Connect AWS Athena to Postgres SQL - postgresql

I need to connect AWS Athena (which is binded to AWS s3 bucket) to a Postgres SQL database.
I have tried to connect with Tableau and PowerBI successfully (following the instructions in documentation) and the result was successful.
I think that I need to use the JDBC connector already installed on my machine and try to create a server in Postgres, but I cannot see any option in pgadmin in order to connect AWS athena to the server.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!


Use Terraform on Google Cloud SQL Postgres to create a Replication Slot

Overall I'm trying to create a Datastream Connection to a Postgres database in Cloud SQL.
As I'm trying to configure it all through Terraform, I'm stuck on how I should create a Replication Slot. This guide explains how to do it through the Postgres Client and running SQL commands, but I thought there might be a way to do it in the Terraform configuration directly.
Example SQL that I would like to replicate in Terraform:
If not, does anyone know how to run the Postgres SQL commands against the Cloud SQL database through Terraform?
I have setup the Datastream and Postgres connection for all other parts. I'm expecting that there is a Terraform setting I'm missing or a way to run Postgres commands against the Google Cloud SQL Postgres database.
Unfortunately, there is no terraform resource for specifying a replication slot on a google_sql_database_instance.

Connect Azure PostgreSQL DB From HDinsights

Is there a way where we can connect Azure PostgreSQL DB From HDinsights cluster.
I can see we have an option to have custom metastore when creating HDInsights cluster. But would like to know if there is a way where we can connect Azure PostgreSQL DB From HDinsights cluster (Apart from PostgreSQL JAR) to load some data using spark

RDS Data Source Validation timeout Amazon QuickSight

I am trying to connect an RDS database with postgreSQL engine to Amazon Quicksight in AWS. I have followed the documentation below:
this link is for Manually enabling access to an Amazon RDS instance in a VPC
this link is for connecting an amazon redshift database to quicksight (steps to link RDS are similar to those in the link.
After following these docs and trying to link RDS to quicksight, I was shown the following error:
error picture
Connection timed out. Check Your data source
Please provide suggestions as to how to solve this problem.

Connecting Tableau to Heroku Follower Database

Have created a follower database for a Heroku Postgres DB. I am able to connect to the follower DB by using pgAdmin, no problem.
When I try to connect with Tableau 8.2 Postgres connector using the same credentials, I get "no pg_hba.conf entry for host, user yyyyyyyy, database zzzzzzzz, SSL Off".
As an alternative I tried the Amazon Redshift connector with the same credentials and it works, except for full drill through to underlying data errors out ("Syntax error at or near 7500") or some other line number.
Does anyone know a way to connect to Heroku Follower database with Tableau 8.2 that enables drill through (view underlying data)?
Have you been able to get the Postgres connector to work?
Is there a way to get the Amazon Redshift (or other) connector to work with drill through capabilities?

how to connect redshift cluster using tableau 8.0 desktop

I have downloaded Tabeleau 8.0.1 desktop version. I am able to connect my local postgres database through tableau.
But when I try to connect to the redshift cluster, I am getting an error - invlaid userid /password. I already have passed userid and password correctly. FYI, I am able to connect redshift through sqlworkbench/j, command line prompt (psql) & pgadmin III. And I already have downlaoded the redshift driver as per
However I am not able to connect redshift cluster through tableau.
Amazon Redshift has a direct connect with Tableau. When you start Tableau, please use the Connect to Data option and then choose Amazon Redshift on the left. You'll see the following log-in screen. You shouldn't need to worry about drivers. Also, the Tableau trial version is the full version, so there is no limiting of features.
You can read more here, and watch a video. Also technical details are here. You may want to try version 8.1, which is the most recent version (also has 64 bit)