI.
Step 3
User B does a POST of a new Entity 1, which returns an object with a different "self" link, e.g.:
Step 4
User A, with the original Entity that they obtained in Step 1, tries doing a PUT to the "self" link on their object, which was:
...your service will recognise that although Entity 1 does exist; User A is trying a PUT against a version which has since become stale.
The service can then perform the appropriate action. Depending how sophisticated your algorithm is, you could either merge the changes or reject the PUT.
I can't remember the appropriate HTTP status code that you should return, following a PUT to a stale version... It's not something that I've implemented in the Rest framework that I work on, although I have planned to enable it in future. It might be that you return a 410 ("Gone").
Step 5
I know you don't have a step 5, but..! User A, upon finding their PUT has failed, might re-retrieve Entity 1. This could be a GET to their (stale) version, i.e. a GET to:
...and your service would return a redirect to GET from either a generic URI for that object, e.g.:
...or to the specific latest version, i.e.:
They can then make the changes intended in Step 4, subject to any application-level merge logic.
Hope that helps.

Your problem can be solved either using ETags for versioning (a record can only modified if the current ETag is supplied) or by soft deletes (so the deleted record still exists but with a trashed bool which is reset by a PUT).
Sounds like you might also benefit from a batch end point and using transactions.


REST API Design: Path variable vs request body on UPDATE (Best practices)

When creating an UPDATE endpoint to change a resource, the ID should be set in the path variable and also in the request body.
Before updating a resource, I check if the resource exists, and if not, I would respond with 404 Not Found.
Now I ask myself which of the two information I should use and if I should check if both values are the same.
For example:
PUT /users/42
// request body
"id": 42,
"username": "user42"
You should PUT only the properties you can change into the request body and omit read-only properties. So you should check the id in the URI, because it is the only one that should exist in the message.
It is convenient to accept the "id" field in the payload. But you have to be sure it is the same as the path parameter. I solve this problem by setting the id field to the value of the path parameter (be sure to explain that in the Swagger of the API). In pseudo-code :
idParam = request.getPathParam("id");
object = request.getPayload(); = idParam;
So all these calls are equivalent :
PUT /users/42 + {"id":"42", ...}
PUT /users/42 + {"id":"41", ...}
PUT /users/42 + {"id":null, ...}
PUT /users/42 + {...}
Why do you need the id both in URL and in the body? because now you have to validate that they are both the same or ignore one in any case. If it is a requirement for some reason, than pick which one is the one that is definitive and ignore the other one. If you don't have to have this strange duplication, than I'd say pass it in the body only
If you take a closer look at how HTTP works you might notice that the URI used to send a request to is also used as key for caching results. Any non-safe operation performed on that URI, such as POST, PUT, PATCH, will lead to (intermediary) caches automatically invalidating any stored responses for that URI. As such, if you use an other URI than the actual resource URI you are actually bypassing that feature and risk getting served outdated state from caches. As caching is one of the few constraints REST has simply skipping all caching via certain directives isn't ideal in first place.
In regards to including the ID of the resource or domain entity in the URI and/or in the payload: A common mistake in designing so-called REST APIs is that the domain object is mapped in a 1:1 manner onto a resource. We had a customer once who went through a merger and in a result they ended up with the same products being addressed by multiple IDs. In order to reduce the data in their DB they at one point tried to consolidate their data and continue. But they had to support still the old URIs they exposed for their products. In the end they realized that exposing the product ID via the URI wasn't ideal in their situation as it lead to plenty of downstream changes that affected their customers. As such, a recommendation here is to use UUIDs that don't give the target resource any semantic meaning and don't ever change. If the product ID in the back changes it doesn't affect the exposed URI at all. Sure, you might need a further table/collection to map from the product to the actual resource URI but you in the end designed your system with the eventuality of change which it now is more likely to coop with.
I've read so many times that the product ID shouldn't be part of the resource as it is already present in the URI. First, the whole URI is a unique identifier of that resource and not only a part of it. Next as mentioned above, IMO the product ID shouldn't be part of the URI in first place but it should be part of the resources' state. After all, the product ID is part of the products properties and therefore should be included there accordingly. As such, the media type exposed should contain all the necessities that a client is able to identify the product ID off the payload. The media type the resource's state is exchange with should also provide means to include the ID if you want to perform an update. I.e. if you take HTML as example, here you get served a HTML form by the server which basically teaches you where to send the request to, which HTTP operation to use, which media-type to marshal the request with and the actual properties of the resource, including the ones you are not meant to change. HTML does this i.e. via hidden input fields. Other form-based media types, such as HAL forms, JsonForms or Ion, might provide other mechanisms though.
So, to sum my post up:
Don't map the product ID onto URIs. Use a mapping from product ID to UUIDs instead
Use form-based media-types that support clients in creating requests. These media types should allow to include unmodifiable properties, such as hidden input fields and the like

