Fragment Evaluation Error - scala

Can someone tell me what "Fragment evaluation error" means, or where I might look for solutions? I sometimes (but not always) get lots of these errors (without changing my code):
[error] ! Fragment evaluation error
[error] ThrowableException: Could not initialize class code.model.Post$ (
[error] code.model.PostSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcZ$sp(PostSpec.scala:68)
[error] code.model.PostSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PostSpec.scala:51)
[error] code.model.PostSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PostSpec.scala:51)
Line 68 of PostSpec is the first line in the (specs2) test that references the Post model companion object:
val test4 = Post.fixJValue(toextract4).extract[Selection]
I'm using Scala 2.9.0-1.
Also: I have no idea whether it matters, but Post is a net.liftweb.mongodb.record.MongoRecord class companion object:
object Post extends Post with MongoMetaRecord[Post] { ... }

In a specs2 specification, Fragments are pieces of the specification. A Fragment can be a Text, an Example, a Step.
Some fragments, like Example and Step are meant to be executed and are supposed to catch Exceptions so that they can be marked as failures. But they won't catch Errors (except AssertionErrors). So if an Example throws an OutOfMemoryError, this will be reported as a Fragment evaluation error.
Other fragments, like Text fragments are not supposed to throw exceptions when being evaluated. If they do, you will get the same Fragment evaluation error message.
Without seeing the full specification it's hard for me to say what's happening there but I suspect that you had a non-Exception type thrown in the body of an Example. But I have more questions than answers for now:
where is test4 declared? Inside the specification body? Inside a Context case class?
since errors happen intermittently, are you sure you always have a proper mongodb context? Maybe your specification examples are being executed concurrently on the same mongo db instance?


Method anySatisfy from assertJ swallows actual failure message

I use assertJ in my project for nice formulation of test assertions.
I call anySatisfy on a collection where I pass assertions in a lambda that must be met for at least one of the collection elements.
assertThat(myCollection).anySatisfy(myCollectionElement-> {
Once no element satisfies the required assertions, anySatisfy fails as expected.
The problem is that the console output then as follows
Expecting any element of:
to satisfy the given assertions requirements but none did.
at myPackage.myTestClass.myTestMethod(
Concluding I do know that anySatisfy being called in line xyz failed, but I do not get to know which particular assertions inside the lambda are not met. I only can see that in the debugger.
How can I achieve to get the expected log output?
You can't but we have improved allSatisfy to report the unsatisfied requirements.
We will do the same for anySatisfy for the next release, I have created to track this.

can`t bind[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]]

