Check files integrity in a docker using OSSEC - ossec

Can OSSEC be used to check files which on inside a docker. From what I have read OSSEC can only monitor file integrity of the Host machine.

Yes, you may configure an OSSEC or Wazuh agent to do File Integrity Monitoring within docker containers.
Docker uses the OverlayFS storage driver that places the file structure of containers within the /var/lib/docker/overlay2/ directory (or /var/lib/docker/overlay/ in older versions), more information on this can be found here:
To determine which is the folder of the container you wish to monitor, you may use the inspect command: docker inspect <container-name> | grep MergedDir and then configure OSSEC or Wazuh to monitor this path.
For example, let's say you have an nginx container and want to monitor its configuration files:
The first step is to determine the container's folder:
# docker inspect docker-nginx | grep MergedDir
"MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4f38dc4ff95f934ad368ca2770e7641f5cd492c289d2fd717fee22bda60b3560/merged"
and then add the directory to monitor in the ossec.conf file of your OSSEC or Wazuh agent:
<directories check_all="yes" realtime="yes" restrict="*.conf">/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4f38dc4ff95f934ad368ca2770e7641f5cd492c289d2fd717fee22bda60b3560/merged/etc/nginx/</directories>
A detailed explanation of how to configure File Integrity Monitoring can be found here:
If you also want to monitor the docker server activity, you can use the Wazuh docker module:
Best regards,


How to confirm volumes configured correctly for docker service?

We have docker-compose.yml with multiple services configured.
In one of the docker service we have set volumes for docker service.
Example : volumes: - ./src/main/resources/db/changelog:/init
enter code here
We need to execute all the db log scripts present in changelog folder but it is not executing. Can someone pinpoint the issue? What is the use of :/init at the end of folder path?

Location of Kubernetes config directory with Docker Desktop on Windows

I am running a local Kubernetes cluster through Docker Desktop on Windows. I'm attempting to modify my kube-apiserver config, and all of the information I've found has said to modify /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml on the master. I haven't been able to find this file, and am not sure what the proper way is to do this. Is there a different process because the cluster is through Docker Desktop?
Is there a different process because the cluster is through Docker Desktop?
You can get access to the kubeapi-server.yaml with a Kubernetes that is running on Docker Desktop but in a "hacky" way. I've included the explanation below.
For setups that require such reconfigurations, I encourage you to use different solution like for example minikube.
Minikube has a feature that allows you to pass the additional options for the Kubernetes components. You can read more about --extra-config ExtraOption by following this documentation: Docs: Commands: Start
As for the reconfiguration of kube-apiserver.yaml with Docker Desktop
You need to run following command:
docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh
Above command will allow you to run:
vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
This lets you edit the API server configuration. The Pod running kubeapi-server will be restarted with new parameters.
You can check below StackOverflow answers for more reference: Answer: Where are the Docker Desktop for Windows kubelet logs located? Answer: How to change the default nodeport range on Mac (docker-desktop)?
I've used this answer without $ screen command and I was able to reconfigure kubeapi-server on Docker Desktop in Windows

How to use docker with mongo to achieve replication and with opening authentication

I want to use docker run a vm mongodb, at the same time, the mongo configure file use my own defined configure file to archive replication and open authentication.
Scanning some files but don't resolve the problem.
Any ideas?
The docker mongo image has a it calls in the Dockerfile
Check if you can:
create your own image which would create the right user and restart mongo with authentication on: see "umputun/mongo-auth" and its script
or mount a createUser.js script in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d.
See "how to make a mongo docker container with auth"

How to use the "Remote Systems" view in Eclipse to explore a Docker container file system?

The Eclipse Remote Systems view is a great tool to connect to VMs and explore their file systems, currently the following options are available:
First I find out the container IP by running this command:
docker inspect <container> | grep IPAddress | cut -d '"' -f 4
Once I have the IP, I launch the New Connection wizard from the Remote Systems view, I tried to select Linux, SSH only and FTP only and in the Hostname field I paste the container IP, click Finish and the connection seems to be successfully created, now when I try to expand the the Files node it prompts for User and Password, the problem is that I don't have that info, does the user/pass vary from container to container? how can I get this info?
You can just instantiate a container with that image but with a shell so that you can see what usernames are configured on that image.
docker run -it node /bin/bash
You can then configure users, password and do a:
docker commit <image-name> my-node:0.1
Then you can instantiate a new container:
docker run -d -p 80:9080 -p 443:9443 my-node
Is ssh also running in that container? If not you will have to install it into the container so that you can ssh to it.
A docker container only runs a single parent process at a time (on your host machine that parent process is 'init' which runs a bunch of system services). In the case of your node container, that parent process is a node server.
Eclipse connects to a remote machine by connecting to a listener on that machine using some protocol. SSH of FTP, for example. With the docker container, there is no process listening for this connection, so you cannot connect using Eclipse as it is. You have two options...
Use the command line and docker exec to connect to the machine and explore its filesystem. No pretty pictures, but you don't need a lot of knowledge.
Modify your container in some way to connect to it. you have two options here...
A. Modify your image to run an SSH daemon. A simple way to do that is to use the phusion/baseimage container as your parent, and have it spawn both the ssh daemon and the node server. You need to know a good amount about linux sysadmin to get this working (not a lot, but a good amount).
B. Launch a second copy of the container with a different command, such as ssh -d. You can then connect to the second copy. This has the downside that it won't be the same container you're interested in, and you STILL have to modify the image since I doubt the node image even has an ssh daemon installed... but it is less knowledge than wrapping your head around runit.

Docker mongodb - add database on disk to container

I am running Docker on windows and I have a database with some entries on disk at C:\data\db.
I want to add this database to my container. I have tried numerous ways to do this but failed.
I tried: docker run -p 27017:27017 -v //c/data/db:/data/db --name mongodb devops-mongodb
In my dockerfile I have:
RUN mkdir -p /data/db
VOLUME /data/db
But this doesn't add my current database on disk to the container. It creates a fresh /data/db directory and persists the data I add to it.
The docs here under 'Mount a host directory as a data volume' specifically told me to execute the -v //c/data/db:/data/db but this isn't working.
Any ideas?
You're using Boot2Docker (which runs inside a Virtual Machine). Boot2Docker uses VirtualBox guest additions to make directories on your Windows machine available to Docker running inside the Virtual Machine.
By default, only the C:\Users directory (on Windows), or /Users/ directory (on OS X) is shared with the virtual machine. Anything outside those directories is not shared with the Virtual Machine, which results in Docker creating an empty directory at the specified location for the volume.
To share directories outside C:\Users\ with the Virtual Machine, you have to manually configure Boot2Docker to share those. You can find the steps needed in the VirtualBox guest addition section of the README;
If some other path or share is desired, it can be mounted at run time by doing something like:
$ mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 your-other-share-name /some/mount/location
It is also important to note that in the future, the plan is to have any share which is created in VirtualBox with the "automount" flag turned on be mounted during boot at the directory of the share name (ie, a share named home/jsmith would be automounted at /home/jsmith).
Please be aware that using VirtualBox guest additions have a really bad impact on performance (reading/writing to the volume will be really slow). Which could be fine for development, but should be used with caution.