how to connect redshift cluster using tableau 8.0 desktop - postgresql

I have downloaded Tabeleau 8.0.1 desktop version. I am able to connect my local postgres database through tableau.
But when I try to connect to the redshift cluster, I am getting an error - invlaid userid /password. I already have passed userid and password correctly. FYI, I am able to connect redshift through sqlworkbench/j, command line prompt (psql) & pgadmin III. And I already have downlaoded the redshift driver as per
However I am not able to connect redshift cluster through tableau.

Amazon Redshift has a direct connect with Tableau. When you start Tableau, please use the Connect to Data option and then choose Amazon Redshift on the left. You'll see the following log-in screen. You shouldn't need to worry about drivers. Also, the Tableau trial version is the full version, so there is no limiting of features.
You can read more here, and watch a video. Also technical details are here. You may want to try version 8.1, which is the most recent version (also has 64 bit)


You have specified a database that is not empty, please specify an empty database

I'm trying to connect to an RDS cluster in AWS that's an Aurora PostgreSQL database. It's a brand-new database that I created along with the instances that I have Jira deployed to. However, when I try to connect to the instance from the Jira configuration screen I get this error
You have specified a database that is not empty, please specify an empty database.
I haven't touched this database at all, why is it giving me this error? I have one read and one write database in my cluster and the "hostname" is the endpoint for my write database, which is what the docs say. Could this be an issue with the Jira version I'm using?
This is the download link I'm using in my user-data script to install Jira. I'm also using PostgreSQL version 12.11
I switched to a different PostgreSQL version and now it's working.
PostgreSQL version 12.11 was giving me the error and switching to version 13.7 works as expected.

Connecting to Amazon Redshift in Azure Data Studio via the Postgresql Connector

I've recently joined a company with a mixed set of databases that include a Redshift cluster and some SQL databases. I'd like to use a single IDE to access both for analytical reporting, so I don't have to switch between tools. I'm currently using workbench, which works, but it's not clicking with me.
I do like Azure Data Studio, but it's SQL Server and Postgres only. Given the similarities between Redshift and Postgres, I thought I'd see if I could connect using the Postgres driver.
I've installed the Postgres extension and can "connect" to the database. However when I try to explore the database using the tree view, I get the error message 'Cannot Expand Node'. When I run a simple query that works in workbench, e.g.
Select * from [server].[database].[table]
I get the following Error message:
Started executing query at Line 1
cursors can only be used within the transaction that created them.
Total execution time: 00:00:00.019
I know I'm trying to do something that shouldn't be done. And if I can't, I can't. But has anyone here managed to get a redshift connection going in Azure Data Studio?
FWIW, I've come across a GitHub Repository that may be a Redshift driver for data studio - but this looks like a clone of the Postgres driver, with no activity since march (not even renaming the 'Postgres' titles to Redshift)... and therefore I'm dubious.

How to Connect Mongodb to tableau

We are still in the development phase.
Our req is parse the XML to JSON and store them as flat files in Mongodb
Then for the analysis we want to use tableau.
Part 1 of the req is i need to connect to tableau.
Versions we have are
Mongo 3.2
Tableau 9.1
I have googled and couldn't find any steps to integrate tableau with mongodb.
I also saw Mongodb has released a connector but there is no Windows BI connector.
Now do we need to migrate to Enterprise version for tableau connectivity.
Many thanks for the inputs
Detailed Instructions (for Windows), using localhost server of mongoDB:
1) Installation: Install Tableau, MongoDB, and MongoDB BI Connector for Tableau.
2) From the command prompt, you will want to serve your mongoDB instance as well as the mongoDB_sql server needed to connect to Tableau MongoDB BI Connector. Add mongoDB and mongoDB BI Connector bin's to your system path, for example: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin\ and 2) C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Connector for BI\2.3\bin\.
3) Serve your local mongoDB server. Example command: mongod. (Let's assume it is served on localhost:27017.
4) Create a schema of the database you want Tableau to integrate with. Command to do this: mongodrdl --out <path_that_you_want_to_save_schema_to> /db:<name_of_database>
5) Validate the schema, and serve your local server of mongoDB as an SQL server (Tableau expects this server to be running). Command to do this: mongosqld --schema <path_to_schema> (** this will typically serve to localhost:3307)
6) You can now go to Tableau, under connectors, click on the MongoDB BI Connector, and enter localhost for the server, and 3307 for the port. (assuming in step 5 you have validated that the sql server is running on localhost with port 3307).
I hope this helps, these exact steps worked well for me.
The mongo biconnector is implemented as a multicorn (python) based Foreign Data Wrapper imbedded in the supplied postgresql server. Tools are provided to set up the postgresql "biuser" user, to create the collection to table mappings from data sampling, and to import the resultant schema into postgresql. The postgresql database contains non-materialized views corresponding to the (flattened) mongo collections. Access is through the postgresql server using standard postgresql jdbc/odbc drivers.
I think run mongodb bi connector in docker ubuntu/centos is a choice if the connector does not support windows, and tableau does not support linux, that's a question.
There is an example of create bi connection in with mongosqld
Hope this would work well for your issue
I have described our way connecting to data in MongoDB Community Edition to Tableau. First creat an API to your DB, then Web Data Connector to Tableau (it's HTML and JS files), after you can use WDC Connector in Tableau to connect to your URL.
Here is the detailed description how we did it:

How to enable SSL for postgres connections for Heroku on Tableau Mac version?

There is currently no way to enable SSL connections with a PostgreSQL connection on tableau's 8.2 version for Mac OSX. It used to be that you could create a generic ODBC and turn SSL as described here:
Now there is no ODBC connections and PostgreSQL only has the following options:
Has anyone solved for this problem with the Mac Tableau version with Heroku Postgres?
This may not be a great long term answer, and doesn't answer your exact question, but might be a viable workaround if you haven't considered it:
You can use the Tableau data extract API to connect via SSL, read the info you need and create a Tableau extract. Then you can connect to the extract via a mac, and rerun your program on a schedule to refresh the extract periodically. You may even see a nice performance improvement, at the expense of not reading live up to the minute updates.
Then you can replace the extract connection with a live one, once Tableau improves their PostgreSQL driver to support SSL from macs.

connecting amazon redshift server from tableau server

I have installed Tableau server in my PC. I am trying to connect Amazon Redshift server from tableau server directly like connecting redshift from tableau desktop. I am not found any options for it. Is it possible? and i am using tableau server trail version. Thanks.
Tableau Server is used to store published data connections and workbooks created in Tableau Desktop. Whilst it is possible to edit an existing data connections, it is not possible to create a brand-new data connection on Tableau Server.
When publishing a workbook or data connection that uses Amazon Redshift, make sure that the appropriate driver is installed on the Tableau Server machine (Tableau Support drivers page)