I want to use sttp library with guice(with scalaguice wrapper) in my app. But seems it is not so easy to correctly bind things like SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]
Try[_] and Try[AnyRef] show some other errors, but still have no idea how it should be done correctly
the error I got:
kinds of the type arguments (scala.util.Try) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type T).
[error] scala.util.Try's type parameters do not match type T's expected parameters:
[error] class Try has one type parameter, but type T has none
[error] bind[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]].toProvider[SttpBackendProvider]
[error] ` ^
SttpBackendProvider looks like:
def get: SttpBackend[Try, Nothing] = TryHttpURLConnectionBackend(opts)
complete example in scastie
interesting that version scalaguice 4.1.0 show this error, but latest 4.2.2 shows error inside it with converting Nothing to JavaType
I believe you hit two different bugs in the Scala-Guice one of which is not fixed yet (and probably even not submitted yet).
To describe those issues I need a fast intro into how Guice and Scala-Guice work. Essentially what Guice do is have a mapping from type onto the factory method for an object of that type. To support some advanced features types are mapped onto some internal "keys" representation and then for each "key" Guice builds a way to construct a corresponding object. Also it is important that generics in Java are implemented using type erasure. That's why when you write something like:
bind(classOf[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]]).toProvider(classOf[SttpBackendProvider])
in raw-Guice, the "key" actually becomes something like "com.softwaremill.sttp.SttpBackend". Luckily Guice developers have thought about this issue with generics and introduced TypeLiteral[T] so you can convey the information about generics.
Scala type system is more reach than in Java and it has some better reflection support from the compiler. Scala-Guice exploits it to map Scala-types on those more detailed keys automatically. Unfortunately it doesn't always work perfectly.
The first issue is the result of the facts that the type SttpBackend is defined as
trait SttpBackend[R[_], -S]
so it uses it expects its first parameter to be a type constructor; and that originally Scala-Guice used the scala.reflect.Manifest infrastructure. AFAIU such higher-kind types are not representable as Manifest and this is what the error in your question really says.
Luckily Scala has added a new scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag infrastructure to tackle this issue in a better and more consistent way and the Scala-Guice migrated to its usage. That's why with the newer version of Scala-Guice the compiler error goes away. Unfortunately there is another bug in the Scala-Guice that makes the code fail in runtime and it is a lack of handling of the Nothing Scala type. You see, the Nothing type is a kind of fake one on the JVM. It is one of the things where the Scala type system is more reach than the Java one. There is no direct mapping for Nothing in the JVM world. Luckily there is no way to create any value of the type Nothing. Unfortunately you still can create a classOf[Nothing]. The Scala-to-JVM compiler handles it by using an artificial scala.runtime.Nothing$. It is not a part of the public API, it is implementation details of specifically Scala over JVM. Anyway this means that the Nothing type needs additional handling when converting into the Guice TypeLiteral and there is none. There is for Any the cousin of Nothing but not for Nothing (see the usage of the anyType in TypeConversions.scala).
So there are really two workarounds:
Use raw Java-based syntax for Guice instead of the nice Scala-Guice one:
bind(new TypeLiteral[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]]() {})
.toInstance(sttpBackend) // or to whatever
See online demo based on your example.
Patch the TypeConversions.scala in the Scala-Guice as in:
private[scalaguice] object TypeConversions {
private val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
private val anyType = typeOf[Any]
private val nothingType = typeOf[Nothing] // added
def scalaTypeToJavaType(scalaType: ScalaType): JavaType = {
scalaType.dealias match {
case `anyType` => classOf[java.lang.Object]
case `nothingType` => classOf[scala.runtime.Nothing$] //added
I tried it locally and it seems to fix your example. I didn't do any extensive tests so it might have broken something else.

scala: How to know the program have unhandled exceptions before running?

this is a test program:
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// there is an unhandled exception in here, I expect program can remind me, and I can handled it before running.
def myException: Unit ={
throw new Exception
In Java, when I called a method with unhandling exception, the program will occur error, and tell you add throws declaration or surround with try/catch.
How to know the program have unhandled exceptions before running in Scala?
Scala has a somewhat different philosophy with regards to Exceptions.
The rule of thumb is to not use them unless for something truly exceptional and, thus "let it fail". The reason invoked behind this rule is that, in FP terms, exceptions break referential transparency.
The good practice is to use Either or Option to handle/wrap "errors" rather than throwing exceptions. (the link provided by #Tawkir seems a good read)
Unfortunately this does not help when interfacing with Java code which often uses Exceptions for program control flow, and the compiler will not help you there. A practical way around this is to wrap Exception throwing code with a Try and then call recover or recoverWith to handle these exceptions and, say, wrap them in another structure.
Please note that you can mark a scala method with an #throws annotation to specify the Exception(s) that this method throws, but this should really be used when writing scala code meant to be used by a Java caller expecting an Exception to be thrown.
There's no distinction between checked and unchecked exceptions in the JVM. This is only enforced in the Java compiler, based on whether the class extends RuntimeException or not. Scala compiler doesn't check it, so, there is no way to know, does program have unhandled unchecked exceptions, or not.

