Live copies of experience fragment - AEM 6.5 - aem

We are on AEM 6.5.3. I have an experience fragment in the "en" language. And I want to create a live copy of this XF in the es languages. When I select experience fragment and click on create, I see an option to create variation-as live copy, but that creates the live copy in the same hierarchy. But my requirement is to create the live copy under “es” language. I don’t want to use the language copy option because there will not be any relationship b/w en XF and es XF. I want the live copy relation b/w the two (as we maintain the relationship in content pages). This is doable on content pages but not an experience fragment. I mean under content, I can create one page under en, and live copy config can roll out the same page in es language. How to achieve similar functionality in XF.
Another thing is when we use the XF component on the en content page, MSM creates the live copy in es language, But experience fragment path is not translated to match relative to es language. Basically, the inclusion of the experience fragment on the page does not update to match the language of the page.
How do we achieve the above two functionalities?

Using the MSM for Experience Fragments (XPF) is not supported by AEM. This is because AEM uses MSM relationships for XPF variations. So this doesn’t support your (and many others) requirements. You cannot have the same hierarchy of live- and language-copies, as for the normal content. And you cannot have XPF references, that are automatically adjusted during rollout or translation of the normal content.
The alternative is to implement an old-fashioned content library:
Inside your sites structure (in each branch), you create a special folder “Content Library”
There you create pages with “Content Snippets” or “Content Fragments”
You create a custom “Reference” component, that just contains a reference (path) to an content snippet, and renders it (instead of itself)
In detail the problems with OOTB implementation of XPF are:
You cannot have Livecopies of livecopies. So you could not use XPF variation
But Adobe forbid this explicitly by enforcing a fixed path structure, based on sling:folder's
/content/experience-fragments(/[sling:folder])*/[Generic XPF Page]/master
The AEM UI explicitly looks for the sling:folder – otherwise it doesn’t offer any menu actions. But the sling:folder is not supported by MSM. So you cannot fake a MSM hierarchy and get a working XPF.
It was not built for your scenario.

This is a bit of a hack solution, but XF variations do support the move function. You can create one XF under you language masters and another where you expect to create your published XFs - both using the same XF template. With this set up, you can create a variation-as-live-copy in your language master and then move it to the other XF template instance. It will retain the live copy connection to the language master and you'll be able to roll out as expected. To make this solution work, avoid using the default variant named "master" - it is required and so cannot be easily moved.
More details can be found here:


What is the relation between extensions and the backend of TYPO3?

I am new to TYPO3 and have trouble understanding the general relation between extensions and the backend of TYPO3.
For example, is it true that the goal of making an extension is to be able add edited/new content elements to your page that cannot be found in TYPO3 out of the box?
For example if I wanted to add a carousel to my page, would I make an extension and design it in such a way that I can add it from my backend to the desired page? Or would it make more sense to, for example, put it as a partial and import it to the desired page using fluid (all of this without using the backend and just using code).
Or are both approaches possible and when would you go for the first or the second (or seek out a third approach)?
Sorry if this question is too general/vague. I feel like I do not understand how the backend and the files in my TYPO3 folder communicate to generate the website and that I am using content elements in the backend one time and typing out the elements in HTML the next time without a good reason for it.
I try to bring some light into the dark areas.
Backend This is the admin area of the CMS where in most cases the content is created by editors.
Frontend: How the website looks to a regular visitor
Extension: An extension is custom code, either your own code or by others which extend TYPO3 in one or more ways. The benefit is that you don't change the code of TYPO3 core itself and therefore it can be always updated.
An extension can be used for a lot of things:
- Shipping a site template with all the assets like CSS, JavaScript, HTML template, ..
- Providing custom content elements
- Providing new record types like news or forms
- Improve user experience
So yes, if you want to have a new kind of content elements you need to use an extension:
Search on to check if there is already something which fits your needs
Use (best in combination with or to make it a lot faster to create content elements
If experienced you can also create a custom content elements without any additional extension but for start I don't recommend that.
One approach to look at this question in a different way might be to differentiate between content created and maintained by editors (the backend users which typically add and maintain content) and parts of the visible webpages created in other ways. For example, the header, footer, menu of a site may be created by a sitepackage extension - this is something the editor (backend user without admin access) typically has no permission to access and that is one of the points of a CMS - the content is editable by someone without technical background. Of course this improves the stability as well because you don't have people fiddling around with things they should not be able to have access to and thus cannot break.
If you want your editors to be able to add (remove, change) content - do it in a way they have access to (typically using content elements).
You are right, the core provides content elements (such as "textmedia"), extensions can extend this by adding other content elements.
For your example with "carousel" you might want to look at the (official) Introduction Package which uses the bootstrap_package which offers a carousel content element. The Installation Guide explains how to setup a TYPO3 installation with "Introduction Package" so you may already be using that.
For example, is it true that the goal of making an extension is to be able to add edited/new content elements to your page that cannot be found in TYPO3 out of the box?
That is one of many, many other possible purposes of an extension. For example, look at the extension "min". It does not provide any content element and there is no visible change for the editor. An extension is just a way to extend the TYPO3 core (while the core itself also consists of extensions).
Introduction of Extensions in TYPO3 Explained
Sitepackage Tutorial

