It appears that Q# now auto-generates C# drivers from annotations in new versions. When creating a plain command-line project from a VS Code template, we are presented with the following operation:
operation HelloQ() : Unit {
Message("Hello quantum world!");
However, for many quantum experiments we would want to return a Result. For example:
operation HelloQ() : Result {
mutable state = zero;
using (qubit = Qubit()) {
set state = M(qubit);
return state;
This does not build, and yields a somewhat enigmatic error code 253. Do I have to update the driver manually? If this is the case I cannot understand why the driver would be maintained as a build artifact. Is the driver schema driven by one of the many json/bson files?
I have a job streaming using Apache Flink (flink version: 1.8.1) using scala. there are flow job requirements as follows:
Kafka -> Write to Hbase -> Send to kafka again with a different topic
During the writing process to Hbase, there was a need to retrieve data from another table. To ensure that the data is not empty (NULL), the job must check repeatedly (within a certain time) if the data is empty.
is this possible with Flink? If yes, can you help provide examples for conditions similar to my needs?
Edit :
I mean, with the problem that I described in the content, I thought about having to create some kind of job batch in the job streaming, but I couldn't find the right example for my case. So, is it possible to create a batch flink job in streaming flink job? If yes, can you help provide examples for conditions similar to my needs?
With more recent versions of Flink you can do lookup queries (with a configurable cache) against HBase from the SQL/Table APIs. Your use case sounds like it might be easily implemented in this fashion. See the docs for more info.
Just to clarify my comment I will post a sketch of what I was trying to suggest based on The Broadcast State Pattern. The link provides an example in Java, so I will follow it. In case you want in Scala it should not be too much different. You will likely have to implement the below code as it is explained on the link that I mentioned:
DataStream<String> output = colorPartitionedStream
// type arguments in our KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction represent:
// 1. the key of the keyed stream
// 2. the type of elements in the non-broadcast side
// 3. the type of elements in the broadcast side
// 4. the type of the result, here a string
new KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction<Color, Item, Rule, String>() {
// my matching logic
I was suggesting that you can collect the stream ruleBroadcastStream in fixed intervals from the database or whatever is your store. Instead of getting:
// broadcast the rules and create the broadcast state
BroadcastStream<Rule> ruleBroadcastStream = ruleStream
like the web page says. You will need to add a source where you can schedule it to run every X minutes.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
BroadcastStream<Rule> ruleBroadcastStream = env
.addSource(new YourStreamSource())
public class YourStreamSource extends RichSourceFunction<YourType> {
private volatile boolean running = true;
public void run(SourceContext<YourType> ctx) throws Exception {
while (running) {
// TODO: yourData = FETCH DATA;
Thread.sleep("sleep for X minutes");
public void cancel() {
this.running = false;
I need to execute a command that is part of my migration scripts (mongock java library) conditionally based on Mongo version
In case Mongo version is lower then 4.2 I need to execute this command. For Mongo 4.2 and higher it should not be executed.
db.getSiblingDB('admin').runCommand( { setParameter: 1, failIndexKeyTooLong: false } )
Is there a way how to do it?
Thank you,
don't know if you already found a solution for this.
The idea is to figure out the Mongo's version inside the changeSet and then perform the required actions.
I will assume you are using the last Mongock's release for version 3.x.x, which is 3.3.2 or 4.0.x.alpha, so you should use MongockTemplate, instead of MongoTemplate. Don't worry, it's just a wrapper/decorator, you won't miss anything from the original API.
So you can do something like this:
#ChangeSet(id = "changeset-1", order = "001", author = "mongock")
public void changeSet(MongockTemplate mongockTemplate, ClientRepository clientRepository) {
String version = mongockTemplate.executeCommand(new Document("buildinfo", new BsonString("")))
if(getNumericalVersion(version) < 42) {
//do your actions
} else {
//do you other actions
NOTE 1: We don't recommend using executeCommand. In this case, for taking the version it's fine, but in general we recommend not using it, specially for writes.
NOTE 2: Currently we are working on version 4, which will allow to scan multiple packages and even isolated ChangeLog classes. So another approach would be to take the version in the bean creation and inject the change or not depending on the MongoDB's version
I am a student who begin to study SHOP2 from China.
My teacher told me to run JSHOP2 in Eclipse.Now I can run original zenotravel problem and generate GUI and plans.Likewise, I want to put other domain and problems to SHOP2 and produce plans.
But the problem is that I don't know how to compile them and My teacher only asked me to run the the main function in Internaldomain but it can't succeed.Follow is the original code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
This code can run zenotravel.Then I put domain and problems named pfile1 and
tdepots respectively into SHOP2 folder.Change the codes to:
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
It warns "domainpdfiles cannot be resolved to a variable".