Problems with stubbing spy'ed object in scala

I have a pretty complex test where I decided to go with approach of partial stubbing of tested class. in my test I have something like this:
val srv = new Service()
val srvSpy = spy(srv)
doReturn("boo").when(srvSpy).interpolateChecklistName("name", now)
val returnTuple = (createdChlRev, createdChl)
val (chlRev, chl) = srv.createFromFutureChecklist(futureChecklist)(connection)
In the code above, the first two stubbed methods working as expected. However, the last one throws an error:
[error] Tuple2 cannot be returned by create$default$8() [error]
create$default$8() should return JsObject [error] *** [error] If
you're unsure why you're getting above error read on. [error] Due
to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because: [error]
1. This exception might occur in wrongly written multi-threaded tests. [error] Please refer to Mockito FAQ on limitations of
concurrency testing. [error] 2. A spy is stubbed using
when( syntax. It is safer to stub spies - [error]
- with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.
I've trying bunch of different approached of stubbing and still getting the same error. At this point I have no idea even where to look.
What am I doing wrong?
Any advice would be helpful.
Sorry, it was my own dumb mistake. I was stubbing the spied class, but calling the original one :(

Why am I getting an (inconsistent) compiler error when using a for comprehension with a result of Try[Unit]?

A common pattern I have in my code base is to define methods with Try[Unit] to indicate the method is doing something (like writing a transaction long to a SaaS REST endpoint) where there is no interesting return result and I want to capture any and emit any errors encountered to stdout. I have read on another StackOverflow thread this is entirely acceptable (also see 2nd comment on the question).
I am specifically and explicitly avoiding actually throwing and catching an exception which is an extraordinarily expensive activity on most JVM implementations. This means any answer which uses the Try() idiom won't help resolve my issue.
I have the following code (vastly simplified from my real life scenario):
def someMethod(transactionToLog: String): Try[Unit] = {
val result =
for {
_ <- callToSomeMethodReturningATryInstance
} yield Unit
result match {
case Success(_)
case Failure(e) ->
println(s"oopsie - ${e.getMessage}")
Sometimes this code compiles just fine. Sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, it gives me the following compilation error:
Error:(row, col) type mismatch;
found : scala.util.Try[Unit.type]
required: scala.util.Try[Unit]
Sometimes the IntelliJ syntax highlighter shows the code as fine. Other times it shows an error (roughly the same as the one above). And sometimes I get the compiler error but not a highligher error. And other times it compiles fine and I get only a highlighter error. And thus far, I am having a difficult time finding a perfect "example" to capture the compiler error.
I attempted to "cure" the issue by adding .asInstanceOf[Unit] to the result of the for comprehension. That got it past the compiler. However, now I am getting a runtime exception of java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.Unit$ cannot be cast to scala.runtime.BoxedUnit. Naturally, this is infinitely worse than the original compilation error.
So, two questions:
Assuming Try[Unit] isn't valid, what is the Scala idiomatic (or even just preferred) way to specify a Try which returns no useful Success result?
Assuming Try[Unit] is valid, how do I get past the compilation error (described above)?
I must have hit this problem a year ago and didn't remember the details. I created the solution below which I have all over my code bases. However, recently I started using Future[Unit] in a number of places. And when I first tried Try[Unit], it appeared to work. However, the number of times it is now causing both compilation and IDE highlighting issues has grown quite a bit. So, I want to make a final decision about how to proceed which is consistent with whatever exists (or is even emerging) and is Scala idiomatic.
package org.scalaolio.util
/** This package object serves to ease Scala interactions with mutating
* methods.
package object Try_ {
/** Placeholder type for when a mutator method does not intend to
* return anything with a Success, but needs to be able to return a
* Failure with an unthrown Exception.
sealed case class CompletedNoException private[Try_] ()
/** Placeholder instance for when a mutator method needs to indicate
* success via Success(completedNoExceptionSingleton)
val completedNoExceptionSingleton = new CompletedNoException()
Replace yield Unit with yield ().
Unit is a type - () is a value (and the only possible value) of type Unit.
That is why for { _ <- expr } yield Unit results in a Try[Unit.type], just as yield String would result in a Try[String.type].