How to convert strings into int in drools decision table - drools

I'm having a hard time converting a string into int so I can perform math operations on it. I tried to use the parseInt method in a .drl file but somehow it doesn't work in a decision table.
So far this is what I have:
And this is the error I'm getting when I'm trying to use it:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while creating KieBase[Message [id=1, kieBase=dtables, level=ERROR, path=D:\Users\cabanuz\eclipse-workspace\demo_drools\target\classes\com\sample\dtables\Payment_Hierarchy.xlsx, line=5, column=0
text=Rule Compilation error Syntax error on token ".", delete this token]]
at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieContainerImpl.getKieBase(
at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieContainerImpl.getKieBaseFromKieSessionModel(
at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieContainerImpl.newKieSession(
at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieContainerImpl.newKieSession(
at com.manulife.payment_hierarchy.main.MainApp.main(
I get my data from a hash map. That is why all of the values are string. Any idea on how to do this will be much appreciated.

It appeared to work with no explicit conversion for me, just
int i = '5';
the only issue I face with your code is that you are writing 'then block code' in C7, but it should be placed in C8, and this generates totally insane drl for me. Do you have generated DRL?


Getting Py4JJavaError Pyspark error on using rdd

I am getting the below error:
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling z:org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD.collectAndServe.
on this line:
result ='student_age').rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()
'student_age' is a column name. It was running fine until last week but now this error.
Does anyone have any insights on that?
Using collect is dangerous for this very reason, It's prone to Out Of Memory errors. I suggest removing it. You also do not need to use a rdd for this you can do this with a data frame:
result =['student_age'])) #returns a dataFrame
#write code to use a data frame instead of any array.
If nothing else changed, likely the data did, and finally outgrew the size in memory.
It's also possible that you have new 'bad' data that is throwing an error.
Either way you could likely prove this by find this(OOM) or prove the data is bad by printing it.
def f(row):
result.foreach(f) # used for simple stuff that doesn't require heavy initialization.
IF that works you may want to break your code down to use foreachPartition. This will let you do math on each value in the memory of each executor. The only trick is that within fun below as you are executing this code on the executor you cannot reference anything that uses sparkContext. (Python code only instead of Pyspark).
def f(rows):
#intialize a database connection here
for row in rows:
print(row.student_age) # do stuff with student_age
#close database connection here
result.foreachPartition(f) # used for things that need heavy initialization
Spark foreachPartition vs foreach | what to use?
This issue is solved, here is the answer:
result = [i[0] for i in'student_age').toLocalIterator()]


I am doing some basic tasks using, sql/xml. I am currently working on an error message that I get when trying to compute a XMLQUERY() within a XMLATTRIBUTES() function. (See code below)
XMLATTRIBUTES(XMLQUERY('$t//Element/text()' PASSING Info AS "t") AS "hello"))
The error message that I get, says that there is no qualified routine that can run the function. I cant copy-paste the error message because its in Swedish, but this should be enough.
Also this might help: SQLCODE=-440, SQLSTATE=42884, DRIVER=4.18.60
So my question is (I have been looking for the answer), why doesn't this work? I will always get a value from that XMLQUERY, and it should simply translate into a value and used by XMLATTRIBUTES()
Any documentation, or link, is welcomed as well!
Thank you in advance!
The scalar function XMLQUERY returns an XML value. The function XMLATTRIBUTES expects an expression that returns a value of any type, but XML and some other types.
Thus, the functions are not compatible the way you are using them. DB2 cannot find a routine with that function signature. It results in that error -440.
How about wrapping a CAST/XMLCAST around it...?

Matlab: How can i stop a the whole function in matlab?