Delphi: How to structure multi-device application with native controls?

or "How to decouple UI from business logic in Delphi?"
Each target platform has its own set of native firemonkey controls (Windows=VCL, MacOS=TMS mCL, Android=D.P.F, iOS=TMS iCL and D.P.F). The new FireUI (multi-device form designer) is a great solution for styled components, but not for native components because it still requires the same component on the master pane to support all platforms. As you cannot mix them on the same form, it completely breaks the whole idea with Delphi.
A lot of developers would say that Delphi is the broken approach, see "Why FireMonkey is so fundamentally wrong in every aspect". However, the premise for this question is NOT to argue against Delphi, but to get the best results out of what it does offer.
The conclusion is then that for each form in your application you have to make a separate form for each target platform. This leads to these questions:
Challenge 1: How to include different form files in your project depending on your target platform?
Solution 1: include all of them, i.e. MainForm_IOS.pas, MainForm_Android.pas, MainForm_Win, MainForm_OSX.pas, and then use compiler directives inside the files, so only the content of one of the files is active. Disadvantage: a large application can have many forms (we have around 40), so we are talking about a large number of included files.
Solution 2: Do not include them in the project, but instead just place them in seperate folders. Then you can add the matching folder to the search path for each target platform. Disadvantage: They will not show up in the Project Manager, so it will slow down the workflow every time you need to find a file.
Solution 3: Create a project for each target platform. Disadvantage: Every time you add new units or change common project settings you have to (remember to) apply it to all projects.
Update: As suggested in the Malcom Groves video, placing all the business logic in a package will remove the disadvantage from Solution 3. So I consider solution 3 as the best approach.
Challenge 2: How to connect the different device forms to the (same) business logic?
Possible solution: Create a "Helper" class that contains all the code you would normally have in the form unit.
Update: This "Helper class" is actually what the MVVM calls a ViewModel. What I need seem to be a MVVM framework that can support the databinding. I have made another question about that.
Any input and suggestions about best practice are welcome.
For challenge 1:
You can conditionally link in your FireMonkey form resources depending on the compile target:
{$R *.Windows.fmx MSWINDOWS}
{$R *.Macintosh.fmx _MACOS}
This is excatly what the XE7 Multiview designer does, but I see nothing against using this mechanism to link whole form files conditionally in to your executable. Of course you might also want to ifdef the corresponding units in your project file.
For challenge 2: Just use some form of Model View Controler logic. So your platform dependant forms will talk to a platform independant controler.

Creating a responsive design using CQ5 templates

I'm investigating Adobe CQ5 and would like any advice on how to integrate its drag-and-drop UI to create a responsive website. It seems as if it works on a concept of fairly bland templates with components that can be dropped in pretty much anywhere, including things like "three-column control" - which would make designing a responsive grid structure very hard (as it would be hard to prevent users from dropping in a control that could ruin the layout).
Does anyone have any experience or advice on this? I'm really looking for deep technical details on the structure of templates vs components (paragraphs), and where/how to manage to the CSS.
CQ5 offers ways to control what can be done within a template, so thinking that components "can be dropped in pretty much anywhere" may be misleading. Page templates are designed and configured so that you control which components can be added to a certain area of a page. This allows you to only make those components available that will work with the template layout, excluding components that would wreck the layout. Then authors are only allowed to use things that will work. If they attempt to drag a component onto a paragraph (parsys) where that component has not been configured as available, the UI will not allow them to use it there. So CQ actually makes it easy to prevent users from dropping a control somewhere that would ruin the layout.
This is outlined a bit here: which states that
"The components can be activated (or deactivated) to determine which
are offered to the author when editing a page."
When it comes to CSS and JavaScript, you can create a client library and then include the relevant client library on the page. Backend CQ functionality will take care of combining multiple CSS (or JavaScript) files into a single minified file to allow for a single HTTP request of an optimized file. This it outlined a bit here: as well as
So you might develop several components that share a client library, then when any of the components is added to a paragraph the client library will be included on the page. You may also want a CSS library that applies to all the templates to give a common look and feel, yet allow components to add their own when they are used.
These guidelines for using templates and components outline how you provide control, yet flexibility:
I'll document our successful WIP experience with RWD and CQ5
A well documented style guide.
Our First Steps:
Modified existing column control component css to utilize twitter bootstrap grid css.
Create a base page property allowing two different classes on the grid container to be set and inherited by child pages. (container||container-fluid).
Leverage out-of-the-box components where ever possible.
All component widths inherit the width of their parent container allowing for components to be dropped into any location within a template.
The out-of-the-box column control component can not be nested.
We are looking into building a custom column control component.
Takeaways: this is an evolutionary project and we are constantly iterating.
With the recent launch of AEM 6.0, they have an example website called as Geomatrixx Media. This website is responsive.
You can take this example as reference and start building on top of it.