Flask:Confused over using PUT/POST in Rest API

Respected Elders/Programmers/Learned-people,
I have read a very popular answer here about using PUT or POST, but I couldn't decipher from it as to what is the correct way to do so. Almost every answer has comments saying this is wrong/this is right. Mighty confused here.
My requirements:
Sending 2 Json files to the server, one to be inserted in Database and other to be updated. I thought I would use PUT to update, and POST to Insert into the database. That way, on the client side itself I would decide whether to insert or update.
Confusion: Since, the client alone is responsible for its data to be created/updated on the server, even POST in my case upon being repeated would insert the same thing (insert into table values) over and over, behaving as idempotent OR would give an error (Because of primary key conflict). Finally, it would not create something new upon firing it twice.
Question: Is it correct to use PUT for updation, and POST for insertion?
PUT can also be used for creating. What's important is the url. This is generally the accepted pattern:
PUT /collection/1234 <- Update a specific item OR create it
POST /collection <- Add a new item to a collection
Which one is right for you depends on a few things. Does the server determine the url of the new item, or does the client?
If the client can figure out what the url of a new item becomes, using PUT might be better because you can more easily turn it into an idempotent request.
Remember that with a PUT request the intent is always that you are replacing the resource at the target url with a new state.
However, if the server creates the url pattern (maybe you have an auto-incrementing id), POST is better. POST doesn't have to be on the parent collection but it's common.
If you want POST and want idempotence, you need some other way to figure out something was a repeated request. You get that for free with PUT. For example, the Stripe API solves this by adding a non-standard Idempotency-Key header.

REST API: Should we use PUT or DELETE to update resource partially?

