Run a specific command in all pods - kubernetes

I was wondering if it is possible to run a specific command (Example: echo "foo") at a specific time in all existing pods (pods that are not in the default namespace are included). It would be like a cronJob, but the only difference is that I want to specify/deploy it in one place only. Is that even possible?

It is possible. Please find the steps I followed, hope it help you.
First, create a simple script to read pod's name, exec and execute the command.
import os, sys
import logging
from datetime import datetime
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
dt =
ts = dt.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S-%f")
pods = os.popen("kubectl get po --all-namespaces").readlines()
for pod in pods:
ns = pod.split()[0]
po = pod.split()[1]
h = os.popen("kubectl -n %s exec -i %s sh -- hostname" %(ns, po)).read()
os.popen("kubectl -n %s exec -i %s sh -- touch /tmp/foo-%s.txt" %(ns, po, ts))
logging.debug("Executed on %s" %h)
except Exception as e:
Next, Dockerize the above script, build and push.
FROM python:3.8-alpine
ADD${KUBECTL_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl .
RUN chmod +x kubectl &&\
mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
CMD ["python", ""]
Later we'll use this image in CronJob. You can see I have installed kubectl in the Dockerfile to trigger the kubectl commands. But it is insufficient, we should add clusterole and clusterrolebinding to the service account which runs the CronJob.
I have created a ns foo and I bound foo's default service account to cluster role I created as shown below.
kind: ClusterRole
name: foo
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods", "pods/exec"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "create"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: foo
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: default
namespace: foo
kind: ClusterRole
name: foo
Now service account default of foo has permissions to get, list, exec to all the pods in the cluster.
Finally create a cronjob to run the task.
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
name: foo
schedule: "15 9 * * *"
- name: foo
image: harik8/sof:62177831
imagePullPolicy: Always
restartPolicy: OnFailure
Login to the pods and check, it should have created file with timestamp at /tmp directory of each pod.
$ kubectl exec -it app-59666bb5bc-v6p2h sh
# ls -lah /tmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 4 09:15 foo-04-06-2020-09-15-06-792614.txt
error: cannot exec into a container in a completed pod; current phase is Failed
error: cannot exec into a container in a completed pod; current phase is Succeeded
DEBUG:root:Executed on foo-1591262100-798ng
DEBUG:root:Executed on grafana-5f6f8cbf75-jtksp
DEBUG:root:Executed on istio-egressgateway-557dcf8d8-npfnd
DEBUG:root:Executed on istio-ingressgateway-6489d9556d-2dp7j
command terminated with exit code 126
DEBUG:root:Executed on OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"hostname\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown
DEBUG:root:Executed on istiod-774777b79-mvmqm

It is possible but a bit complicated and you would need to write everything yourself, as there is no automatic tools to do that as far as I'm aware.
You could use Kubernetes API to collect all pod names, use those in a loop to push kubectl exec pod_name command to all those pods.
To list all pods in a cluster GET /api/v1/pods, this will also list the system ones.
This script could be run using Kubernetes CronJob at your specified time.

There you go:
for ns in $(kubectl get ns -oname | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'); do for pod in $(kubectl get po -n $ns -oname | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'); do kubectl exec $pod -n $ns echo foo; done; done
It will return en error if echo (or the command) is not available in the container. Other then that, should work.


Edit kubernetes resource using kubectl run --command

I am trying to create a pod run a command edit an exist resource , but its not working
My CR is
kind: TestCR
name: test
namespace: my-namespace
enabled: true
- name: tesst
perecetage: "10"
The command I am trying to run is
kubectl run kube-bitname --image=bitnami/kubectl:latest -n my-namespace --command -- kubectl get testcr test -n my-namespace -o json | jq '.spec.strategies[0].parameters.perecetage="66"' | kubectl apply -f -
But This not work ? any idea ?
It would be better if you post more info about the error o the trace that are you getting executing the command, but I have a question that could be a good insight about what is happening here.
Has the kubectl command that you are running inside the bitnami/kubectl:latest any context that allow it to connect to your cluster?
If you take a look into the kubectl docker hub documentation you can see that you should map a config file to the pod in order to connect to your own cluster.
$ docker run --rm --name kubectl -v /path/to/your/kube/config:/.kube/config bitnami/kubectl:latest

How to achieve Automatic Rollback in Kubernetes?