//-- run the planning algorithm
It turns out:
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.compile(
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.main("
720 is main funcition above.And 748 is compile function:
public static void compile(String[] args) throws Exception
//-- The number of solution plans to be returned.
int planNo = -1;
//-- Handle the number of solution plans the user wants to be returned.
if (args.length == 2 || args[0].substring(0, 2).equals("-r")) {
if (args[0].equals("-r"))
planNo = 1;
else if (args[0].equals("-ra"))
planNo = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else try {
planNo = Integer.parseInt(args[0].substring(2));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Finally,according to the advice of the friend,I put the two pddls into src folder and use “java Jshop2.InternalDomain domaintdepots”in CMD commad but an error appeared:"the main class Interdomain can't be found or loaded".But I have set the class path accurately and the Zenotravel planning can run.So how
and where can I use the command ?
And what is written in the bracket"compile()" in Eclipse?
I am also not familiar with JAVA so it's better if there is concrete instruction.Thanks a lot.
Please describe what are you trying to build, what is it supposed to do, what is the expected end result.
If you do have a valid PDDL domain and problem file, you could try to load them into the online editor using the File > Load menu. Then press the Solve button and confirm which of the file is the domain and which is problem. If the PDDL model is valid (and the underlying solver can handle the requirements), you will get a plan back.
If you are trying to build a software solution that needs a PDDL-based planning engine as one of its component, perhaps you could use one of the available implementations:
If you are trying to build your own planning engine in Java using the Eclipse IDE, you probably need a Java-based PDDL parser. Here is a tutorial, how to use pddl4j for that purpose:
If you need to use Jshop2 in particular, it looks from their documentation ( that you need to indeed compile the domain and problem PDDL into Java code using following commands:
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain domainFileName
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problemFileName
Edited on June 19th
Java package names (e.g. JSHOP2) and class names (InternalDomain) are case sensitive, so make sure you type them as per the documentation. That is probably why you are getting the "main class not found error".
It is difficult to say what the lines numbers 748 and 720 exactly correspond to, because in the GitHub repo the code is different from yours. Can you indicate in your questions which lines those are exactly?
The make file shows how to execute an out-of-the-box example in the distribution:
cd examples\blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problem300
Does that work for you?
I try to use eclipse P2 to enable a tool of mine for auto-updating itself on eclipse start up. While doing so, I want to use an UpdateOperation which is only suited to "my" feature with id "". Whenever this query gets issued in an eclipse installation it has an empty result and thus nothing to update.
So: How do I use the QueryUtil right to get a collection containing only my feature for update as input for an UpdateOperation?
The following method is called when wanting to start the update on eclipse start up:
public class P2Util {
public static IStatus checkForUpdates(IProvisioningAgent agent, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
ProvisioningSession session = new ProvisioningSession(agent);
IQuery<IInstallableUnit> query = QueryUtil.createLatestQuery(QueryUtil.createIUQuery(""));"Update Query Expression: " + query.getExpression());
IProfileRegistry registry= (IProfileRegistry)agent.getService(IProfileRegistry.SERVICE_NAME);
IProfile profile= registry.getProfile(IProfileRegistry.SELF);
IQueryResult<IInstallableUnit> result = profile.query(query, monitor);
Set<IInstallableUnit> unitsForUpdate = result.toUnmodifiableSet();
UpdateOperation operation = new UpdateOperation(session, unitsForUpdate);
The solution is very simple but confusing at first. The query trying to find features with "" was querying for the wrong id.
In the feature.xml of my feature it is "" but the installable unit gets for unobvious reasons the suffix "". If one adds this to the id in the query, you get the correct result and the update operation succeeds as expected.
I've found a strange issue when saving or updating several objects in Grails with MongoDB. Currently I'm using Grails 2.2.3 and MongoDB plugin 1.3.0.
The problem seems to be that the instances of MiUsuario are never GC neither when I manually call the GC. In our main application we don't make batch updates, but when doing load tests (with JMeter and monitoring JVM with Java VisualVM) this problem causes memory filling and Tomcat stops responding.
I've created a small new application to show the problem.
A simple domain object:
class MiUsuario {
ObjectId id
String nickName
My controller:
import pruebasrendimiento.Prueba
class MiUsuarioController {
def doLogin(String privateKey, String id){
MiUsuario user = MiUsuario.get(id)
user.nickName = new Random().nextInt().toString()
render 'ok'
My BuildConfig (Just the dependencies and plugins part):
dependencies {
plugins {
// runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":jquery:1.8.3"
runtime ":resources:1.2"
build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion"
// runtime ":database-migration:1.3.2"
// compile ':cache:1.0.1'
runtime ":mongodb:1.3.0"
I've also tried something that Burt said a long time ago (, but DomainClassGrailsPlugin.PROPERTY_INSTANCE_MAP.get().clear() doesn't make any difference. And the other option that's said in that page, RequestContextHolder.resetRequestAttributes(), gives me an exception.
I had similar problem and it solves upgrading to grails 2.3.1. Try it.