We have website like pluralsight where authors and customers register. Authors publish their courses and customers can give rating to these courses. The table structure looks like:
author table: (save basic information of author: one to one)
authorId | name | contact | email | rating
1 | sahil | 9971343992 | | 3.2
authorRating: (save ratings given to author from customers: one to many)
Id | authorId | customerId | rating |
1 | 1 | 101 | 2.7
2 | 1 | 201 | 3.7
The rating in the author table gets updated when some record gets inserted/updated/deleted in authorRating table. There's some complex algorithm which finalize rating in author table based on authorRating table records.
We have created following APIs for that:
PUT api/author/1/rating /: If there's any change in authorRating table, we recompute the rating of that author and trigger this API to pass new rating. This accepts rating and add/update that in author table. If author table doesn't have id=1, it gives back validation error
DELETE api/author/1/rating /: This removes the rating for author id=1 i.e. set it to NULL. If author table doesn't have id=1, it gives back validation error.
Is this the right API design? OR should we only have PUT API exposed and if they send rating as null in the PUT API, we will set it null in the author table ?
OR should we consider using PATCH here?
As far as you are modifying only a field of one structure, I think PATCH fits better here, but it should be sent to the parent resource:
PATCH api/author/1
For these rating operations, I would use something like:
To insert a new rating for author 1, use POST /api/author/1/rating
To update a rating for author 1, use PATCH /api/author/1/rating. You may want to have more data in the authorRating table that don't want to change (like author and customer ids) but you are only updating some fields, in this case, the rating.
To delete author's 1 rating, DELETE /api/author/1/rating, as you explained, makes sense.
It is a common practice to use POST method for RESTful APIs. You can post virtually any message and handle the message by the parameters. You can POST a delete, or update or other command, depending on your needs.
HTTP is a protocol which defines methods that allow to manipulate resources; files or data on the internet so to say. Any business logic triggered by one of the operations invoked are more or less just side effects while manipulating these resources. While certain things can be achived in multiple ways, operations (slightly) differ in their semantics they convey.
PUT as specified in RFC 7231, which replaces the current representation with the one provided in the request, does state the following about partial updates:
Partial content updates are possible by targeting a separately identified resource with state that overlaps a portion of the larger resource, or by using a different method that has been specifically defined for partial updates (for example, the PATCH method defined in RFC5789).
So, you have either the option of "overlapping" resources and update the other resource, which has the effect of also changing the overlapping data and thus the data in the actual resource as well, or use PATCH therefore.
The primer one can easily be thought of that certain information of an other resource is embedded in the actual resource and on updating the other resource the state of the actual resource will also change as a consequence. Think of a user and his address i.e.
According to Roy Fielding, who wrote the following in his dissertation
The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles"), a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an author's hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a resource. A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time.”
resources should be named and referenced via own, unique identifiers. A direct mapping of entities to resources though is often not desirable as the resource can and probably should contain more information for the client to take further actions.
It is therefore up to you if you consider a rating to be a good entity and/or a good resource. I'm not a big fan of this though, though this is an opinionated position.
DELETE has some special semantics. It actually does not guarantee the removal of a file, though it will make the resource unavailable by removing the association (the URI) for that particular resource. What happens to the deleted resource is actually up to the implementation.
The DELETE method requests that the origin server remove the association between the target resource and its current functionality. In effect, this method is similar to the rm command in UNIX: it expresses a deletion operation on the URI mapping of the origin server rather than an expectation that the previously associated information be deleted.
If the target resource has one or more current representations, they might or might not be destroyed by the origin server, and the associated storage might or might not be reclaimed, depending entirely on the nature of the resource and its implementation by the origin server (which are beyond the scope of this specification). ... In general, it is assumed that the origin server will only allow DELETE on resources for which it has a prescribed mechanism for accomplishing the deletion.
Usually DELETE should only be used on resources that where created via PUT or POST previously whose creation was confirmed via an own Location response header.
With that being said, as you aked for whether this is the right API design or not. Actually, there is no right or wrong and which stance you take is primarily an opinionated one. As long as you stay in bounds with the HTTP protocol specification (in your particular case) you don't violate REST architect principles. If you design your rating resources in a way that make them uniquely identifiable you can use delete to unreference the respective rating from the author (and probably delete the data from your DB) or send a put request with the new content of that rating resource to the respective endpoint.
Keep in mind though, that the server should do its best to teach the client what next actions it can take without having the client to have some out-of-band information about your API, otherwise you will couple the client to your API and therefore might cause problems when you change your API in the future.

