Read only view in DataGrip - mongodb

I have a local MongoDB instance that I am connecting to in DataGrip. When I open a collection and it loads in DataGrip, I try to edit a value in one of the fields and I am greeted with This view is read-only
I had a look at the following SO question but I can't find the auto commit checkbox so I can't try it. If someone can maybe point out where that would be in DataGrip for MongoDB?

At the moment you can't edit values. But it's coming soon.
Follow the issues:


not getting mongoDB collections via retool query

I've connected mongoDB as a resource for retool and created a query for it in my retool app, but the queries don't really work for me. The action query "listCollections" goes through but it gets wrong info on those collections but the action query "find" and other actions report the error message "Collection names cannot be empty". Where is the problem, I can't figure it out!
Thank you for the attention! Hope anyone can reach out and help
I had the same issue and it started at the same time as yours, this worked for me try doing the following:
1- Goto MongoDB->"Data Access" and provide your user "admin" status
2- Open Retool Query library add a new Resource using the connection string of user you just made admin.
3- Test the connection and save it.
4- Refresh retool and try again.
Hope it helps :-)

no such column exists for PostgreSQL db in Hasura (Graphql) console when adding column via DBeaver

I just tested modifying a table in my PostgreSQL db through DBeaver and it seems to have broken the db when looking at the data from the Hasura (Graphql) console. I simply added a column from Dbeaver. In Hasura I get an error "no such column exists". Anyone have any idea why or how I can fix this?
Hasura support helped me pinpoint it to the metadata stored in the Graphql console. Hope this helps someone else save a little time.
"If you make DDL changes to your database from outside Hasura, you must manually reload the Hasura metadata so that Hasura knows that something has changed and it adapts to those changes accordingly.You can reload the metadata by clicking on the settings icon on the top right in console."
you have to update the metadata, from the console it would be:
hasura metadata reload

'type_cast_required' is undefined messagge in Postgresql

I have created a databse in Postgresql. I am trying to use pgadmin to add new record to a table, however I am getting a messagge: 'type_cast_required' is undefined.
Screen shot:
I have looked across the web for what this message means however I have not found anything.
Any thoughts?
pgAdmin bug. This should have been fixed as of version pgAdmin 4.22. For more details see this issue. You will need a Postgres community account to view issue.

Tablespace error upon creating table

I'm facing this weird issue.
When I want to create a table, it says Tablespace-xxx exist.
But when I want to remove that Tablespace-xxx, it says it is not exist.
I'm using mysql in google cloud, second generation.
Thanks in advance!
Very interesting. Please email the name of your project and database instance to (along with a link to this post) and we can follow up there.

Heroku Dataclips don't see my database

I was trying to use dataclips but when I create a new one, no databases appear in the "Select database" dropdown... (I do have a Heroku/Postgres database for one of my apps)
I had the same error, created new dedicated database and the first one showed up (and after a while the new one too, which I deleted)
I've stopped using Dataclips for this. Instead, give QueryClips a shot. It lets you add your own (better-named) databases and saves your google sheet exports.