I have problem while running my code in Appium - appium-android

The Error is:
Unable to create a new remote session. Please check the server log for more details. Original error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: JAVA_HOME is not set currently. Please set JAVA_HOME.
but I set JAVA_HOME on .profile

Revisit your bash.profile file and check if you have mentioned JAVA HOME in the right format.
Another way is to add the path /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_201.jdk/Contents/Home in the JAVA_HOME text field in 'Edit Configuration' window in Appium app and try starting the server.
Screenshot below for your reference.


Eclipse IDE won't start

With no specific reason suddenly when I start eclipse it shows the splash screen and then disappers and never starts. After doinng some reasearch and starting it with the command prompt with -clean it says: "An error occurred. See the log file...".
the .log file can be found : here
Thank you
Please check the config.ini file in the configuration folder under eclipse to make sure there is a valid value assigned for eclipse.application and eclipse.product.
You could use the below default values:

Unrecognized VM option 'CMSClassUnloadingEnabledn-J-Xmx2Gn'

I have installed scala, sbt on Mac. When I try to run sbt it gives an error Unrecognized VM option 'CMSClassUnloadingEnabledn-J-Xmx2Gn'. I think there is an issue with JVM but could not find any help for this error.
More error info:
Did you mean '(+/-)CMSClassUnloadingEnabled'?
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
I faced the same issue after I ran the command I ran this command: echo '-J-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled\n-J-Xmx2G\n' >> /usr/local/etc/sbtopts.
It seems the file /usr/local/etc/sbtopts contained both options in same line, separated by \n, i.e. the actual contents of the file were -J-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled\n-J-Xmx2G\n
The solution was to remove \n by editing this file, and pressing enter key instead, so that the contents of file /usr/local/etc/sbtopts look the way David mentioned in his response.
My guess is that the sbt configuration is confused with regards to line breaks and
mangles something like
into one line
On Windows machines, check next settings :
System properties / Advanced / Environment Variables
System variables
2.1. e.g. Maven settings for Java 8 may have this setting which does not work on Java 17, as "CMSClassUnloadingEnabled" is disabled :

New Delimited File Preview error

I am trying to use Talend Open Studio v5.4.1.
When I want to create a new delimited file metadata, I get the following message error:
Failed to generate code.
Preview error. Some settings must be changed.
Note: Preview errors are generally due to a wrong encoding setting.
And I know the problem is not coming from my file setting because I did the same on Talend OS v6 and it worked!
But I have to use the v5.4.1
I tried running it as an administrator but it didn't change anything.
I finally resolved it. The problem is that the v.5.4.1 doesn't support the Java 1.8.
So the solution is to install the JDK/JRE 1.7 and specify the path into Talend.
In my case it was incorrect setting in Preferences/Java/Installed JRes that was the cause of the same error.
I set JRE home to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin (wrong) instead of C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121 (right)

"Errors exist in the active configuration..." Eclipse Dialog when Debugging

An "Errors exist in the active configuration of project X. Proceed with launch?" dialog appears while debugging code in Eclipse. Hitting the "Proceed" button results in successful debugging. There are no apparent errors with the launch configuration. A similar Run Configuration does not generate the error.
This is caused by an invalid path somewhere in your Eclipse project settings. There are a couple common sources for this kind of error.
You're working on a shared (version controlled, copied, etc) project where someone has hardcoded a path that doesn't exist on your machine, or uses an environment variable that you've not set.
Sometimes, you can find the offending path by looking at the full list of Error messages. If not, look in your project file.
The Discovery Options in your project properties has 'Automate discovery of paths and symbols' enabled - but the process is generating an error.
If you're using a version of Eclipse that warns you this option is deprecated, uncheck the option to disable it and fix any includes in 'Preprocessor Include Paths' instead. If not. . .try it anyway.
Depending on your path changes, restart Eclipse and try again.
It starts the executable that was built last before you broke the build. That executable will be older then your source files. The reason you were able to debug is because your line numbers did not change for the code you've debugged - e.g. you may try break in main then introduce a compilation error and move main a couple lines below - the debug will highlight the wrong lines when it stops.

Unknown version for SonarQube server (http://localhost:9000). Please check server is reachable

I Have installed Sonar in my system, and eclipse plugin of the same.
I am following below mentioned steps
Running StartSonar.bat
Going to my project directory where POM.XML is located of my project and run the command
mvn sonar:sonar
Eclipse SonarQuber : Analysis project .
I keep on getting error:
Unknown version for SonarQube server . Please check server is reachable.
And also , sonar analysis is not working from eclipse, I mean if I correct the error indicated by sonar and do sonar analysis again, it shows error at the same.
However if I do it from command prompt it is working fine. Please help me on this issue.
Though it is not a direct ans but still here is what I tried and worked for me.
Check if SONAR server is reachable. Read the question at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20211215 to configure/correct the server connectivity issue. Point to note is providing username and password and testing the connection.
Navigate to your project root pom.xml in command prompt.
firemvn sonar:sonar
Results gets published in http://localhost:9000
The miraculously simple answer for me was:
Go to the sonar server preferences under Window->Preferences->SonarQube->Server
Choose the server and click edit
assuming you have entered the correct username and password (or nothing if the settings on your sonar server are allow anonymous analyzing)
Press test connection
On the top of the window it should state "Successfully connected!" and when you try to analyze the project again the error is gone.
May be a bug in the eclipse plugin.
After starting the sonar server which is installed in ur drive,,,
try to fetch with http://localhost:9000 and
give the test properties "admin" and "admin" as username and password.
It will work