Let's say I've a deployment. For some reason it's not responding after sometime. Is there any way to tell Kubernetes to rollback to previous version automatically on failure?
You mentioned that:
I've a deployment. For some reason it's not responding after sometime.
In this case, you can use liveness and readiness probes:
The kubelet uses liveness probes to know when to restart a container. For example, liveness probes could catch a deadlock, where an application is running, but unable to make progress. Restarting a container in such a state can help to make the application more available despite bugs.
The kubelet uses readiness probes to know when a container is ready to start accepting traffic. A Pod is considered ready when all of its containers are ready. One use of this signal is to control which Pods are used as backends for Services. When a Pod is not ready, it is removed from Service load balancers.
The above probes may prevent you from deploying a corrupted version, however liveness and readiness probes aren't able to rollback your Deployment to the previous version. There was a similar issue on Github, but I am not sure there will be any progress on this matter in the near future.
If you really want to automate the rollback process, below I will describe a solution that you may find helpful.
This solution requires running kubectl commands from within the Pod.
In short, you can use a script to continuously monitor your Deployments, and when errors occur you can run kubectl rollout undo deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME.
First, you need to decide how to find failed Deployments. As an example, I'll check Deployments that perform the update for more than 10s with the following command:
NOTE: You can use a different command depending on your need.
kubectl rollout status deployment ${deployment} --timeout=10s
To constantly monitor all Deployments in the default Namespace, we can create a Bash script:
while true; do
sleep 60
deployments=$(kubectl get deployments --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep -v "deployment-checker")
echo "====== $(date) ======"
for deployment in ${deployments}; do
if ! kubectl rollout status deployment ${deployment} --timeout=10s 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Error: ${deployment} - rolling back!"
kubectl rollout undo deployment ${deployment}
echo "Ok: ${deployment}"
We want to run this script from inside the Pod, so I converted it to ConfigMap which will allow us to mount this script in a volume (see: Using ConfigMaps as files from a Pod):
$ cat check-script-configmap.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: check-script
data: |
while true; do
sleep 60
deployments=$(kubectl get deployments --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep -v "deployment-checker")
echo "====== $(date) ======"
for deployment in ${deployments}; do
if ! kubectl rollout status deployment ${deployment} --timeout=10s 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Error: ${deployment} - rolling back!"
kubectl rollout undo deployment ${deployment}
echo "Ok: ${deployment}"
$ kubectl apply -f check-script-configmap.yml
configmap/check-script created
I've created a separate deployment-checker ServiceAccount with the edit Role assigned and our Pod will run under this ServiceAccount:
NOTE: I've created a Deployment instead of a single Pod.
$ cat all-in-one.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: deployment-checker
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: deployment-checker-binding
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: deployment-checker
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: edit
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: deployment-checker
name: deployment-checker
app: deployment-checker
app: deployment-checker
serviceAccountName: deployment-checker
- name: check-script
name: check-script
- image: bitnami/kubectl
name: test
command: ["bash", "/mnt/"]
- name: check-script
mountPath: /mnt
After applying the above manifest, the deployment-checker Deployment was created and started monitoring Deployment resources in the default Namespace:
$ kubectl apply -f all-in-one.yaml
serviceaccount/deployment-checker created created
deployment.apps/deployment-checker created
$ kubectl get deploy,pod | grep "deployment-checker"
deployment.apps/deployment-checker 1/1 1
pod/deployment-checker-69c8896676-pqg9h 1/1 Running
Finally, we can check how it works. I've created three Deployments (app-1, app-2, app-3):
$ kubectl create deploy app-1 --image=nginx
deployment.apps/app-1 created
$ kubectl create deploy app-2 --image=nginx
deployment.apps/app-2 created
$ kubectl create deploy app-3 --image=nginx
deployment.apps/app-3 created
Then I changed the image for the app-1 to the incorrect one (nnnginx):
$ kubectl set image deployment/app-1 nginx=nnnginx
deployment.apps/app-1 image updated
In the deployment-checker logs we can see that the app-1 has been rolled back to the previous version:
$ kubectl logs -f deployment-checker-69c8896676-pqg9h
====== Thu Oct 7 09:20:15 UTC 2021 ======
Ok: app-1
Ok: app-2
Ok: app-3
====== Thu Oct 7 09:21:16 UTC 2021 ======
Error: app-1 - rolling back!
deployment.apps/app-1 rolled back
Ok: app-2
Ok: app-3
I stumbled upon Argo Rollout which addresses this non automatic rollback and many other deployment related things.