I have a function in matlab calculating something. Within that function I open another function to calculate something for it.
Now in this second function I have some case where I just want to stop everything if some certain condition is true (so I want to end both functions)
I don't want an error message or anything; Is there a command for that?
If I just type in error I get some notice in red with a message such as:
error: Invalid call to error. Correct usage is:
-- Built-in Function: error (TEMPLATE, ...)
-- Built-in Function: error (ID, TEMPLATE, ...)
error: called from:
error: /usr/share/octave/3.8.1/m/help/print_usage.m at line 89, column 5
>>>error: /home/john/wpq.m at line 75, column 4
error: /home/john/test.m at line 23, column 21
if I write error('blabla') I still get:
>>>error: blabla
error: called from:
error: /home/john/wpq.m at line 75, column 4
error: /home/john/test.m at line 23, column 21
I would like to get no output because I can write one line above already something like disp('the test on this number failed').
You could try placing a try/catch block in your main function to expect the condition under which you want code execution to stop.
I don't believe that there is any one command that allows code to stop execution from a function within a function.
There are a number of ways of doing what you want. Typically error is only meant to be used for things that actually is errors. You do for example get an "index out of bounds" error if you try to access an element outside the array. In case what happens is an error you should send an error message to inform users about what happens and highlight that this is an error. However, in case you only want this particular calculation to end and not the program I would instead recommend try-catch and printing the error message in catch.
In case this is normal termination (or if only a particular function terminates unnormally and this is expected for some input) you can either use a termination condition (function [out,success] = myFun(in)) or try-catch. Both are accepted, though I use to prefer the termination condition approach for normal termination and try-catch for unnormal termination (of functions). Unnormal termination can for example be when a function have to be terminated before all output variables are calculated. I use to prefer to have an exception thrown instead of a function returning invalid values (but a c-programmer would probably argue differently).
For the record, there is a return-statement in Matlab which terminates a particular function.
It is hard to recommend a particular approach without knowing the situation you are in, but this text would give you some different options to be choose between. Know that error handling seldom have standard approaches which can be said to be "right". It is often up to the programmer to decide what is suitable and that is typically a part of the design.
Good luck!

REST API V2: Converting String type parameter to List type

I'm trying to execute a JasperReports report through REST V2 services by passing the param value as part of the url. Then, in report, I have a SQL which take a list type param. But how to convert the String type param to List type to run the query?
Here, the String param has the comma separated values like below:
we need to convert param_str to a List type from String type.
I'm getting the cast exception like :
Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression :
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
Can't believe I am doing this, it seems you can earn quite a lot on Jasper obscure and badly documented area by doing consulting. But I work with open source tech so should have the correct mindset. :-)
Here you are param_str=value1&param_str=value2&param_str=value3
If you find out how to do the same with Map, pls tell.

Fragment Evaluation Error

Can someone tell me what "Fragment evaluation error" means, or where I might look for solutions? I sometimes (but not always) get lots of these errors (without changing my code):
[error] ! Fragment evaluation error
[error] ThrowableException: Could not initialize class code.model.Post$ (
[error] code.model.PostSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcZ$sp(PostSpec.scala:68)
[error] code.model.PostSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PostSpec.scala:51)
[error] code.model.PostSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PostSpec.scala:51)
Line 68 of PostSpec is the first line in the (specs2) test that references the Post model companion object:
val test4 = Post.fixJValue(toextract4).extract[Selection]
I'm using Scala 2.9.0-1.
Also: I have no idea whether it matters, but Post is a net.liftweb.mongodb.record.MongoRecord class companion object:
object Post extends Post with MongoMetaRecord[Post] { ... }
In a specs2 specification, Fragments are pieces of the specification. A Fragment can be a Text, an Example, a Step.
Some fragments, like Example and Step are meant to be executed and are supposed to catch Exceptions so that they can be marked as failures. But they won't catch Errors (except AssertionErrors). So if an Example throws an OutOfMemoryError, this will be reported as a Fragment evaluation error.
Other fragments, like Text fragments are not supposed to throw exceptions when being evaluated. If they do, you will get the same Fragment evaluation error message.
Without seeing the full specification it's hard for me to say what's happening there but I suspect that you had a non-Exception type thrown in the body of an Example. But I have more questions than answers for now:
where is test4 declared? Inside the specification body? Inside a Context case class?
since errors happen intermittently, are you sure you always have a proper mongodb context? Maybe your specification examples are being executed concurrently on the same mongo db instance?