Informative vs unique generated ID in REST API

Designing a RESTful API. I have two ways of identifying resources (person data). Either by the unique ID generated by the database, or by a social security number (SSN), entered for each person. The SSN is supposedly unique, though can be changed.
Using the ID would be most convenient for me, since it is guaranteed to be unique, and does not change. Hence the URL for the resource, also always stays the same:
GET /persons/12
"name": Morgan
"ssn": "840212-3312"
The argument for using SSN, is that it is more informative and understandable by API clients. SSN is also used more in surrounding systems:
GET /persons/840212-3321
"name": Morgan
"id": "12"
So the question is: Should I go with the first approach, and avoid some implementation headaches where the SSN may change. And maybe provide some helper method that converts from SSN to ID?
Or go with the second approach. Providing a more informative API. Though having to deal with some not so RESTful strangeness where URL:s might change due to SSN changes?
URL design is a personal choice. But to give you some more examples which differ from those Ray has already provided, I will give you some of my own.
I have a user account resource and allow access via both URIs:
where the numerical value is an auto_incremented ID, and the alphabetic value is a unique username on the system specified by the user. these resources are uncachable so I do not bother about canonicalisation, however the /users page links to the alphabetic forms.
No other resources on my system have two unique fields, so are referred to by IDs, /jobs/123, /quotations/456.
As you can see, I prefer plural URI segments ;-)
I think of "job 123" as being from the "jobs" collection, so it seems logical to have a "jobs" resource, with subresources for each job.
You do not need to have a separate /search/ area for performing searches, I think it would be cleaner to apply your search criteria to the collection resource directly:
/people?ssn=123456-7890 (people with SSN matching/containing "123456-7890")
/people?name=morgan (people who's name is/contains "Morgan")
I have something similar, but use only the first letter as a filter:
Lists all sites beginning with F. You can think of it as a filter, or as a search criteria, those terms are just different sides of the same coin.
Good to see someone taking time to think about their Resource urls!
I would make a Url with the unique id to provide resource to a single user. Like:
Where 12 is your unique ID. Note that I also prefer the singular 'person'....
Regardless, the url should return:
"ssn": "840212-3312"
"name": "Morgan"
"id": "12"
However, I would also create a general search URL that returns a list of users that match the parameters (either a json array or whatever format you need). You can specify search parameters as get params like this:
These would return something like this for a single search hit--note it's an array, not a single item like the unique id url that points directly to a single user.
"ssn": "840212-3312"
"name": "Morgan"
"id": "12"
This search could then be later augmented for other search criteria. You might only return the unique id's via the search Url--you could always make a request to the unique id url once you've got it from the search...
I would suggest that you use neither. Generate resource IDs that are unique both to a single user of your API and across all other resources (including other users' resources).
Using the unique database ID is not ideal for a couple of reasons. First, API resources and database records won't necessarily always be 1-to-1 even if you have designed it that way today. Second, you might change to a different data store that would generate different format unique ids.
Also, it is good practice to separate out the ID from other resource properties, such as SSN (as an aside I hope you are storing SSN in a very secure manner, but that's another topic). If for whatever reason an SSN changed, more than one API resource was associated with the same SSN, or you decide that piece of data is not needed someday, you don't want to have to change the ID.
One pattern is to prepend the unique ID with a few characters that indicate the resource type. For example if User is a resource type in you API, a generated unique ID would be something like USR56382.
RESTful API is an architectural style which emphasizes on resource centric design approach.
In my opinion, I would keep the resources as plural and noun format.
Every resource, for example, customers has following uniform interfaces
POST /customers - for creating a resource instance
PUT /customers/{customerId} - for updating a particular instance
GET /customers - is for search customers. So #Ray, search is not required to be part of URI itself. Any filter or query parameters that need to be supported should be there itself.
GET /customers/{customerId} - to retrieve a particular instance of customer
DELETE /customers/{customerId} to delete a particular instance
The reason why plural, it is because it behaves as a factory. For example, when u r trying to create a new instance of a resource, the instance does not exist and therefore, it cannot be on the self instance. Hence, singularity is not used.
It also goes hand-in-hand for search/inquiry, where you do not know or hold the actual instance of resource. Hence, the plural form is much recommended.
Now, the question is what to use for a resource id - a database primary key, a generated identifier, or an encrypted token.
In my opinion, database primary keys should not be exposed. Resource identifier should not be designed 1-1 with DB primary key. But, it happens a lot. A generated UUID based key is much more recommended to avoid any sequential follow-through attack but world is not ideal always.
Coming back to token or an encrypted token, is a recommended approach for sensitive APIs, and where data exchange is performed between two separate applications. If we are using it, the encryption/decryption should be solely at the API end. That means, the encrypted keys for sub-resources should be returned as part of parent API response, otherwise it defeats the purpose.