What are production uses for Kubernetes pods without an associated deployment?

I have seen the one-pod <-> one-container rule, which seems to apply to business logic pods, but has exceptions when it comes to shared network/volume related resources.
What are encountered production uses of deploying pods without a deployment configuration?
I use pods directly to start a Centos (or other operating system) container in which to verify connections or test command line options.
As a specific example, below is a shell script that starts an ubuntu container. You can easily modify the manifest to test secret access or change the service account to test access control.
RANDOMIZER=$(uuid | cut -b-5)
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: $POD_NAME
namespace: $NAMESPACE
- name: $POD_NAME
image: $IMAGE
command: ["/bin/bash"]
args: ["-c", "while true; do date; sleep 5; done"]
hostNetwork: true
dnsPolicy: Default
restartPolicy: Never
echo "---------------------------------"
echo "| Press ^C when pod is running. |"
echo "---------------------------------"
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pod $POD_NAME -w
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec -it $POD_NAME -- /bin/bash
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE delete pod $POD_NAME
kubectl delete namespace $NAMESPACE
In our case, we use stand alone pods for debugging purposes only.
Otherwise you want your configuration to be stateless and written in YAML files.
For instance, debugging the dns resolution:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl exec -i -t dnsutils -- nslookup kubernetes.default

Check logs for a Kubernetes resource CronJob

I created a CronJob resource in Kubernetes.
I want to check the logs to validate that my crons are run. But not able to find any way to do that. I have gone through the commands but looks like all are for pod resource type.
Also tried following
$ kubectl logs cronjob/<resource_name>
error: cannot get the logs from *v1beta1.CronJob: selector for *v1beta1.CronJob not implemented
How to check logs of CronJob Resource type?
If I want this resource to be in specific namespace, how to implement that same?
You need to check the logs of the pods which are created by the cronjob. The pods will be in completed state but you can check logs.
# here you can get the pod_name from the stdout of the cmd `kubectl get pods`
$ kubectl logs -f -n default <pod_name>
For creating a cronjob in a namespace just add namespace in metadata section. The pods will created in that namespace.
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
name: hello
namespace: default
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
- name: hello
image: busybox
- /bin/sh
- -c
- date; echo Hello from the Kubernetes cluster
restartPolicy: OnFailure
Ideally you should be sending the logs to a log aggregator system such as ELK or Splunk.
In case you create job from cronjob it works like this:
kubectl -n "namespace" logs jobs.batch/<resource_name> --tail 4

Imperative command for creating job and cronjob in Kubernetes

Is this a valid imperative command for creating job?
kubectl create job my-job --image=busybox
I see this in But the command is not working. I am getting error as bellow:
Error: unknown flag: --image
What is the correct imperative command for creating job?
Try this one
kubectl create cronjob my-job --schedule="0,15,30,45 * * * *" --image=busy-box
What you have should work, though it not recommended as an approach anymore. I would check what version of kubectl you have, and possibly upgrade it if you aren't using the latest.
That said, the more common approach these days is to write a YAML file containing the Job definition and then run kubectl apply -f myjob.yaml or similar. This file-driven approach allowed for more natural version control, editing, review, etc.
Using correct value for --restart field on "kubectl run" will result run command to create an deployment or job or cronjob
--restart='Always': The restart policy for this Pod. Legal values [Always, OnFailure, Never]. If set to 'Always'
a deployment is created, if set to 'OnFailure' a job is created, if set to 'Never', a regular pod is created. For the
latter two --replicas must be 1. Default 'Always', for CronJobs `Never`.
Use "kubectl run" for creating basic kubernetes job using imperatively command as below
master $ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=OnFailure --dry-run -o yaml > output.yaml
Above should result an "output.yaml" as below example, you can edit this yaml for advance configurations as needed and create job by "kubectl create -f output.yaml or if you just need basic job then remove --dry-run option from above command and you will get basic job created.
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
creationTimestamp: null
run: nginx
name: nginx
creationTimestamp: null
run: nginx
- image: nginx
name: nginx
resources: {}
restartPolicy: OnFailure
status: {}