Teamsite component or template

I was wondering if page templates can be built instead of individual components in Teamsite 7? I've seen other cMS systems where it is just a page template that has lots of functionality built I and you can "switch" on and off elements that you want to display instead of having to drag components onto a page? Is this possible?
Old question, but since I just came across it:
Yes, TeamSite supports templates (.template) files which can be partial or full page templates. The default location is iwadmin/main/livesite/template.
I recommend downloading the developer guides from Autonomy's web site for detailed information.
Templates in teamsite/livesite is like a bag that can contain components. But in order for a functionality to be developed in teamsite/livesite we need to create components. certainly we can avoid dragging and dropping components in each page by creating templates and dropping components within it for once. Keep in mind templates are bound to layouts. for each type of layout we need to create a template. Please have a look at TS_7.3_SiteDeveloper_rev1, Chapter 5.
Yes, you can create templates instead of dragging components.
Since, TeamSite supports templates (.template) files which can be partial or full page templates and resides at location : iwadmin/main/livesite/template.
So, whenever you try to create a new page everytime the HTML code required for that page gets automatically added with the template and layouts you selected.
But, again this is not good since you can have any number of templates you need but this could create confusions at times when you try to create a new page since you will need to remember every template name and contents that you will need for a particular page so it's better to have small lists of templates and layouts since then we can say that there is reusability in our application/website which we are going to develop using Teamsite and Livesite.
Please vote the solution if its helpful.

What separates a content management system from just a bunch of web pages?

I have a website that has related pages. They have links that point back and forth to one another but I have no integrated system, nor do I know what that would mean.
What is the minimum code that a group of web pages must have to be considered a Content Management System (CMS). Is it that all the settings are in the database and the pages are generated somehow? Is there some small snippet that all my pages could share that makes them a CMS, database or not?
Thanks. I was also hoping not to have to study a giant CMS to see what makes it a CMS . After maybe a basic understanding I would know what I was looking for.
edit: here's why I ask about code. Whenever I have looked at a CMS, and maybe they aren't all the same, I saw that to develop a module you always had to inherit from certain classes and had some necessary code. I didn't know if there was some magic model that I just don't get that all cms makers understand.
edit: perhaps my question is more about being extendable or pluggable. What would a minimum look like? Is it possible to show that here?
edit: how about this? Is something a CMS if it is not extendable and/or pluggable?
I think this is really impossible to say. We all manage content. The "system" is just whatever mechanism you use to do so(dragging and dropping in Explorer or committing content changes via a SQL query). To say there is a minimum amount of code needed really isn't indicative. What is indicative is how often you find yourself making mistakes and how easy it is for a given user of a given skill level and knowledge to execute the functions in the designed system. That tells you the quality/degree of what you have in place being worthy of being called a "CMS."
Simply put a CMS is an application that allows the user to publish and edit existing web content.
In response to the edit:
A "good" CMS allows of extensibility. By using inheritence you can extend the functionality of a CMS outside of the core components provided. That's the magic.
About Extensibility:
Depending on the language/framework you want to build your CMS with, you can load pages or controls(ASP.NET) using command built into the framework. Typically what is being done is a parent class/interface is being defined that forces an module that is to be developed to follow some given standards:
Public MustInherit Class CMSModule
'Here you will define properties and functions that need to be global to all modules being developed to extend your CMS.
public property ModuleName as string
End Class
public class PlugInFooCMSPage
inherits CMSModule
end class
Then it's just a matter of simply loading a module dynamically in whatever construct a given language/framework provides.
Ultimately, a CMS is a system that lets you manage content, so it needs an user interface that is dedicated to letting you easily create, edit and delete pages on your website.
However, it's fairly usual to expect from a CMS to provide a browser-based WYSIWYG page editor, file uploading, image resizing, url rewriting, page categories and tags, user accounts (editor, moderator, administrator), and some kind of templae system.
Without dragging you into a theoretical explanation of what a CMS is and what it's not, perhaps some tutorials on the building methodology of a CMS will help you better understand.
A Content Management System is a System that Manages Content. :)
So if you got many pages that share the same layout, you can create a system that stores the content into a database and when a page is requested, it gets that content, merges it with a template that contains the page header, menu, etc.. and outputs the result.
The basis idea is that you don't want to copy HTML pages, and have to edit hundreds of them when you want to change your layout.
Such a system can be very complex, featuring wysiwyg editors, toolbars, version control, multiple user publishing and much more, but it could be as simple as a single page behind a standard loging, that contains only an input field for the title and a textarea in which you type the html content.