How to use the "Remote Systems" view in Eclipse to explore a Docker container file system? - eclipse

The Eclipse Remote Systems view is a great tool to connect to VMs and explore their file systems, currently the following options are available:
First I find out the container IP by running this command:
docker inspect <container> | grep IPAddress | cut -d '"' -f 4
Once I have the IP, I launch the New Connection wizard from the Remote Systems view, I tried to select Linux, SSH only and FTP only and in the Hostname field I paste the container IP, click Finish and the connection seems to be successfully created, now when I try to expand the the Files node it prompts for User and Password, the problem is that I don't have that info, does the user/pass vary from container to container? how can I get this info?

You can just instantiate a container with that image but with a shell so that you can see what usernames are configured on that image.
docker run -it node /bin/bash
You can then configure users, password and do a:
docker commit <image-name> my-node:0.1
Then you can instantiate a new container:
docker run -d -p 80:9080 -p 443:9443 my-node
Is ssh also running in that container? If not you will have to install it into the container so that you can ssh to it.

A docker container only runs a single parent process at a time (on your host machine that parent process is 'init' which runs a bunch of system services). In the case of your node container, that parent process is a node server.
Eclipse connects to a remote machine by connecting to a listener on that machine using some protocol. SSH of FTP, for example. With the docker container, there is no process listening for this connection, so you cannot connect using Eclipse as it is. You have two options...
Use the command line and docker exec to connect to the machine and explore its filesystem. No pretty pictures, but you don't need a lot of knowledge.
Modify your container in some way to connect to it. you have two options here...
A. Modify your image to run an SSH daemon. A simple way to do that is to use the phusion/baseimage container as your parent, and have it spawn both the ssh daemon and the node server. You need to know a good amount about linux sysadmin to get this working (not a lot, but a good amount).
B. Launch a second copy of the container with a different command, such as ssh -d. You can then connect to the second copy. This has the downside that it won't be the same container you're interested in, and you STILL have to modify the image since I doubt the node image even has an ssh daemon installed... but it is less knowledge than wrapping your head around runit.


I can't enter into the mongo db cli in my docker project

I am learning docker and during my project, i can't enter the mongo db with this command:
mongo -u "username" -p "mypassword"
It throws me this error:
bash: mongo: command not found
I am not sure what the issue is. I have installed the community edition of mongo db and i also tried different terminals but i can't enter the db.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
I assume, you did the following: Create docker-compose.yml as you wrote before. Start docker compose up. This will start a container on your system, having mongodb installed in it. It will not affect your "normal" system outside this container. (You can imagine it as kind of a virtual machine, though it is not really the same.) So, if you did not install mongodb on your local host system as well, the error you encounter is quite explicable.
If you want to access the mongodb running within the container, you have two possibilities:
1. From outside the container (which is the more common use case)
You will have to install mongo on your regular PC (or anywhere you want to access your db from) as well. Then you would issue mongo The 3000 is important as your docker-compose.yml says, mongo is listening on port 3000. Note that you might have to get your network configuration adapted before this works, especially from other PCs, where won't be correct.
2. From within the container
Once your container is started, you can also execute a command inside it, like this: docker exec -it ${container_id} /bin/bash. You'll have to find out the container's ID beforehand, using something like docker-compose ps -q. This will start a bash shell inside the container and "connect" you to it. (If there's no /bin/bash installed in the container, this will not work. Try e. g. /bin/sh instead.) Now your terminal will be inside the container and just be able to use the commands present there. So, to get back to your local PC, don't forget to issue exit.
IMHO, the crucial point is, that the physical PC you are working in front of and the container running inside it are almost completely different systems, connected only by the docker daemon and some virtual network access. You'll have to keep that in mind and decide what you want to do/run inside the container and what to do outside, on the host.
Here is a little further reference that might help you. And this answer is about how to find out your container ID in an automated way. (Assuming that you are running just that one container!)

