how to extract parameters from Jmeter for web forms using redirection - redirect

Hi so my webform navigates from : to
i.e. from the instructions page to exam start page on the click of ![the exam start button. My Jmeter response during recording shows that the link:
accepts two parameters i.e. attemptid or recordid. These values are generated on the location parameter of the examstart screen when the user clicks on starts test and lands on exam page. My response for does not show the location parameter on JMeter. How do i extract attempt id or recordid dynamically in this case during redirection ?]5

You need to:
Expand the 3rd sample result from the top in the View Results Tree listener
Switch to "Response Headers" tab
there you should be able to see the Location header and you will be able to extract these attemptid and recordid values using Regular Expression Extractor


IBM Maximo REST service POST not setting attributes on MBO

I have tried to create a record of my customized object through REST service in IBM Maximo.
The problem is that I created the record but I can't assign values to the attributes.
Next I will show what I did and what happened:
I have an Object Structure called oxidato that represents my customized object.
I did a POST using POSTMAN to this URL:
In the body section this is the JSON I was trying to send:
The record was created but none of the attributes was filled.
In my opinion, the REST service received the POST but canĀ“t read the body.
What am I missing? I add an image of the POSTMAN as example:
EDIT1: I update the POST in order to use the newest API RES (Thanks Dex!)
EDIT2: I add an image of the header
I have found that Maximo will often ignore incoming attributes that aren't in the Maximo namespace ( You could go through the trouble of setting up your VALOR1 and VALOR2 attributes to be in that namespace, but it's easier to just tell OSLC to ignore namespaces. You do that by setting the "lean" parameter to "1".
In your case, go to the "Params" tab and add an entry with a name of "lean". Give it a value of "1" and then send your POST again. You should see "?lean=1" appear at the end of the POST URL along the top there, but your body content should remain unchanged.
On the other hand, it looks like (based on your URL) that you aren't actually using the newer JSON/OSLC REST API; It looks like you are using the older REST services. This IBM page gives you a lot of information on the newer JSON REST API, including the correct URLs for it:
You should change your URL to /maximo/oslc/os/oxidato to use the newer API that naturally supports JSON and the lean parameter described above. This does required Maximo 7.6 to use though.
The attributes are often oddly case sensitive, requiring lowercase. Your example in your question of "attribute1" and "attribute2" are properly lowercase, but your screenshot shows uppercase attribute names. Try changing them to "valor1" and "valor2". Also, these are persistent attributes, right?
The response code received back (e.g. 200 - OK) and the response body will detail the record that was created.
I think you are correct in that the body of the post request is being ignored. Provided there are no required fields on the custom MBO your POST is probably creating an empty record with the next value in the sequence for the key field but you should see that in the response.
The following POST should create a record with values provided for attribute1 and attribute2 and provide a response with the record's identifier so that you can look it up in Maximo and show the values that were stored for attribute1 and attribute2:
Response: 200 OK
Reponse Body:
{ "CreateOXIDATOResponse": {
"rsStart": 0,
"rsCount": 1,
"rsTotal": 1,
"rowstamp": "[0 0 0 0 0 -43 127 13]",
"ATTRIBUTE1": "205",
"ATTRIBUTE2": "206",
} } }
You may also want to turn on debug logging for the REST interface in System Configuration -> Platform Configuration -> Logging for additional detail on what's happening in the log file.

Play - Custom validations with custom error message

I am using the Play framework in Scala to develop a small blog website. I currently have a form (successfully) set up for an easy registration of users. This login page just accepts a username (ie. no password yet), verifies that is of the appropriate length and doesn't exist yet, and adds this user to the database (currently still in memory). Length can be verified using just the basic form functionality, however, the uniqueness of this username required me to use custom validations.
Now, this all works, except for the custom error message. When a normal form requirement is not fulfilled, an error message is returned and displayed in the view (eg. "The minimum length is: 5"). I want to display a similar message when the name is not unique. In the first link I provided there is an example of custom validations which seems to have an argument that represents such custom error message for validations you write of your own. However, this does not display in the view, while the others do.
Current validation code:
private val myForm: Form[Account] =
Form(mapping("name" -> text(3, 24))(Account.apply)(Account.unapply).verifying(
"Account is not in the DB.",
fields =>
fields match {
case data: Account => accountExists(
Anyone has any ideas?

GAS - setTag() - getTag() still not working

I'm creating a webapp which allow :
to log using data stored in a spreadsheet (login and password)
to add some data to this spreadsheet (bet on rubgy matchs)
My problem is to recognize which user is connected.
What i did so far
in the doGet function, where all panels except connection are invisible, I created a label where i'll store the login into the tag
var loginlabel=app.createLabel().setId('loginlabel').setText('test').setVisible(true);
in the connection, I store the login into a invisible label tag
var logintest=e.parameter.logint;
I want to allow people to change their own password (but I also need to retrieve the login name for other purposes, but let's take this one
When I click on "Modify password" button, I want to get the Tag, but I always get a NULL
var login=app.getElementById('loginlabel').getTag();
I'm free to share my code here or wherever
Maybe it does exist other way to do this, I'm open for advice
In a server handler you can get the tag value using
var tagValue = e.parameter.loginlabel_tag ; // assuming the label has a name = 'loginlabel'
Note that the widget must have a name to be able to retrieve the tag value (see this post among others)

How to implement a POST-REDIRECT-GET in Play Framework

Let's say I have two controller methods: Users.preInsert and Users.insert. The preInsert method is the one used to display the user entry form (GET), while the insert method is responsible for the actual insertion (POST) or calling the 'insert' service.
This is how the routes looks like:
GET /users/add controllers.Users.preInsert(...)
POST /users/add controllers.Users.insert(...)
So how do I redirect a request (POST to GET) without losing the parameters like error messages returned from the insert service and the values inputed by the client so that they can be accessed and displayed in the entry form. The parameters may involve some complex objects. I have implemented it using the Caching API but I would like to know if there are any better ways of doing it.
That's the exact purpose of the Form objects (
And I think there is a an error in your routes, it could look like:
GET /users/add controllers.Users.preInsert(...)
POST /users/add controllers.Users.insert(...)
You should definitively take a look at the form sample.
You don't need to redirect it back to the preInsert action, instead at the beginning of the insert check if form has errors and it it has display your view containing form (the same which you used in preInsert). It's described in the doc mentioned by nico_ekito in section Handling binding failure

Play Framework sending POST request data to GET

How would I send request data from a POST request to a GET request using Scala Play?(Using Play Framework 2.1.1)
My goal is to have a single page "Reports" that works like this: The report is a GET request, so if needed you could bookmark this report. The report consists of a table of models, and each model row has a delete button at the end. I want to click the delete button, have it post the id to my controller then reload the page with the reports filter parameters still on.
Currently I have the delete button just adding to the get, which works correctly but the remove=id parameter stays in the request/address bar. Therefore it tries to delete this model every time the page is reloaded. What I would like to do is have this form POST and then remove the model, then send all the request parameters other than remove to a GET request.
I would rather do this without javascript/AJAX.
You could reconstruct a URL through using queryString and path from the request object. Then redirect that back (without the delete parameter)
How to get query string parameters in java play framework?
Or if you have the call setup in the routes file to parse out, use the reverse route minus the delete parameter.
Play Framework - Redirect with params
def index() = Action { request =>
import play.api.Play.current
val allWithoutDel = request.queryString - "del" //del is the query parameter
val url = request.path + // fold or map the allWithoutDel down to a URL string again