SDKMAN - Is it possible to download sdks manually for installation - sdkman

When I try to install an SDK (e.g. visualvm) using sdkman, download takes very long time (more than 1 hour). I was able to download zip directly from source much faster with tor browser.
Is it possible to configure sdkman to use local zip for installation instead of downloading the archive from source?
I've copied downloaded archive to ~/.sdkman/tmp and ~/.sdkman/archives folders. But when I try to install, sdkman tries to download the file again.

I am able to make it work by copying the downloaded archive to ~/.sdkman/tmp folder and changing the name to what is expected by sdkman
For visualvm:
~/.sdkman/tmp$ cp /mnt/c/Users/user123/Downloads/ .
~/.sdkman/tmp$ mv visualvm-2.0.2.bin
For micronaut:
~/.sdkman/tmp$ cp /mnt/c/Users/user123/Downloads/ .
~/.sdkman/tmp$ mv micronaut-1.3.5.bin
How to find the file name sdkman is expecting:
Try to install SDK usually with sdk install visualvm 2.0.2
If downloading SDK is too slow, abort the installation process with ctrl + c
ls ~/.sdkman/tmp and you can see the filename sdkman is trying to download
Please suggest if there is any simpler and better approach


Install Matlab on Manjaro

I am trying to install Matlab on Manjaro, but after I run the script "install", I got error: ...Downloads/matlab_R2020a_glnxa64/bin/glnxa64/ file too short
Does anyone know how can I fix it?
Use root as the ID for the Matlab. Otherwise, the key recognition may cause errors.
From the matlab aur package:
Maybe you'd create this archive like this:
1) download the matlab installer form themathworks, let's imagine that file is ~/Downloads/
2) extract it: unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/matlab
3) run the installer almost completely through manually: ~/matlab/install -downloadFolder ${HOME}/matlab/dl -destinationFolder ${HOME}/matlab/deleteme
you must enter all your proper license info here, the purpose of this is to get the toolbox files you'll need for the offline install later when you see that the installer has finished downloading everything, press the Cancel button in the gui and end the installer early you don't really want the installer to extract/decrypt the files it has downloaded
4) delete anything that might have started to be installed in the above step: rm -rf ~/matlab/deleteme
5) now you can create the tarball you'll need here: tar -cvf matlab.tar -C ~/matlab/ .
You can get your file installation key (that you must manually put into matlab.fik) from
Then maybe you could make the matlab.fik file you need for this package like this:
echo "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-..." > matlab.fik

where can I find *.erl files after installation kazoo 2600hz

where can I find or develop *.erl files on my server after installation kazoo 2600hz I can't see any .erl file !
I installed kazoo correctly and it work
but I cant find files to develop
is this about permission?
The Kazoo RPM installs its files under /opt/kazoo. You will find the .erl files in sub directories under this folder. You can update the source, run make in the appropriate directory (i.e. the first folder with a Makefile up from the .erl file you edited) and then restart the service to run your changes.

take long time installing and updating packages by wget on arch linux

I don't know why, when im downloding or installing or updating package, download speed is very slow?
and take very long time!!!!
when im working in windows my download speed is 1M but in arch is changable ,is between 50k to 100k?
im using wget in pacman.conf
I use reflector but it had nothing changed and my package download speed is to slow.
can i create list from pacman update package and then download those from windows and again install all packages in Arch?
Please consider reading the documentation about pacman performance here.
You can manually force pacman to refresh the package lists (mirror list) with:
pacman -Syyu
To answer your question about downloading out of arch, the first part of the following will be with laverna which is a software I maintain on AUR, and the second part will be with a package in official repository.
We have 2 solutions:
Use git
Download snapshot
Using Git
Clone in the current folder the repository with
git clone .
Using Snapshot
Just wget the snapshot or download directly with the browser.
Official Repositories
You can easily get a download link the package web page.
For example with sqlite-doc the web page link is here and the download link (from a mirror) is here.
Back to Arch
Then back to arch, we have to build and install packages. To do so we navigate to the folder where you cloned/downloaded the package (cf. cd) then execute the following to build.
(Only if packageName-version.pkg.tar.xz doesn't exist)
Finally, after makepkg you obtain a file in the current directory which is in our AUR example laverna-0.7.4-RC1-linux-x64.pkg.tar.xz.
To install the packageName-version.pkg.tar.xz file we just have to execute the following and answer the questions as usually.
sudo pacman -U laverna-0.7.4-RC1-linux-x64.pkg.tar.xz
Check out your network settings,ip dns route... sometimes this will solve download speed problem.
Find the fastest mirror.
$ cd /etc/pacman.d/
$ cp mirrorlist mirrorlist.bak
$ rankmirrors -n 6 mirrorlist.bak > mirrorlist
Check mirrors status
You can see more from Archwiki Mirrors.
Hope this helps.

CanĀ“t add less-compiler lessc on Netbeans 7.4

At first I downloaded Less from GitHub and saved the folder on my disk. After that, I tried to locate the compiler (file lessc) in my Netbeans IDE (7.4 Beta). After that, I got the following Error-Message:
I'm not sure if Less compiler can work without NodeJS. So I would do following:
install NodeJS (
install less compiler using npm
npm install -g less
then NetBeans should find it, if not, you need to specify path to lessc.cmd, e.g.
to find where is your lessc.cmd, run following in command line
where lessc.cmd
The lessc (without cmd) is for Linux and Mac OSX
I downloaded lessc from here:
unzipped the zip-file and copied all files to C:\bin\lessc but you can copy it anywhere you like.
Then just point Netbeans to that folder and lessc.cmd and it should work.
Install nodejs
Install less in nodejs "cmd: npm install less"
less path netbeans: C:\nodejs\node_modules.bin\lessc.cmd

how to compile emacs 22.3

I've recently made a Slax instalation with only the core program.
I used a copy of the live CD and ran a script to make hda1 bootable and then another script to use lilo to boot it... they were all in the CD... So it's like a big live cd on my HD and not really a full fledged OS.
Anyway I want to begin by compiling my own Emacs... Can someone help me?
The process shouldn't be too complicated. First, you need to download the source from
Then, you untar the source with
tar xzf emacs-22.3.tar.gz
and cd into the newly created directory (emacs-22.3)
There, you run:
and then
make && make install
Read the INSTALL file for more information.
To compile emacs 22.3, first download . Extract the files to a directory, and then follow the instructions in the INSTALL file to install.
If you're asking about how to compile it on a read-only filesystem:
If you have lots of RAM, you can mount a ram disk.
If you have a harddisk, you can mount the extra space.
You can look at something like fuse for more ideas.