Run a K3S server in a docker container, and connect a K3S agent in another docker container

I know k3d can do this magically via k3d cluster create myname --token MYTOKEN --agents 1, but I am trying to figure out how to do the most simple version of that 'manually'. I want to create a server something like:
docker run -e K3S_TOKEN=MYTOKEN rancher/k3s:latest server
And connect an agent something like like:
docker run -e K3S_TOKEN=MYTOKEN -e K3S_URL=https://localhost:6443 rancher/k3s:latest agent
Does anyone know what ports need to be forwarded here? How can I set this up? Nearly everything I try, the agent complains about port 6444 already in use, even if I disable as much as possible about the server with any combination of --no-deploy servicelb --disable-agent --no-deploy traefik
Feel free to disable literally everything other than the server and the agent, I'm trying to make this ultra ultra simple, but just butting my head against a wall at the moment. Thanks!
The containers must "see" each other. Docker isolates the networks by default, so "localhost" in your agent container is the agent container itself.
Possible solutions:
Run both containers without network isolation using --net=host, map API port of the server to the host with --port and use the host IP in the agent container or use docker-compose.
A working example for docker-compose is described here:

docker-compose portmapping gives failed to create endpoint hnsCall failed in Win32: The specified port already exists

I have started a new (.net core 3.0)project in Visual Studio, with Docker support (Windows)
I have added Docker support (right-click on project Add->Docker support) and in the same way added Docker compose support.
If I just Click "play-button" for Docker Compose, the project starts everything works well.
But when I run docker-compose up from the solution folder I get
Cannot start service testproj30: failed to create endpoint
testproj30_testproj30_1 on network nat: hnsCall failed in Win32: The
specified port already exists.
(I have closed my VS solution). If I remove the port mapping in docker-compose.override.yaml I dont get this error message. I have dont the most common tricks with restarting docker servce, hni service and so on. Nothing helps.
I dont want to depend on all VS-voodoo from the project file and God knows what other files that are involved.
I can run docker run -p 8080:80 443:443 without any port problems
I fixed a similar problem by removing some terminated container and then pruning networks.
List terminated container :
docker ps -a
Remove them (Cygwin syntax) :
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
You will have error message for runnnig containers.
Clean your networks :
docker network prune
For myself, the main cause was the Docker killing process skiped the port releasing mechanism of my application.

Docker best practice to access host's services

What is best practice to access the host's services within a docker container?
I'd like to access PostgreSQL running on the host within my application which runs in a docker container.
The easiest approach I've found is to use docker container run --net="host" which, based on this answer, behaves as follows:
Such a container will share the network stack with the docker host and from the container point of view, localhost (or will refer to the docker host.
Be aware that any port opened in your docker container would be opened on the docker host. And this without requiring the -p or -P docker run option.
Which does not seem to be best practice since the containers should be isolated from the host.
Other approaches I've found are awking the hosts IP. May this be the way to go?
The best option in this case to treat the host as a remote machine. That way the container will be portable and would not have a strict dependency on network locations when connecting to the database.
In addition to what is mentioned on the drawbacks of using --network=host, this option will tightly couple the container to the host by assuming that the database is found on localhost.
The way to treat the machine as a remote one, is to use standard network constructs such as IP and DNS. Define a new DNS entry for the container that will point to the host where the DB is found using the
--add-host option to docker run.
docker run --add-host db-static:<ip-address-of-host> ...
Then inside the container you connect to the database via db-static

Access docker within container on jenkins slave

my question is basically a combination of Access Docker socket within container and Accessing docker host from (jenkins) docker container
My goal
to run Jenkins fully dockerized including dynamic slaves and being able to create docker-containers within the slaves.
Except for the last part everything is already working thanks to if the Unix-docker-sock is properly exposed to the Jenkins master.
The problem
unlike the slaves which are provisioned dynamically, the master is started via docker-compose and thus has proper access to the UNIX socket.
For the slaves which are spawned dynamically, this approach does not work.
I tried to forward the access to docker like
VOLUME /var/run/docker.sock
VOLUME /var/lib/docker
during building the image. Unfortunately so far I get a Permission denied (socket: /run/docker.sock) when trying to access to docker.sock in the slave which was created like:
The strange thing is: the user in the slave is root.
So why do I not have access to the docker.sock? Or how could I burn in the --privileged flag so that the permission denied problem would go away?
With docker 1.10 a new User namespace is introduced, thus sharing docker.sock isn't enough, as root inside the container isn't root on the host machine anymore.
I recently played with Jenkins container as well, and I wanted to build containers using the host docker engine.
The steps I did are:
Find group id for docker group:
$ id
..... 999(docker)
Run jenkins container with two volumes - one contains the docker client executable, the other shares the docker unix socket. Note how I use --group-add to add the container user to the docker group, to allow access:
docker run --name jenkins -tid -p 8080:8080 --group-add=999 -v /path-to-my-docker-client:/home/jenkins/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jenkins
Tested and found it indeeds work:
docker exec -ti jenkins bash
./docker ps
See more about additional groups here
Another approach would be to use --privileged flag instead of --group-add, yet its better to use avoid it if possible