RESTful idempotence

I'm designing a RESTful web service utilizing ROA(Resource oriented architecture).
I'm trying to work out an efficient way to guarantee idempotence for PUT requests that create new resources in cases that the server designates the resource key.
From my understanding, the traditional approach is to create a type of transaction resource such as /CREATE_PERSON. The the client-server interaction for creating a new person resource would be in two parts:
Step 1: Get unique transaction id for creating the new PERSON resource:::
**Client request:**
**Server response:**
200 OK
Step 2: Create the new person resource in a request guaranteed to be unique by using the transaction id:::
**Client request**
PUT /CREATE_PERSON/{transaction_id}
first_name="Big bubba"
**Server response**
201 Created // (If the request is a duplicate, it would send this
PersonKey="398u4nsdf" // same response without creating a new resource. It
// would perhaps send an error response if the was used
// on a transaction id non-duplicate request, but I have
// control over the client, so I can guarantee that this
// won't happen)
The problem that I see with this approach is that it requires sending two requests to the server in order to do to single operation of creating a new PERSON resource. This creates a performance issues increasing the chance that the user will be waiting around for the client to complete their request.
I've been trying to hash out ideas for eliminating the first step such as pre-sending transaction-id's with each request, but most of my ideas have other issues or involve sacrificing the statelessness of the application.
Is there a way to do this?
The solution that we ended up going with was for the client to acquire a UUID and send it along with the request. A UUID is a very large number occupying the space of 16 bytes (2^128). Contrary to what someone with a programming mind might intuitively think, it is accepted practice to randomly generate a UUID and assume that it is a unique value. This is because the number of possible values is so large that the odds of generating two of the same number randomly are low enough to be virtually impossible.
One caveat is that we are having our clients request a UUID from the server (GET uuid/). This is because we cannot guarantee the environment that our client is running in. If there was a problem such as with seeding the random number generator on the client, then there very well could be a UUID collision.
You are using the wrong HTTP verb for your create operation. RFC 2616 specifies the semantic of the operations for POST and PUT.
Paragraph 9.5:
POST method is used to request
that the origin server accept the
entity enclosed in the request as
a new subordinate of the resource
identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line
Paragraph 9.6
PUT method requests that the
enclosed entity be stored under the
supplied Request-URI.
There are subtle details of that behavior, for example PUT can be used to create new resource at the specified URL, if one does not already exist. However, POST should never put the new entity at the request URL and PUT should always put any new entity at the request URL. This relationship to the request URL defines POST as CREATE and PUT as UPDATE.
As per that semantic, if you want to use PUT to create a new person, it should be created in /CREATE_PERSON/{transaction_id}. In other words, the transaction ID returned by your first request should be the person key used to fetch that record later. You shouldn't make PUT request to a URL that is not going to be the final location of that record.
Better yet, though, you can do this as an atomic operation by using a POST to /CREATE_PERSON. This allows you with a single request to create the new person record and in the response to get the new ID (which should also be referred in the HTTP Location header as well).
Meanwhile, the REST guidelines specify that verbs should not be part of the resource URL. Thus, the URL to create new person should be the same as the location to get the list of all persons - /PERSONS (I prefer the plural form :-)).
Thus, your REST API becomes:
to get all persons - GET /PERSONS
to get single person - GET /PERSONS/{id}
to create new person - POST /PERSONS with the body containing the data for the new record
to update existing person or create new person with well-known id - PUT /PERSONS/{id} with the body containing the data for the updated record.
to delete existing person - DELETE /PERSONS/{id}
Note: I personally prefer not using PUT for creating records for two reasons, unless I need to create a sub record that has the same id as an already existing record from a different data set (also known as 'the poor man's foreign key' :-)).
Update: You are right that POST is not idempotent and that is as per HTTP spec. POST will always return a new resource. In your example above that new resource will be the transaction context.
However, my point is that you want the PUT to be used to create a new resource (a person record) and according to the HTTP spec, that new resource itself should be located at the URL. In particular, where your approach breaks is that the URL you use with the PUT is a representation of the transactional context that was created by the POST, not a representation of the new resource itself. In other words, the person record is a side effect of updating the transaction record, not the immediate result of it (the updated transaction record).
Of course, with this approach the PUT request will be idempotent, since once the person record is created and the transaction is 'finalized', subsequent PUT requests will do nothing. But now you have a different problem - to actually update that person record, you will need to make a PUT request to a different URL - one that represents the person record, not the transaction in which it was created. So now you have two separate URLs your API clients have to know and make requests against to manipulate the same resource.
Or you could have a complete representation of the last resource state copied in the transaction record as well and have person record updates go through the transaction URL for updates as well. But at this point, the transaction URL is for intends and purposes the person record, which means it was created by the POST request in first place.
I just came across this post:
Simple proof that GUID is not unique
Although the question is universally ridiculed, some of the answers go into deeper explanation of GUIDs. It seems that a GUID is a number of 2^128 in size and that the odds of randomly generating two of the same numbers of this size so low as to be impossible for all practical purposes.
Perhaps the client could just generate its own transaction id the size of a GUID instead of querying the server for one. If anyone can discredit this, please let me know.
I'm not sure I have a direct answer to your question, but I see a few issues that may lead to answers.
Your first operation is a GET, but it is not a safe operation as it is "creating" a new transaction Id. I would suggest POST is a more appropriate verb to use.
You mention that you are concerned about performance issues that would be perceived by the user caused by two round trips. Is this because your user is going to create 500 objects at once, or because you are on a network with massive latency problems?
If two round trips are not a reasonable expense for creating an object in response to a user request, then I would suggest HTTP is not the right protocol for your scenario. If however, your user needs to create large amounts of objects at once, then we can probably find a better way of exposing resources to enable that.
Why don't you just use a simple POST, also including the payload on your first call. This way you save on extra call and don't have to spawn a transaction:
POST /persons
response would be:
server-internally an id would be generated. for simplicity i would go for an artifial primary key (e.g. auto-increment id from database).