not getting mongoDB collections via retool query - mongodb

I've connected mongoDB as a resource for retool and created a query for it in my retool app, but the queries don't really work for me. The action query "listCollections" goes through but it gets wrong info on those collections but the action query "find" and other actions report the error message "Collection names cannot be empty". Where is the problem, I can't figure it out!
Thank you for the attention! Hope anyone can reach out and help

I had the same issue and it started at the same time as yours, this worked for me try doing the following:
1- Goto MongoDB->"Data Access" and provide your user "admin" status
2- Open Retool Query library add a new Resource using the connection string of user you just made admin.
3- Test the connection and save it.
4- Refresh retool and try again.
Hope it helps :-)


User Not Found in Db2-mx

I'm currently enrolled in Relational Database Basics, IBM Course. On the lab assignment, one of the steps is to Go to UI in the services page. However, after following the correct steps and clicking on Go to UI, the following message appears:
HWCUSR0012E: User rsc83832 is not found, please ensure that the userId exists.
What am i doing wrong and how can i fix it?

Access troubles to db2 console

i'm facing access problems to the db2 console (ibm-cloud).
i got this message :
HWCUSR0079E: Impossible to acces user information. Motif : HWCCON0048E: Failed to get connection profile crn:v1:bluemix:public:dashdb-for-transactions:us-south:a/16421fa67dc942ea96e562ff547b457a:ed7c96b2-28b4-4d9b-9bc4-46567241774b:: because Not Found.
Need help please , thanks
I have similar issue as you. And I checked View Cloud Status from resource list:
I suspect their servicehave interruption.
Also, if you search against the internet and Coursera, you will find that we are not alone.

Read only view in DataGrip

I have a local MongoDB instance that I am connecting to in DataGrip. When I open a collection and it loads in DataGrip, I try to edit a value in one of the fields and I am greeted with This view is read-only
I had a look at the following SO question but I can't find the auto commit checkbox so I can't try it. If someone can maybe point out where that would be in DataGrip for MongoDB?
At the moment you can't edit values. But it's coming soon.
Follow the issues:

How to resolve this error - " One of the documents you are trying to access has been deleted, please try refreshing"? in Odoo v8?

Whenever I try to create an employee record in Human Resources, when I click Save, the above error occurs.
I checked in the database for any kind of ir-regularities and found that I have attached the screenshot.
As in the database error, the Autoincrement ID has been skipped as I have noticed.
Anyone with a clear insight on this, kindly suggest with what can be done. It would really grateful. Thanks
Create a new database if you can, and re install your module and try again.
Ok I am answering the question,
There was a custom module which I was not aware of(other than my custom module) and that was installed. UNinstalling it removed the error.

how do I connect mongoDB to a Dataiku dataset?

This question is about Dataiku DSS .
I'm having trouble opening a mongoDB collection and connecting it as a dataset in Dataiku.
There's an option of using Python script but I'm not sure how to do it.
This is a very late answer but the following page explains how to connect to mongoDB in Dataiku DSS:
You have to be administrator of the instance.
The main steps are:
Go to Administration->Connections
New connection->MongoDB
Fill the Host, Database name, User, Password fields
Grant the appropriate rights (probably write access, and specific groups).
Click the Test button to make sure everything is ok, then save it.